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 Nov 2013 Spelz
Elizabeth Squires
her sweet lavender perfume
attracted his attention
he was drawn to the woman
who wore this bouquet
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Matt Morgan
I'm slow to the boil and takes a lot to **** me off.

WARNING: Stop reading if you dislike vents.

A truth we all know but WONT discuss IS race relations in America *****!!
How did it come to all this open bigotry and so many stupid racist comments?
****** shame that my race still don't get that ALL people are created equal.
Maybe other regions get it but not my area with it's tons of racists.
In my area people believe all blacks lie, steal, cheat, live in ghettos,
black is the wrong race and white is always right and superior. BULL!!!
I will never be ignorant and speak ignorance like I hear in my area
"Ship them back to Africa their homeland!"  
Wake up! Africa is everybody's motherland!!!  
My dander is up because stupid racist bogus flagged a video of a friend.
Not bad enough they call venues so the lady can't get a local gig or they
posted bogus mugshots of convicts on Craigslist faking it was her.....
ATTENTION people from Northern Michigan: YOU PEOPLE NEED TO
****** she's proving she doesn't need Northern Michigan to get her music heard?
Calling venue to get her fired and lose jobs didn't stop her from singing.
You can't flag this and to remove like you did on Craigslist.
I stopped posting on Craigslist after all the **** talk about my friend.
She got targeted by ignorant racist assuming ALL black women are like the
Kerry Washington's character on Scandal. Betty's not a bed hopper and
she doesn't ***** around with married men. I can't speak for Kerry Washington.
Betty doesn't speak ghetto talk as my area calls it and she's not like the stereotypes
racist paint all blacks to be. Blew their minds that Betty's a hell of a lot smarter than
them and she's not lazy, ignorant or the N word they love calling blacks.
Fed up with the racism in my area, Northern Michigan and the nation.
****** because anonymous ignorant went to Youtube and flagged my friend
Betty Ponder's new G-rated video for inappropriate content and got it removed.
Inappropriate content my ***!
 Nov 2013 Spelz
 Nov 2013 Spelz
He sees me in the mirror
sigh and fidget with my hair,
rolls his eyes and laughs at me
" i dont know why you care".

He tells me that my smile
Could bring a grown man to his knees
That in all his years of searching ;
None had eyes like these .

He says he loves my tiny feet
And that im pretty when i cry ;
He says that im a stubburn *****;
But loves the reasons why.

He tells me that my laughter
Sounds like an angels song;
And every time he hears it
He wants to sing along .

"Stop fussin in the mirror,
I'll remind you every day ,
your perfectly imperfect
and that's how you should stay. "
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Elizabeth Squires
She'll receive a reception of disdain
In a month her freezing winds shall arrive
The thermometer taking a big dive
We'll be captive to her very cold refrain
Winter's unwelcome vetch o'er our land mass
The countryside touched by her iciness
For she is a very bitter gelid lass
We'll stay inside to shelter from her lash
No warming sunlight rays within our sight  
Many hours of her severe frigid morass
Everything yokes in a nasty sash
The season of winter shall not delight
 Nov 2013 Spelz
used to see nothing but you
every time i walked outside
used to think of nothing but you
whenever 'our song' played
used to write about you
but hell, still i do
because i miss you
and how it used to be
we were once side by side
now we're barely here at all
the day i got lost in your love
was the day i lost myself
my self-respect, my pride
you became my world
you became my earth
you became a part
of my tragic heart
changed my outlook
on how i saw life
gave me a reason
to always smile
you made me happy
happier than i had ever been
and i became dependant
on our connection
as a source of inspiration
to keep going
to keep believing
to keep myself
from falling
worst thing is
it's all changed
we aren't us
this isn't you
this isn't me
we aren't a team
like we used to be
and it hurts so much
because i thought
true love conquered all
but unfortunately
love was my downfall
© sinderella.

we had something so perfect. i miss it.
trying to move on, even though i really can't.
there's something about you that is magnetic.
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
How come some people catch a breeze
That blows through simple life
While others watch it all pass by
Seated on the train of strife

I was handed that train ticket
A ride that never seems to end
Boarding the day of my birth
The day hell grabbed hold my hand

Family always tells me I am worthless
In fact they tell me all the time
Guess they feel the need to remind me
In case it ever escapes my mind

Leave it to your family
To beat up any joyful time
Must think if they're not happy with their own lives
Why should I be happy with mine

Next time the train pulls into the station
I'm jumping off this line
And catching that breeze that's always blown by me
Leaving this train of strife behind
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
This Day
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
This is the day
We've been given

This is the day
To remember

This day
Live it like children

This day
Treat it gently

For there will never be
Another day like this
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