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90 · Jun 2019
Look away from your phone
Look up from your phone
what do you see.
#phone #tell #me
90 · Dec 2018
What people hear
Its hard when you say
Something and everyone else
Hears something different.
90 · Aug 2019
Just another lie
Being over fluttering to me Pretending
You where there for me.
You can't even tell the difference between being hurt and being mad
I was just a pawn.
Even now you smile as the tears
Roll down my eyes.
I don't care how beautiful you think you are, but if your heart is ugly
That makes you the ugly to.
You take pleasure from other peoples
Pain it gives you a high.
I have tried hard to find the good in you but i can't find it.
Sometimes you can try to find the good in people but it doesn't mean you will always find it
#lies #good #tears
90 · Jun 2019
My favourite secret
How do I start this poem?
How do I tell you that I love you?.
Because the bed is burning and my mind is full
Ready to burst.

Your the secret that I love to keep
Waiting on  your message with anticipation.
Feeling my heart beat so hard.
Feeling things words can explain.

Longing to feel you pull me close.
Longing to taste your kiss.
Dreaming of being alone in your arms.
Getting lost in your eyes.

Your more than just a secert
Your my favourite to secert to keep
#secert #kiss #touch
90 · Feb 2020
No longer hiding
Must I hide my sensuality
When it's a beautiful thing
I watch your eyes roll
But you still have no answer for me
I wrote this because I feel like sensuality is something that some people don't like to talk about it and they think it should be hidden
89 · May 2018
the game
Flirting with danger.
Playing with fire.
The temptation is too much.
Calls answered.
The darkness is my cover.
Mine by night.
Gone by morning.
Yes its wrong.
When he calls.
When the night calls.
I am powerless.
The game has us now.
88 · Mar 2020
My dream
A heavy heart.
A mind close to breaking
Been strong for to long
Scared to say no I am not okay
Painting on a fake smile upon my lips Playing the part of the happy clown
Who is never sad when they don't see you crying in the darkness
All they ever see the happy lies you keep telling everyone.
I just wish someone would love
Me as I am and give me wings to fly
And say i will take care of you
Anxiety is really hard to live with and you just want someone be to able look past that and see you
#care #love #wings
88 · Oct 2017
Just look
Look up and you will find me in the rainbow.
Look up and you will find me stars.
Look up and you will find me in the moon.
Look up and you will find me in the sun rise.
Look up and you will find me in the sun set.
We maybe worlds apart.
I am every where you look.
I am in very you song you hear.
I am all around you.
Just look and you will find me.
87 · May 2020
A short lived dream
Lost in
Dreams of you
That never last
87 · Sep 2018
My only relief is sleep.
Where I'm free.
Not hurting or crying.
Living with out fear.
Until morning comes taken it away.
Sleep feels like it is the only time where we are really free
87 · Jan 2020
On a summer's day
He walked out the sea like a Greek god. watching as his wet flawless skin glistened, under the summer sun.
He seduced my mind he touched me with me with words.
Engulfed by desires flames he had my heart, from that moment on.
Captivated by Salacious thoughts.
He had me feeling things only my heart could understand.
Body kisses, neck kisses, breathless bites he made my body tremble.
He gave me a warmth that I've spent a lifetime looking for.
87 · Jun 2020
How do you forget
Her words still linger in my head.
Now she is being the great pretender.
Its all mellow smiles and happy moods until the last puff is taken.

It's hard to forget when someone says
I want to **** myself everyday.
Now today they are full of a high but
It is not on life.

She tells me the **** helps.
But I fear it is doing more damage
Than good.
Because life's problems are put on

Then the bone crushing fall to reality
With a bang happens.
We find out selfs back to the start
A over again.

I can help but wonder.
Am I the bad guy for saying this
Running away does not fix things?.
Am I the bad guy for saying covering
Your ears causes more harm than good.

Day by day as minds become wasted
The more drug dealers win.
87 · Jul 2019
A poets advice.
I must confess I put my pen down not
Sure if I would write poetry again.
Took a step back took time out
Wondered what was next.

