I am not here to fit into your box
To pretend that everything that I fit perfectly into the corners of your life
I am not her to fit into your cookie cutter
Although I am sweet
I am bitter like the taste of a lemon peel
I refuse to let everything that doesn't fit into your box go
Because its not what you wanted
I am not here to fit into your box
Nor am I here to fit into your cookie cutter
I can only fit into the body that I was given
As a gift from the powers that be
I can only hold you close with the hands that I have been given
forgiving them when they don't work in the exact manner that I want them to.
I can only listen to your heart beat with the ears that I have
Although they don't always work they are mine
My hips are a little wider
My shoulders a little weaker
But remember I am not here to fit into your box
I am here to help you break out of yours.