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70 · May 2019
Don't call me
I have always been the glue that
Kept everything together.
The net could caught ones who fell.
The shoulder that anyone could lean on.

Maybe I don't want to be the glue
That holds everything together.
Maybe I am tired of be the net that caughts people when they fall.
Maybe find another shoulder to lean on.

Because when I needed someone to
Be my glue no one wanted to do it.
When I needed a net to catch me
They let me fall.
When I needed a shoulder to lean
On, there was no shoulder for me
To lean on.

Don't come looking for me because
I won't be there.
Don't text me because I won't text back.
Don't call me because I won't
69 · Oct 2017
Look at the families who are destroyed.
Look at the mother and father who a son or a daughter.
Look at the friend who lost a friend.
Look at the wife who lost her husband.
Look at the husband who lost his wife.
Look at the children who lost a mum or dad.
Guns are not protecting us.
Guns are killings us.
I wrote this one for people in Vegas I feel so bad, for the Lifes lost because of one person sick actions
69 · Feb 2019
What is beautiful?.
Is it a supermodel?.
Is it someone who is thin?.

Can a big girl be beautiful to?.
Aren't all body shape beautiful?.
Will the mirror ever love me?.

Does the mirror only love beautiful
The fat jokes don't hurt anymore I have heard them all.

The thick skin helps with that.
I have red all the books and they don't have the answer.

Is beauty even real.
Because I don't think it is.
It's not me thats ugly.

It's society that is the ugly one.
Beautiful normal and perfect are
Made up words.

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
69 · May 2019
My medicine
Poetry is my medicine
69 · May 2019
Impossble things
How do you stop the rain from falling
And hearts from breaking?.
How many frogs do you have to kiss
Before you find the Prince.
#falling rain #breaking #hearts
#impossble questions
68 · Jan 2020
Dreams of you
I sat amongst the tree's walking from
Dream to dream, finding you in each one.
Wondering what is it that makes me love you.

Why do I always return to your arms in dreams and fantasies?.

Even now as I am alone in the woods my  mind is flooded with thoughts of you. Am I a slave to you and your love?.

Your body haunts my dreams.
Each word touches me so deeply.
Brought to be my knees by your smile.

Stolen dreams and Engulfed in a burn
Desire all started by you.
68 · Mar 2019
Lies lines and wishes
Be careful of the lies you tell
The lines you cross, and the
Wishes you make.
66 · Oct 2017
Thoughts of you
Its 1 am
The wind has gone to sleep watching a candles flame burning away.
Remembering how the sun always shined and we lived for fun
Laughing so hard tears rolled down our cheeks.
Sitting up late into the night time seem to stand still.
Its 2 am
It feels so empty with out you  
The pillows is wet ,from the tears I have cried.
A heart  filled with pain
Can't think anymore.
Your fading into to a dream I am not living anymore
Its getting harder to breath.
Its 3 am
How can I sleep while the bed is burning.
Trying to forget you but can't.
The walls are closing in on me
My mind is spinning.
Your my oxygen I can't breath.
Its 4 am
Falling a sleeping
The candles are burn out
In a dream that feels so real
Feels your touch
It feels so real
Wakes up to find you are no were near me.
Maybe one day you will fade away and my dreams, will fall apart.
66 · Apr 2019
Mixed emotions
My mind is so full of scrumbled
Thoughts and mixed emotions,
That I can't explain.
I am not happy or sad I am
Not up or down.
I just feel so mixed up today
Just a passing thought
#mixed emotions #scrumble #thoughts
65 · Nov 2018
Not support but control.
How do you move on from
The hurt and pain?.
Act like nothing has happened.

Forget the cruel words that can
Never be taken back.
When they still ring in your ears.

Moving on isn't so easy.
Because some things can never be

Saying sorry doesn't change anything.
It doesn't take the pain away.
It's easy to say sorry and never mean it.

I have tried to move on.
Knowing that nothing can be the same.
The trust is broken.

There's no way back from this.
I can't unsee what my eyes have seen.
I see the real you now.

The mask you wear can never hide
What I see now.
You can't see the damage you cause.

You call it support when it is
Really control.
I want to fly you want to bring me down.

You've hurt me too much.
You have went too far this time.
I don't need you now or ever.
I wrote this because I have a fight with my brother I wrote this in the moment as I am into that kind of poetry at the moment. In that moment and time I was feeling hurt and angry.
65 · Dec 2017
Loves call
Is it that I can only think of you.
Your touch your sweet gentle kiss.
The smile that stole my heart.

is it that every road taken bring me back into your arms, where it always feels the safest place to be.

is it that your heart returns my call everytime leaving me wanting and needing you more.
65 · Apr 2019
Should it really matter
Does it really matter if you are
An Instagram poet?.
If a poem makes someone smile
Or touches someone, isn't
That a good thing?.
I wrote this because it doesn't matter how work is shared, or were it is shared if a poem touches someone that's a good thing.

#instagrampoet #doesitmatter
62 · May 2019
Happy ending
I am tired being the cinderella
Without the Prince.
Never being the one watching
Everyone being happy.
The one closest to me just see
Me as the one, just see me
At the one who keeps everything working.
Why can't I have my happy ending?.
Why can't I have light shine on me?.
60 · Jan 2020
Hungry souls
Two hungry souls collide under a black satan sky.
One kiss turns to a forbidden moment.  a long slow linger touch.
He made her feel alive.
His venmon in her veins.
Pulling her close stealing the air
From her lips,
Setting her free feeling each move she made.
Her body tingled consume by desires
Hungry flame.
Each deep ****** had her begging for more of him.
He knew how to push her buttons.
He how to waken her emotions.
He knew how to make her cry.
Unzipping her inner core he touched her deeper than any man ever could.
Fingers in her hair he reminded her he reminded her how it felt to be alive.
59 · Jan 2020
Done with the game
Each tick of the clock gets louder.
Needed to get your face out of my head.
Tested and tormented every time.
The infatuated thoughts fill my head.

Why do you keep doing this to me?.
Bring me to my knees just for fun.
My pain is your thrill and you love it.
Sleep brings me no peace.

Tossing and turning.
Some things should never be rekindled.
Some love needs to die.
Why can't you just let these feelings die.

Your an infatuation.
Your the torment I am sick of feeling.
This maybe a game of chess.
But I am done playing.

Just go and forget me forever.
Don't look for me in someone else.
57 · Jan 2020
When midnight comes
He inavded my dreams stealing each one seducing my mind.
I stood watching him in the shower
His dripping wet skin glistened.
My heart fluttered my mind filled with
Salacious thoughts.
He knew I was watching him he let
Me watch and dream.
Tempting me teasing me dropping his towel his towel he pulled me close.
Stealing the air from the lips tongues
Teased breathless bites.
One taste of his lemon drops kisses
Had me wanting more.
Each touch brought me to my knees
Wrapped round his finger.
Grasping the sheets his touch was like
An arrow of delight.
He knew how to make me scream and cry with Pleasure.
Leaving me breathless and speechless.
54 · Apr 2019
My pain is your pleasure
Everytime I find the light
You turn it out and,
The pain all starts again.
53 · Jan 2020
These forbidden feelings
I never wanted to melt in his arms.
To be submerged in mixed emotions.
Engulfed by passion consumed by lust.
A burning wish a hidden desire.
Lost in dreams keeping secrets.
Longing to feel his lips on my neck.
Longing to feel each soft touch.
His wild whispers in my ear ****** my mind.
I know these feelings are wrong.
I know they are forbidden.
But I can't get him out of my head.

— The End —