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two hands,
reach and hold,
entwine, reassure...

the eyes meet,
speak without words...

hearts beat
in one rhythm...
beating faster,
breath upon breath
two lips
press upon each other,
intense kisses ensuing...

in a huddled language,
toes, touching...

two bodies,
sharing warmth,
sharing love,
sharing moments sublime...
immeasurable bliss,
~~~d i v i n e~~~

(October 21, 2013 ...3:30 AM)



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Jan 2014 soul in torment
The silence is interlaced with notes.
Phantom notes that don't exist and yet are as real.
Colorless and yet shining in the most awe-inspiring light.
I rise with one
and there is another to catch me like a trapeze artist
before i sore again.
so in tune.
I feel detached from Time.
I used to wonder whether -
time is the proof of my existence
Or my existence the proof for Time?
But the cynic in me is now drunk in tranquility.
Yet i try to bind this experience in trivial modes of expression.
I have felt this before and am feeling it now,
My consciousness stretched across time;
a sphere that surrounds me.
In this state I AM -  
creation and obliteration;
order and chaos;
knowledge and ignorance;
reality and imagination;
bound and liberated;
the experience and the observer;
here and everywhere;
and NOT.
the blues,
eventually, the song
will end, inevitabily it will;
making way for sunnier tunes,
life's cycles that bring my sadness can be counted on 
to bring my hope... my ever reminder
that life, like the earth, is not flat
and doesn't revolve
Post script.

there are days, sometimes whole seasons,
i must remind myself every moment...
"it's not about you, Steve, it's really not about you!"

(and yes, i do love blues... and jazz!! :)
The Frustration Is driving me insane
I thought you was Abel turned out to be Cain.
Sometimes I want to push you in front of a train but
that would be to easy these days seem so much the same
Patience is a virtue yes I'm frustrated and may hurt you
only to feel bad because the human in me hurts too
My quest for happiness is like a trek to find the end of a rainbow
I've lost my light and my path I don't know which way to go.
Seems a lot of people would like to see me fail and
well I've done just that and somehow avoided jail
It's a wonder I'm still alive seems it's not my time to die
I bottle up emotions and at random moments I cry.
Used, abandoned, No one came to pay my ransom
Now damaged, unrepairable, but still somewhat handsome
Life threw me a fastball and I struck out a few times
my days are filled with lust No wonder I learned to rhyme
trying to climb my way out of my hole hoping this may be my gold
I haven't accomplished much of anything at 23 years old
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of non sense
but it has brought me not one cents and
I'm actually in debt for sharing my two cents.
My life is like a comedy I, myself laugh maniacally
at one point someone thought I was inspiring.
I try and stay optimistic hoping to ease this stress
as I feel the rope tightening around my neck.
The lightning bolts my only hope the reason I log on
if you didn't give me strength there's no way I could write on...
Thank you to everyone for your support and love
it goes along way.
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