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Gymnossienne Aug 2014
Etched on your palms
Were thousands of my love letters
Traced along your line of heart
was the secret language of my soul

In your hands I found
the warmth that embraced my cold ones
The tender silence you offered
when the world was too busy to listen

And now,
As pieces of you start to fade away
Your hands remain….
The phantom limbs that hold me fast still.
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
Empty mug
Mute Cellphone
Another Mute Cellphone
Faint Buzz of Old Fan

In this silence...
A hollowed soul tries to decipher
the meaning of doubt
And uncertainties of mind

What are we?
Somewhere along this line
And the three hours distance
Have blurred the real intention

The heart that's never trained to believe
Unable to trust the promises made
Is like the weathervane
Changing directions as the wind wishes
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
It's too early to say love
Like the untimely snow in the early October
The leaves just changed to red and gold
Too soon to be burdened by the snow

It's too early to say love
To be entangled in the unfamiliar feelings
I only feel strangled by your affection
Lies pile in exchange for a second to breathe
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
or plain bitterness?
I strangely can't remember
The remnants of what had come to past
still ripping me apart

The faintest scent lingers
The scent I'd love to hate, hate to love
It's no longer a person that I miss
But pieces that remind me of who you were

A moment too short is a moment still
The memory had found its way to be kept
Hidden in the universe of my thoughts
Who knows when the smallest thing would trigger
The agony...the complacency...the bittersweet
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
Memories of you never fade away…
Sounds of your songs never melt from my heart
I wish you good bye as the feeling sinking deep
My heart beats along the rhythm of gentle rain

No more sad story please
No more of saying I’m sorry
I let go as the dream of you passed me by
My steps waltzing over the rain drops

The orange sun is mellowing the day
Four Seasons must have separated our ways
We dance our own way to extraordinary days
I let go… Good Bye… I really don’t want to cry…
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
When the earth was still asleep in its wintry slumber
You were waltzing away on the streets of the floating city
Celebrating a farewell to flesh in merriment and guise

Yet the smileless bauta you wore could not shelter
The eyes of a dreamer that had been deprived of vivacity
Painstakingly embracing the seconds that paved the way to demise

Gripping the hands of your mourning lover
You were dancing once more to the waltz of sleeping beauty
Out of breath, you joined the earth with your unbroken smile
Gymnossienne Jul 2014
Di perjalanan yang kau dan aku tempuh
Mencari makna tentang kata kita
Di tengah semarak laskar kuning menggemuruh
Romantika ganjil antara dua pasang mata

Masih banyak petualangan yang menanti
Ekspedisi kupu-kupu atau jelajah taman satwa
Di atas bis ini kau dan aku temukan teman sejati
Layaknya anak kecil, bersama tertawa

Bait-bait ini mungkin tak mengandung arti
Bagi mereka yang tak pernah mengalami
Baik-baik kau simpan rahasia ini dalam hati
Begitupun aku, jauh di selubuk memori
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