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 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
Tana Young
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
Tana Young
My eyelids are folding over my body
As I roll into my flesh bed
I dream, and I dream of you
I bury the dream
And I wake up underground
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
The Adversary
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
I am the beast
I steal your dreams
I make you mediocre
I get you to blend in
Because my world is colorless

I am the beast
I give you a job
I numb you down
I put you on hold
And in the slaughter line
I watch you suffer speachlessly

I am the beast
Cold and unknown, yet a beast
I live in all of you
I speak through all of you
And in your betterfelt sickness
You think you can shun me
But I live in everything
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
Bottled up
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
All these bottled up feelings
I've been trying to hide for years
Were trying to release
But how can I, if there's no more tears?
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
My least favorite animal would be:
Humans - but especially me.
I’d greet the end of the human race.
And point a gun toward my face.
And pull the trigger - so you’d know -
I’m capable of doing so.
I’d hang myself from a dead ol’ tree,
So that would be the end of me.
I’d blow myself up for no reward,
I’d burn alive or swallow a sword.
You see, I thought the sloth was the dumbest beast.
The most pointless animal, at the very least.
As slowly clinging to a tree,
most die in lifeless apathy.
(Because the rush of finding food,
Is pushed back by the urge to move).
But even sloths make habitats
for little creatures on their backs,
Yes, hardly useful - but more so than I -
So for a sloth to live, I’d gladly die.

The stupidity of human kind
Is that we’re all too dumb and blind.
We’re not important – not a bit –
just good at trying to reason it;
It’s really hard to not be scared
of losing everything life has shared.tu
Dying – that’s what frightens most,
That final eviction from life’s post.
While some believe their worth is measured.
Their souls live on, in heaven, treasured.
Reality is just a curse.
And humanity is by far the worst.
There is no superior tinker -
apparent to the deeper thinker -
That not a God could there exist,
When children die and he resists.
Not a very loving sell:
“love me back or burn in hell.”
life is meaningless, as It seems to me,
pondering in one-of-billions of galaxies.
On an average rocky planet that orbits a star,
And hosts the most evil creatures by far.

We skip the parts that disagree.
With our personal philosophies.
Life is governed by the tax
of being born and paying back
to the corporation we are chained,
and most are happy – they don’t complain.
They work, have kids, and all the rest.
They convince themselves they’re not depressed.
Through trying to see good in other folk.
Or putting faith in some fancy joke.
I hate this world. And all its greed.
There is no good in any deed.
Even goodness has a price attached:
The “You scratch mine, I’ll scratch yours back.”
But beauty is not too hard to find,
for those of us who are inclined,
To run from what has boxed our brains,
To flee the greed, to throw the chains,
and look up into outer space,
and know that we are out of place.
One day our atoms will journey there,
and be free as petals in the autumn air.
life humanity animal stupidity heaven god philosophy personal greed hate love
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
Vanessa Ponce
A goddess in design,
Ain't no way she wasn't going to shine.

She continued to see the light,
With her face held upright.
Even when the world told her,
the future wasn't that bright.

But she couldn't let them win,
So she responded with a grin,  
I believe from within.

You wouldn't be able to bring me down for a goddess has no bounds.

3rd poem of mine
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
The Five
 Oct 2013 Sonny Day
During the night
my hands start their
journey creeping across my
bed looking for you
reaching out into the void
hoping to God that you were there
They are searching
for your warmth
and those familiar curves
of your silhouette
They've been aching
and longing for
for a lifetime
but all they find
is that vast empty space
of darkness
where I last
misplaced my heart

very far away.
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