Sitting by the water watching as the
World passes me by.
I met a poet who said write what you
Feel not what people want to read.

The greatest poets of our time made
Mistakes and had haters.
Life brings you lovers and haters
But you keep writing.

Never stop doing what you love go home and just listen to your heart.
I met poet who teachs class and we met at the beach and got talking about if I should every write poetry again he was so nice to me we are now friends and I go to his classes he is helping me grow as poet
87 · Apr 2019
Lose your mask
Take the mask off when your
Talking to me.
Let me see the real you
Flaws and all.
Show me the you that no one knows.
#mask #flaws #show#
86 · Mar 2020
The place I don't miss
Blood stained streets.
Buying a ticket for a one way train
Leaving the place I called home
If you saw the Glasgow I knew it would it change your mind
It's the one place where hopes and dreams can't survive
A concert jungle that keeps you trapped if you  allow it
Bags packed sitting on the train waiting for it to leave the station and take me far away from this nightmare.
I was born in Glasgow and I left a year ago to start a new life
86 · Oct 2017
I see faces fading into the past.
I hear the grandfather clocking ticking.
I have tasted bitter sweet fruit.
I smell you sweet lingering scent.
I feel a love only my heart understands.
86 · Apr 2019
The last moment
I remember the first times and all
The beautiful times,
Every emotion felt every tear cried.
The smile on my lips the butterflies
In my stomach.
Its not the first moment that hurts
Its the last moment that hurt.
86 · Jul 2019
Back at it.
Yes I made a mistake wrote a few
Bad poems I want to forget.
Ready to move on picking up my pen
Listening to my heart as it speaks.

Met a poet who helpped me
With some wise words.
Picked up my pen and wrote again.
Started a new poetry class.

Found my way and found my voice
Learned something new.
Found a new love for the poetry
I almost never wrote again.

Now I am back at it with a new
Poetic voice and tone.
My break has done me good and my new
Poetry class has been a good thing for me.
There was one point that I did think about deleting my hp account. but this site has made me feel happy and helped me grow I did missing posting and I am working first
Poetry collection
86 · Jun 2020
My big heart
I stick my foot in it so many times.
I sometimes speak before I think.
I sometimes make mistakes.
Make the wrong call.
Mistake a male poet for a woman
Laying in bed dying with embrassment.
Just know that my heart is in
The right place.
I wrote this after having one of those days where you just get everything wrong
86 · Dec 2017
the camera never lies
But the pictures do.
A picture paints a thousands words and tells a thousands
Lies too.
I worked on this with my friends brother and he wanted to look at pictures and lies I would be happy to hear feed back :)
85 · May 2019
True colours
The more I look at people
The more I see their true colours,
Not all colours are pretty.
#pretty #colours #true
I will never know,
What it feels like to kiss his lips,
And feel my heart race,
When he calls my name.

I will never know,
The feel of his hands dancing
On my skin under the silver moon
Light of midnight.

I will never know,
How feels to wrapped up in his
Soul feeding on each soft moan,
He drops into my mouth.

I will never know,
How it feels to drown in his
Dark blue eyes, and swimming
In the beauty that most people
Never get to see.

They will always be unknown
Pleasures I will never feel,
Yet I still love him bound to him
As if he is my twin flame.
I was inspried by keebo to write last night after reading her poem it just woke my mind up
84 · Jul 2019
I wish
It's late and I should be sleeping,
But the anxious thoughts won't let me.
I try to put a brave face on everything
And smile even when I am hurting.

I don't know why I feel this way or
Why I just feel like crying.
I can't always explain my thought when I don't understand them myself.

It's a beautiful day when all I want to do is just lock myself away.
I wish that I could feel so much different.

I wish the depression and anxiety would set me free.
83 · Jul 2019
It's too late
I came looking for help I got silence
And a cold shoulder.
Watching faces hide behind mask spinning a Web of lies.
In darker times I sat alone without
A hand to hold.
Why come to me now when I don't need you.
83 · Mar 2019
Something to forget.
I can do this with or with out you.
I know you never had my back.
I know you where only using me.

