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Jun 2024 · 87
Who Asked This Question?
Skyy Blu Jun 2024
How would, I describe myself? I would like to think that, I'm caring, kind, understanding, giving, respectful, responsible, God-Fearing, strong, open-minded, and a good person...but honestly, I'm broken, brokenhearted, cast down but not out, shattered-and-tossed to the four winds, a light that has lost it's brightness, a cause without a purpose, a song without a melody, the truth-holding unto a lie, hope-deferred, a wounded warrior, misunderstood-and-mishandled, abandoned-and-mislead, strength covered in weakness, lonely but not alone, poured out...with nothing left to give, a shadow walker looking for a reason to live, divine-and-human, fearless but not free,  an eagle with broken wings, looking-hoping-wanting..... for someone. Someone, to truly love me. Who, Asked this question?! Someone, Who truly, wants to get to know the real me!
Jun 2024 · 66
Your Shoes
Skyy Blu Jun 2024
You wouldn't believe that I'm wearing your shoes, your house shoes; the white ones that feel like you're walking on clouds. They were the last ones, you would ever wear. You liked them but not as much as you liked your blue ones. I wanted to feel close to you or feel you close ; maybe I just wanted to walk in your shoes, whatever the reason I'm overwhelmed with thoughts of you. I can see you walking in these shoes....with your slow-hurry, hands in mines--- smiling as if, all was well and all, we had was time; I can feel the warmth of you, I can see the God in you, I can hear the beating of your heart, more than that, I can see the readiness in your eyes... I don't want to... I try to shield myself against it; I try to make you want to stay...I plead with God, give me more time with you...and He does but you're ready. You're ready to go to Him and He's ready to receive you. Memories of you are running down my eyes again but it's okay....I'm wearing your shoes and right now, I believe that I'm going to be alright. You're with God and He's  with me....I believe as I'm wearing your shoes. I believe as I'm wearing your shoes.
Jan 2024 · 101
You Saved Me!
Skyy Blu Jan 2024
Momma had an addiction and she had me... at 12 she said these words candidly girl you're beautiful, smart, and fine, and I thank God for making you mine! I love you...God knows that ,  It's true but there's somethig that, I need you to do! He, Who would be first was simply the worst.... He broke me-- took my body and soul...left me bleeding, naked, and cold crying on a concrete floor... Momma covered me with ***** sheets.... said ,that I done good and the cycle repeats. The next one took my mouth  a warm surprise, and the next took my hips and thighs; did things to my body that, my heart despised. The next took the very essence of me.... looking into my eyes.... he said--- that, He loved me! Words, I'd never heard before.... at my breaking never more. I remember, standing on the bridge about to give my all..... when  I heard a voice that, said-- I'll catch you when you fall....You saved me Lord.... saved me from it all... gave me new life and made me your own.... You Saved Me! Nova St.Paul
Sep 2023 · 243
More Then You!
Skyy Blu Sep 2023
I loved you when I didn't know what love was.... I loved you when I didn't love myself. You made me feel like there was only else. You made me love you beyond myself...had me thinking-- you loved me the same.... I was thinking about taking your last  name; . Then,  He came and everythng changed, the way you touched me, the way you called out me name--- when we would do our thing.... made me think that, maybe you wanted him more then me. I was into him too but I told myself.... not more then you! I loved you so... you loved him more.... I love him too.... and he loved me more then he loved you; We've been together for ten years now, three minus one equals two... I find myself loving him now more then you!
Sep 2023 · 116
I'm Dying!
Skyy Blu Sep 2023
I'm's been like this for awhile now...I've grown,  good at hiding my pain behind my smile. I cry tears that no-one can see, I scream out in anguish--- wow-it's tired of being strong, just wanna be free-- just wanna be allowed to be me. I'm dying.... bleeding on the inside... wanting to cry out... but can't abandon my pride; I'm a lion not a lamb;  gotta be strong... no-matter what... Oh-****! I never saw it coming, had no-time to prepare, mother-sister...why did you leave me there? Abandon, Eventhough you sent me back home.... I felt rejected and all alome. Mother-Sister, Why! Did you bring me home.... you never loved me the way you loved the other's.... I felt like a slave put aslide and left alone. Yea! You said that, You loved me but I couldn't tell.... it's okay --- I'm doing well. I've survived the abuse, the misuse, and the rest I want tell.... I love you mother-mother and I wish you well. I forgave you a long time ago.... that's why I can be here,  for you whatever-comes-or-go.Sister-Mother, I forgive you too, it's been hard but I have truely forgiven you. I'm dying, but now I'm dying to live, dying to love, and dying to forgive. Yea! I'm dying to live.
