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Somewhatdamaged Oct 2018
Filled with regret and so ashamed.
Wasn't my mistake still I am to blame.
Feels like I'm trapped in a box,
with no doors and windows,
Really hate this feeling,
This ******* *****!
It haunts me, your memories!
Everywhere like a shadow!
No matter how hard I ******* run,
It hunts me down!
Coz love is a fire,
I don't wanna burn in it!
Yeah maybe it was my fault,
But I don't wanna burn in it!
Somewhatdamaged Oct 2018
Lost in the mist, can't see a thing.
Battling with the monsters, seems I cannot win.
Running from the shadows, No I cannot give in.
They're scratching on my back and I can't resist.

With no clear vision, How far can I run?
But with demons on my tail, there's no way I can hide.
Exhausted and baffled, seems I cannot undo what's already been done,
With no hope, all I can do is stand here, petrified!

They stared at me with all the rage and agony,
I begged to them, to spare me with mercy and sanity.
I admitted my guilt, as my last hope,
Then they offered me a sight through a periscope.

At last there I was, In the room full of mirrors.
Now I know what's going on, they helped me see things clearer.
All the demons raging were only in my head,
But the conflicts were real and everyone else paid instead!

Nothing was same, never will it ever be.
Though came out a better man as the world shall see.
Still I will have to pay for my consequences,
Or else I will end up in misery.
Nothing was the same, though I hope better it will be.

— The End —