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  Aug 2014 stargirl
heather leather
The thing is that I don’t know
I don’t know if I’ll ever find somebody who will understand me and forever love me
I don’t know if I’ll end up having my own family and if I’ll live in the big white house with the picket fence

I don’t know if I even want that
I don’t know if I’ll end up an author or a therapist or a doctor
I don’t know if I’m okay, and to be honest I don’t even know the definition of okay
I don’t know if I’m a good friend; I don’t know if I deserve good friends
I don’t know if anything I do impacts anyone and I don’t know why I think and feel this way
I don’t know if I’m going to stop writing all of a sudden and delete this

I am very confused because I. Don’t. Know.
I don’t know if I even have the right to know or if this stuff is reserved for the future
I don’t know if I love or if I don’t and I don’t know what I’ll do if yes, it turns out that I do love.
I just don’t know
I don’t know so many things and I don’t know how I feel about that
I don’t know if I’ll ever live down my regrets and I don’t know if this confusion will ever end

I don’t know if I’m beautiful or even remotely pretty
I don’t know if my friends and parents only say this as an obligation
I don’t know why it matters if I’m pretty or not
I don’t know why I’m so insecure so many times
I don’t know why people who are beautiful say they aren't
I don’t know why I’m thinking so much about what I don’t know
I. Don’t. Know. So. Many. Things.

And I’m okay with that.
  Aug 2014 stargirl
Javaria Waseem
(The clock is ticking, tick tock tick tock)
He returns from office, It was a bad day
He throws his files on the table
As he loosens the ties, exhausted.

(The T.V is not working again)
He smashes the remote against the wall
And collapses on the sofa,
His eyes are now closed.

(The water starts boiling)
She turns the stove off
And rushes to the t.v lounge
As she hears the shattering sound.

After wiping her face with the corner of her shirt
She manages to put on a smile weakly.
"Hey darling. Welcome back home
The dinner is also almost ready."

(The bulb starts flickering)
He opens his eyes staring at it.
He curses aloud as she stands waiting for a reply
Then he lights up a cigarette.

He puffs for a while and
Asks what's for dinner
She is frightened to upset him,
She starts to stammer.

"I asked what's for ******* dinner!?"
"Boiled vegetables and steak, dear."
"I told you to cook rice for me ******
How hard was it to remember!?"

Tears fill her eyes as he curses again
She pleads for him to stop
But he holds her by the arm
And kicks her out of the house.

(The T.V is now working again)
(And the flickering of the bulb has also stopped.)
No one is there to blame anymore
(The clock ticks, tick tock tick tock.)
  Aug 2014 stargirl
Drifton A Way
You are my one absolute favorite drug.

If you were a beer, I"d most definitely chug.

I need you like a purple dinosaur needs a hug.

I"ll pour you in my mug, even fill up a to go jug.

If you happened to be a bottle of wine
I"d savor each and every single last sip
A tribute to every grape on your vine
Head rush with each touch of the lip
I"ll be all yours, won"t you be all mine
Come with me and journey on this trip
Be my shade from the bright sunshine
Whisper till you blush, I gave you a tip
Breezy Hair blowing looking so finely divine
Preceding a gush,got me on an IV drip

Now Let me be your cocktail
You can make me extra stiff
Hand me the keys to your jail
Paint the walls like a hieroglyph
Blindfolded, your body's my Braille
Using your scent, I catch a whiff
Night"s coffin about to receive a nail
As you reach the precipice of the cliff

Let us propose a toast with champagne
That roller coaster ride was so insane
So cheers to us, and all we have to gain
May the years be kind and free of pain
And tears only be artificial from rain
No fears, we"re all on the same train
So may our time never be taken in vain
The way I feel, words, can never explain
Even though words can never explain.. You can't fault a guy for trying.
  Aug 2014 stargirl
It's funny because
I loved you and
you always told me that
you loved me too,
but now it's her house you show up
unannounced at, just to surprise her.
So now I'm sitting here laughing
because I've realized that I am the
punchline to your favorite joke.

- R.H.
stargirl Aug 2014
if i were held captive in a room
with anything i have ever loved,
and was told that i
had to pick one thing,
and one thing only,
to pour every ounce of my love into,
i'd choose you.

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