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 May 2014 Madison
They took away his pen and paper,
took away his speech,
so its really not his fault,
that his skin became his dairy.
 May 2014 Madison
Oh Ashton,
You make even the darkest parts of me smile.
Even though you will never notice me,
you make it worth the while.

Oh Ashton,
Pound those drums Hard,
Sing your heart out,
dont worry,
ill keep gaurd.

Oh Ashton,
I wish you good Luck,
I watch you at the  bottom,
Now you've made your way to the top.
AshtonIrwin. 5sos
 May 2014 Madison
 May 2014 Madison
Why must the wind,
blow so cold?
Why must the day,
always grow old?
Why must my friends,
ditch dunk and leave me?
Why must my fears,
try and try to consume the?
Why must music,
be my only escape?
why must my looks,
be recorded on tape?
Why can't I leave,
this place you all call "Home"?
Why can't I disapear,
the feelings deep, to the bone.
I want to be gone,
but something always fights.
I want to be there, not here,
but my mind wont take flight.
So i sing,
i draw,
i write these simple poems,
and put up with this foul place,
you all call "Home"
 May 2014 Madison
I am
 May 2014 Madison
I am Authentic,
I am Beautiful,
I am Charming,
I am Delicate,
I am Elegant,
I am Faithful,
I am Gifted,
I am Honorable,
I am Idealistic,
I am Jolly,
I am Kindly,
I am Liberal,
I am Moody,
I am Neat,
I am Octavious,
I am Persistant,
I am Quaint,
I am Responsive,
I am Shy,
I am Thrifty,
I am not U,
I am Violent,
I am Wonderful,
I am X- pensive.
I am Youthful
I am Zilliant.

I am Me.
i know some of the last ones arent words but yeap
 May 2014 Madison
A beautiful voice,
for a beautiful boy,
who plays with a beautiful band.

A beautiful Choice,
caused a beautiful joy
that made a beautiful band.

A beautiful Song,
with beautiful lyrics,
that makes the beautiful boy smile,
so threw the hate on that beautiful boy,
he decided to stay awhile.

Now, four years later,
that beautiful boy still smiles,
Though he has been threw it all,
he still is a  beautiful Niall.
Niall Horan, I love you.
 May 2014 Madison
Zayn Malik,
Zayn Malik,
Is too perfect for this world.

He is kind,
and gentle,
and sweet.

Zayn Malik ,
Zayn Malik,
You dont have to worry.

Because even though you are too perfect,
your perfection makes my life complete.
 May 2014 Madison
Liam Payne,
or should I say Pain
because thats all you cause me.

You make my heart flutter,
When you sing,
its heart to believe,
your not butter.

I know, your not Daddy Direction anymore,
but sometimes, I still wish,
that while on tour, you would still do more,
of your childish  punishments.

I miss the old you,
yes I do.
But i like the new you,

Beanies, that read Hype
that makes this hard to type,
and even that **** Stuble
I might as well stop now,
you know,
I might get my self in trouble.
 May 2014 Madison
Once, a wise creature told me,
some are worth melting for,
but his story was long and tired some,
the emotion i gave him,
ment this was a bore.

The old man, who saved his wifes life,
the one that always opens the door,
The one who cares for all no matter who they are,
He is worth melting for.

The young mother, around 17 or 18,
Who picks up trash at the park, cleaning the core,
Ah, yes her?
She is worth melting for.

The young man, 20, who plays with a band,
gave three thousand dollars to the homeless man,
the one that makes me smile, the one that opened the door;
He is worth melting for.

Now not everyone is worth all the melting and sorrow;
Especially people who dont return what they borrow.
Not the man who abused his kids,
Not the woman who sold her daughter for the highest bids.
Not the man, who killed his own wife,
Not the women, who faught with a knife.

All those people,
all those ****** glores,
But never mind those people,
You are worth Melting for.
:) Have a good day.

— The End —