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 Jan 2017 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
i'm gonna call my grandma more
pet stranger's dogs
i'm gonna be more confident
and conquer some old fears
write every day
and learn how to cook

i'm gonna talk to new people
try to kick *** in school
i'm gonna paint something silly
and read more
maybe find some new purpose
and finally get over you
I'll climb a thousand hills,
stumble on every rock,
fall on my knees and,
fight myself to stand back up,

I'll hitch a flight,
on your dust,
across the milky way,
and wonder if,
you even know,
I'm heading in your direction,
Despite your solar wind.

You'll turn back and say no,
No, no, no, no,
So many times.
And I won't hate you for any of them.
I'll just shake my head and smile.
I'll follow your presence,
till the ends of time,
I won't hide myself,
Alone, anymore.

I'm nothing, nothing,
All humans are just,
But for you I'll be something.
I'll be myself and I'll find,
The place I belong,
At your side.
 Aug 2014 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
Forever is a long time
Without you by my side
Best friends turned enemies
Hatred where there was once love
Its a sad thing, when a relationship dies

But sometimes things just don't work out
And you can find better friends than me
But I hope somewhere, deep down
You understand what you lost
When you walked away from here
The flickering light of the lantern’s flame
lays lightly upon the lingering stream.
I do not know where the water leads,
but I’ll drink my fill till the aches subside.
The moss grows rampant among the trees
in this mighty forest that eyes have forgot.
And still I sit, watching it grow
until the words in the songs of birds grow clear.
The heartbeat of the soil slowly churns
beneath my bunions and well-traversed heels.
The sky won’t fall, so I have time to wait.
Just like the ferry, tethered to the old dying walnut.
 Jul 2014 Sonia T
E. E. Cummings
 Jul 2014 Sonia T
E. E. Cummings
If freckles were lovely, and day was night,
And measles were nice and a lie warn’t a lie,
Life would be delight,—
But things couldn’t go right
For in such a sad plight
I wouldn’t be I.

If earth was heaven and now was hence,
And past was present, and false was true,
There might be some sense
But I’d be in suspense
For on such a pretense
You wouldn’t be you.

If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee
Things would seem fair,—
Yet they’d all despair,
For if here was there
We wouldn’t be we.
If it's Opposite Day,
wouldn't it not be Opposite Day?
 Feb 2014 Sonia T
Daniel Kenneth
Honest moments are born
In the predawn stillness of the night
Tearful confessions whispered
Into the nook of one's neck
Smoke drifting lazily towards the ceiling
While the candle flickers in the background
Dancing and dancing all of the pain away
Oh, dear Alice,
Dressed in blue,
Ready to be undressed, if only you knew,
Little girl little girl,
In guise of a woman,
here is what I offer you...

Fall down this well,
oh down my decrepit path,
Dark dark dark,
You wont know which way is up,
But you know youll be falling down,
Down deeper deeper,
As my smile burns Cheshire,
Oh, sweet Alice,
The pleasure I'll give,
As you lose your mind,
Will be so intoxicating hence with,
You wont remember your once stubborn self,
That hid yourself from men.

Instead now, you will exist only for me,
And you will know what it is to be happy,
True freedom lying in complete submission,
To me,
The rabbit,
Who is late for a very important date.
So you best chase after,
And hope, that I await,
You at the bottom of the hole,
To catch you.
And I will.
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