All the lies and stories judging me
Like it was your right.
While I was hurting you took joy
From it.

Now you tell me that your sorry
As if I am meant to believe it.

I am sorry we ever met.
I am sorry that I gave you my time.
I am sorry I let you close to me.

Your not a friend your just someone
To forget.
When your alone and no one wants
To know.

You will never find someone like me.
82 · Mar 2020
Your love letters
Your letters.
Are what guides me through the day
Giving me hope when mines is fading
Watching half broken stars still trying shine
Wishing I was alone in your arms
Counting the days until I see those beautiful
Blue eyes that me make fall all over again
Writing poems by candlight while making you
Live on each line that I write.
#write #candlelight #fall #over
82 · Oct 2018
I am just a problem
I am not sure what to think or
Feel anymore.
Everyone keeps talking like
I am not in the room.
Hiding the pain holding back
The tears.

While they say.
It's just an act.
She needs to snap out of it.
She needs to get up and
Get on with it.
She needs a push.

I wish I was normal.
I wish I didn't feel like this.
I wish that I wasn't so

I wish I wasn't the embarrassment
They see me as.
I wish the suffering in my head
Would stop.
I wish they knew how feels to
Be broken.

None wants to be broken.
None choose to be depressed.
It's feelings you have no control over.

I choose to be alone.
Burying my pain in lines of poems.
Crying where I can't be seen.

Is not an act you can stop.
It's not a feeling you can control.
It's a life long battle.

To me.
I am broken and trying hard to
Be happy and get through
The day.

To everyone else.
It just an act I am nothing more
Than an attention seeker.
I wrote this in the moment while I over heard two of the people I trusted the most talk about my mental health problem. I wrote this to release the pain anxiety and desspression isn't something anyone choose it's not an act either. It's a real thing that's hurts you and ruins your life
82 · Mar 2019
I am not the monster
You never cared about how the sleepless nights affected me.
How the overthinking kills me slowly.

Words that cut deeper than any knife ever could.

My mind is full of painful thoughts I wish that were not mine.
I feel things I wish that I didn't feel at all.

You call me a monster because I fought back.
You created this monster who fought back so who is to blame?.

My bully wasn't in the playground or outside on the street.
My bully was at home.
82 · Feb 2020
A good day in hell
A long deep kiss.
He tastes every word and licks each
Thought that lives in her mind
There's a darkness inside me
That he likes to swim in the power intoxicates her
Dipping her fingers into his soul watching his throat swallow each soft moan
He was what her body craved and she was the fire he wanted burnt by
#fire #desire #burnt #power
82 · Jul 2019
Lustful dream of you
My eyes close and suddenly I am alone
With you in a beautiful dream.
I can't wake up because I want to stay
In this moment with you.
Feeling your lips pressed against mine
Feeling our bodies entwine
Becoming one.
Lost in every inch of a dreamful pleasure words just can't explain.
Wrapped up in your arms my heart is heavy.
Because when morning comes the dream is over.
This is from my very first poetry collection
81 · Feb 2019
Excuses excuses
It always sounds the same
I'll stop tomorrow.
But tomorrow never seems to come.

Watching as heads are buried in
The sand.
Telling yourself it will change.

I have grown tired of the lies and
The never ending excuses.
This problem will never change.

You can't help someone who doesnt
Want to help themself.
The ice is getting thinner and thinner.

You have choose this life.
You have made your bed and now
You can lay in it.
It always make angry when people don't try
To make things better or change there life this was an in moment poem I felt so angry. Change is scary but you can't always keep running because your scared
81 · Feb 2020
The war within
Walking away saying nothing feeling
Like a volcano that's ready to blow.
A long slow conut to ten in the hope this anger will cease to be.

Fire in my veins my blood runs cold
Holding back the gates of fury.
Walking through the halls of hell in
No mood for playing games.

It's nice when the good days come but
You know the bad days will come to.
Watching and waiting trying to be
Ready for when it hits you.

But some how it always catches me off
Guard and I fall apart.
Battling the mixed emotions drowing in my own thoughts.

