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Solaces Jul 2023
The artifacts were sent back to myself from a place of memory and rememberence. I could not tell at first that these were artifacts sent to me from myself.  They were everday simple things. The first one was a small compact mirror my mother owned. I use to reflect sunlight with the mirror and follow the beam of light with my eyes as it travelled through space and time.

The second artifact was a red rock I found in our back yard. It had this crimson like color no other rock had in the area it seemed.  I held the rock as I layed in my bed one evening seeing the planet I found.

The final artifact was a circular thick crystal lens. My brother and I found this lens inside an old abandoned house next to my grandmothers house.  When held close to a light you could see the spinning galaxies within this universe.

Earlier versions of myself sent these artifacts to the present to show me in the now that it was possible to see the universe from within. That a planet can be held in a hand. And that light can be captured.
  Mar 2023 Solaces
Molten wax
on candlesticks
there my head
for you my sweet,
keeps me awake
while your beauty sleeps,
are we dead men living
under the torment
of a captor's keep
for a honeycomb
laced with nectars
bitter weep.
Solaces Mar 2023
The morning glow sings its chorus to the verse of darkness.
I jump on my bike and ride toward the forest.
I cut through the trails at the speed of light.
Lightning surrounds me and I move through time.

I am above the clouds waring the cloak of a star.
I move through the twilight sky near and far.
I see myself below as I see myself beyond.
With only one of me knowing how all this corresponds.

I reach the outer rims of our galaxy.
Where shadows of angels view their transcalency.
I pass through the veil beyond what is all.
And find the being playing with the universe emotions enthralled.
Solaces Aug 2022
The songs do it for me.  
Tones of yesterday remind me today..
Sunlit Sepia days on the baseball field..

Riding our bikes to nowhere..
As the Sepia day turns into Rose color fade..
We knew we had to be home before dark..

The street lights with rust glow lead us home..
My brother and I ride together..
No words, just the ride..
Solaces Aug 2022
I awoke to a circle shaped chamber made out of some kind of rock and golden wood. My bare feet touched the golden wood floor and my senses activated with delight.

A golden like fine sand kissed the bottoms of my feet with a dreamlike sensation of walking on a heavenly beach.

The rock walls seem more natural.  Felt a bit wet to the touch.  But nonetheless natural.  

Very strange creatures also occupied this Circle chamber in the rock.  

A Peculiar like body orbited the entire circle chamber .  It had long silver white hair and a very small head with green glowing eyes.

Then to the right of me a Mantis like creature with yellow eyes stood so still I  could not tell if it was a statue or a lifeform.  It finally revealed that very answer when it blinked its eyes.  

In front of me on the other side of the circle chamber was a cluster of bubbles and lights.  The bubbles moved about chasing the small little lights like a train.  Never did they pop.

And finally a familiar view but altogether beautiful.  A woman with flowing red hair and deep fiery brown eyes made contact with me.  

Neither of us could speak. But we were still able to hear each others voices somehow.  

We both had the same questions.  

And we both did not have the answers.  

The Mantis like creature then spoke to us in a series of hisses we somehow understood..

It said. "  Welcome to the Boardwalk across the universe."
Solaces Jul 2022
Tones and sounds.
Organized in such a way they create music..

Songs heard through darkness and light..

Tangents and pathways..
Transparent clusters of thoughts and emotions...

Actions viewed through the porthole of the universe...

New stars and galaxies..
And the full dreams of undisturbed sleep..

Galactic access to infinite wonders..

Eyes open and mind set.
I ask myself. " Which is the dream?"
Solaces Jul 2022
I wake up with you in this glade, so misplaced.
Up on our feet now we feel the wind so full of life and grace.
We walk into these endless trees, oh what lies beyond this place?

The light it leads us beyond these trees what do you see?

Upon our face lies this great kingdom of the clouds.
So high this place we are today just look around.
And see this place, this grand new place, an empyrean kingdom.
Come walk with me, into these gates, let's see these sacred bounds.

Oh pass these gates we see a town, there are people all around.
And in their way knights with swords at bay, guard this sacred place.
Adorned in silver and golden plates, they wield skylight blades.

The light it brought us here to this place.

Upon our face lies this great kingdom of the clouds.
So high this place we are today just look around.
And see this place, this grand new place, an empyrean kindom.
Come walk with me, into these gates, let's see these sacred bounds.

Oh come live with me in this Grand Azure fantasy.

When I woke with you in that glade I knew their was something.
Beyond those trees that we, had never seen.
It's not Heaven or Hell, but a world a little like our own.

This empyrean kingdom showed us our way
this day.
Away from our world upon the ground and away, from the coming dark.
We'll be back to reclaim it one day, oh yes we will.
But until then we'll wait here in this, empyrean kingdom.

So blue.
My son wrote these lyrics. So awesome. Here is the song he wrote for them.
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