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  Dec 2015 Sydney Vespa
Krusty Aranda
She fell down from the sky,
shrouded in mystery.
Her story a tragedy, unknown to the world.

There she lies before me.
She seems so peaceful.

In her face you can see all her worries have gone.

There she lies before me.
She seems so calm.

People are screaming around her,
but she can't hear a thing.
She is profoundly asleep.
Numbed out of this world;
out of her pain.

There she lies before me.
She seems so beautiful.

She knew where she was going,
and dressed accordingly.
She put on her Sunday best.
She climbed the Empire State Building.
She opened her wings into a new world.

*There she lies before me.
She seems so alive.
  Dec 2015 Sydney Vespa
Krusty Aranda
Do you still feel it?
What we both felt years ago...
because I still do.
  Jun 2015 Sydney Vespa
Danielle Rayn
He thought she would stay
but she was smoke
dancing from his cigarette
entangling herself in his lungs
he could not hold her
she left swiftly and softly
flitting away through his exhale

— The End —