My war happen deep within
Ands it all hidden with a smile.
80 · Jul 2019
Lonely tears
Your heart is as black as the night sky.
Your eyes are colder than winter.
You let hate consum you.
Your the lonely one who is who crying
Without a hand to hold.
I took inspiration from the ones on my life who have caused so much pain and now. When people see their through them they wonder why they are alone don't allow hate to eat you up. Taking things out on other people doesn't change anything you will be alone

#heart #black #anything #comsum
80 · Aug 2019
Todays society
I stop and stare at what society has become fake faceless and hateful.
Everyone wants a short cut or a quick fix without the hard work.
Basic skills lost the art of conversion is dead, try talking to someone who is lost their phone.
Ipads read the bedtime storise more percious moments lost.
Alexa is used more and more.
Society has made us feel we can't reach out, until we have reached crisis point.
Why don't we do anything for ourselfs anymore?.
Why do we chase perfection when its not real?.
Whats wrong with taking thr mask off a d just being ourselfs.
Wrote this because i was trying to have conversation with my brother and he was to lost in his phone to even listen to a word i now miss the old days before facebook and alexa
80 · Feb 2020
Our minds meet our hearts throb.
Giving into desires burning flames
Your hands on my hips your warm
Whisper that Lingers in my ear
I am lost in this forbidden moment
Naked minds our souls entwine
Each touch fills me with euphoria
Drowining in your eyes
you the lick the deepest parts that
You know so well fireworks are
Bursting in my mind my body
Offers its self to you as if you where a
Greek god going with the flow twitching
Hips shaking bodies I can feel it coming
My back archs and I howl to the moon
The moment is gone and I am left wearing
Nothing but the smile you gave me
80 · Feb 2020
That beautiful moment
I never meant to fall this hard.
In over my head the lust consumes me
Lost in rose-petal day dreams of you
Our eyes meet my heart skips a beat

Running into the black satin darkness
Another secret to keep but I can't douse these flames anymore
Your touch your kiss

Wrapped in the contours of your body
Your lips on my neck loving the way
Your tongue runs through my soul
My heart races brought to my knees

Wanting more begging you not to stop
Watching the fire rage in your eyes
Giving into this lustful moment
An ******* shudder rolls down my spine

Loving the way you always wraps your arms round my tremble body when we are finished.
78 · Apr 2018
no silent night
There's no heart left to break.
There's nothing left to take.
There's no tears left to cry.
There's no happy ending.
There's no silent nights either.
This poem came late at night when I couldn't sleep and i decided to turn a bad mood into something creative.
78 · Jul 2019
Your perfect as you are
Let me tell you one thing.
Your beautiful as you as are.
Your to strong too live hurt.
Please stop chasing one who keeps
Breaking your heart, you
Deserve so much more.
Don't care what strangers think
Care about the ones who love you.
Forget about finding the perfect picture and filter just be yourself.
Refuse to used by anyone.
If your not their first choice then they
Need to be shown the door.
You are enough and you
Deserve someone who wants to
Mend you heart and protect it.
Your special because your one
Of a kind.
You are more than enough.
Sometimes we never feel that we are enough my message in this poem
Is about love your self and forget about living for other people love your self get rid of the people who don't want you to win and grow forget about what strangers thinks they don't matter.
78 · Jul 2019
The last call
Will I pretend to be happy so you
Can feel better?.
How many times have you said
This is last time?.

While everything is a game or an act
We are lift to pick up the pieces.
Beer cans and wine bottles every were
You ask why the angry face.

You say that your an adult you don't
Need told what to do.
Live in a ***** house drink yourself
To death I am past caring.

The day you crossed the line was
When you spit in my face.
I had to write something to get my pain and anger out my brothers boyfriend has a drink problem. When he is not on the drink he is nice but he is nasty when he is on it
And after almost hitting me with a bottle and spiting in my face that was the last straw for me.
78 · Jun 2019
It's how they leave
People will always come into your
Life making you love them.
But it is how they leave that stays with you
#people #life #love #stay
76 · Feb 2020
Days and nights
Lonely nights and dying days.
Moving from day to day
No need to check my phone because
I know what is waiting
The can you help me messages
The where are you messages
Dying inside just that little bit more
Waiting for the light to fade
Darkness brings me comfort and freedom
Those few preicous hours of short
Lived peace
76 · May 2019
Stop and breathe
Why does everything have to
Happen all at once.
Meet the perants settle down before
Rush to have the perfect home start
A family to keep everyone happy.
Why doesn't anyone just slow
Down and just breathe?.
76 · Feb 2020
Tired of you
I have grown tired of you
Sitting a bed catching rust
Never stepping outside
But you complain about how
Bad everything is
You like to feel pain
You don't want to be happy
Your stuck in a nightmare that
Won't end I won't say I told you so
Rolling my eyes because nothing
Ever changes with you
The money never lasts the days are gone in a puff of smoke
There's wine bottle every where
So yes I am tired or you.
I wrote this because it's hard to watch someone who doesn't want to change or try to make life better for them self but they are always happy to ***** and complain about how hard everything is
75 · Jun 2020
Mixed messages.
Smile for the camera.
Pose like your enjoying the moment.
Show teeth but don't show to much.
Talk but don't talk to much.
Saying anything just not what's on
Your mind.
Be anything you want to be
Just don't be you.
Have some of light but you
Can't have it all.
You can be seen just don't be heard.
Look down and not up that's not for
I am doing this to protect you.
It's for your own good.
Ties cut bridges burnt.
Leaving without looking back
Now I can be whatever I choose to be.
I wrote this after cutting all ties with a seriously toxic family member I have been struggling to get out of the dark so I am writing my way out of it.
The closest ones to me never see the
Talented the poet.
They just see the woman with
With a broken mind,
The woman who has no talent,
In their eyes.
They don't say keep writing,
No words of encouragement.
I am not a talented poet,
Just a woman with a broken mind,
Who writes.
#brokenmind #pain #theydont'tcare
74 · Jul 2019
Lost kisses
The crashing waves kisses the shore
Everytime they meet.
Never will there be another touch
That feels as good as yours.
Never will I hear anything as sweet
As your voice in my ear.
Not even the cool summer breeze feel as good as your fingertips on my skin.
I will never love again or give my
Heart to someone else.
72 · Jun 2020
The greatest con man
Let down all my life.
No encouraging words.
Left with a bad taste in my mouth.
You where not the greatest father.
You where the greatest con man.
A slide of hand a well polished lie
Everyone swollwed.
Now all the fathers day reminds
Me of how you where never there.
You knew more about other people's kids than you knew about me.
I wasn't a boy called Stephen.
I was a girl called Stephanie.
But I still wasn't enough for you.
You left me out of everything.
Never once did you buy me a new toy.
Never once did you take me out.
Instead you acted like i was a punching bag.
Something to hit when people didn't
Like you, and could hit my mum
Because it would be hard to explain another black eye.
So I will raise a glass to you.
The worldest greatest con man and
Say thanks for nothing.
Because that's all I ever learn from you.
Feeling numb and empty.
Surrounded by masked faces
I no longer know.
They greet you with a fake smile.

They ask how are you and then
Look their phone.
Not waiting for you to answer.
So i say everything is fine.

Pouring my heart on to blank lines
Of my notebook.
Happy when night come because
I can escape for a while.

The world is falling apart two
Black life's taken.
Yet they tell me to cheer up
That it is not my problem.

We are living in a fake society
Where its okay to live a lie, and
Judge anyone who doesn't fit
Into that mould.

Haven't you notice how every picture
Has a smile that tells a thousand lies.
My friends look at each other and
Say #letstakeaselfie.

Feeling like a paper boat on a lake
Wondering if I belong anywhere.
71 · May 2019
Someone I loved
I let my guard down letting you in.
Believed the dream you sold.
The doubt in my mind gets louder.
I read your messages.
I hear your voice in my dreams but i
Am not sure if it's the real you.
Sometimes I wish that I never answered Your message.
Then I wouldn't feel like this you
Were someone I once loved.
71 · May 2019
The first impression is the
Real impression.
#first #impression #real
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