Sep 2023 · 98
Enough For You
Skyy Blu Sep 2023
Empty, Lying on the floor....crying don't leave- but honestly can't take much more. Make me cry then make me moan, make me smile then rub me wrong; give me roses'll never hurt me again... by nights end we're in the mix again. Trying to run but not wanting to be free, wishing-- praying that, one day you'll love me. Black-and-Blue, I have no shame, love me hard , and I'll call out your name. I would crawl for miles in the sun or rain, I would take a bullet; I'd do anything, to keep you from harm or pain. Some, Say, I'm crazy....Some, Say, I'm a fool.... Thing-Is, I don't wanna live without you.  I know that, I could but I don't want to...I love us enough and I love me... enough for you. Enough For You!
May 2020 · 227
Still The Silence
Skyy Blu May 2020
Can you teach me--- How to still the silence, when it's so loud I can hear it in the deepest parts of me. Can you teach me, How to give voice to my funk and sway my blues away? Can you?
May 2020 · 191
Where I Belong
Skyy Blu May 2020
In the beauty of your smile, In the kindness of your eyes, In the silence of your soul, In the peace of your spirit, and in the glory of your where I belong.
May 2020 · 173
Strengthens When Weak
Skyy Blu May 2020
It's not everyday you meet someone, who sees you beyond your flaws, and still stay with you-- open their wings to you. Who, Excepts you as you are and strengthen  you when--- you are weak!
Feb 2020 · 185
A Thousand More
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
She: I humble myself before you.... all that I want--all that I am....I find in you.   He: I feel as though, I've loved you for a thousand lifetimes....and I am prepared to love you, for a thousand more! For-Me, You are my always-and-forever...You are my now and forever-more. I feel I've loved you for a thousand lifetimes, and I pray for a thousand more. I want a thousand  lifetimes.
Feb 2020 · 142
I'm Afraid Of Loving You!
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
I want you heaven knows--- that I do but, I'm afraid--- I'm afraid of loving you. I'm afraid of sharing my colors with's taken me a lifetime to get here but, I wanna be naked before you. I want you heaven knows..... that I do but; I'm afraid of loving you!
Feb 2020 · 193
Not Your Ex
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
I'm not your ex.... if, you step to me--- better come correct.... I'm so much more---- I could be the life you've been waiting for! I'm not your ex..... step to me---  with respect.... bring-respect and respect you'll get.  I'm gonna build you up..... help you obtain your dreams.... Love you down easy---- make you whole---- give you peace...... walk in your soul. I will be one with you---- you become one with me..... All-That, We imagine.... through prayer-- we will be. I'll hold you down.... walk in the rain for you... I'd crawl a mile just to pull you through whatever that, was binding you. All, I ask is that you do the same for me..... we've both been hurt---- and I stand,  to bring you into my free..... My wings I open for you.. Find rest inside of me--- allow me to rest in you. Don't fall back on me--- I'd never fall back on you. I'm not them...... They did things.... I'd never do. I'm not your ex!
Feb 2020 · 143
Beyond Myself
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
Remembering a time--- I loved beyond myself. It was a time so long ago, a time when innocence was real and pure..... When a man's word was his bond.... and people loved genuinely from the heart. Those, Days seem so long ago.... so another lifetime and I'm just remembering. Remembering, When all of the adults neighbors on your street---- had the right given to them by your parents to give you a beat-down; if they saw you out there acting-the- fool.... being-the-clown---- unknowingly letting your parents down. They, Would pull you aside in love---- bust your ***-just cause .... and take you home---- tell your parents and from there it was on! It was truly a village and they loved you like their own. I'm, Remembering a time---- I loved beyond myself....... It seems like it was so long ago--- so another lifetime.
Feb 2020 · 103
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
My body baby--- I yield to you.... come have your way.... whatever, You want--- I'm willing to do....Insatiable.... My-Body, When it comes to you.Whatever, You want---- Do-To-Me....and I'll- Do-The-Same-To-You, Insatiable, My-Body--- When it comes to you. You wanna do it to me... and I wanna do it to you too--- No-Roles..... Insatiable--- My-Body.... When it comes to you..... When it comes to you!
Feb 2020 · 119
Love's Good!
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
Love is good.... When the one you love---- Loves you back. Love is good... When the one you  love--- has your back.... no-matter-what! Love is good... When the one that you love..... Loves you back---- No-Matter-What...... No-Matter-What!
Feb 2020 · 115
Even Through
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
Art has a way of speaking.... even through the silence.
Feb 2020 · 123
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
I open my wings to you....don't leave me out in the cold... Love-Me... Body-and-Soul...For, To you-- I give my all over-and-over....and over-again.... Body-and-Soul.
Feb 2020 · 127
Skyy Blu Feb 2020
I want someone to see me--- beyond my flesh or what they want me to be. I just want someone to take the time and truly get to know me--- emotionally, spiritually, personally, beyond my flesh: know my humanity. I just want---- Somebody- Someone-Who....takes the time to know me.
Jan 2020 · 123
Already Here
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
Not looking for someone to complete me.... I'm already whole-- just wanna find someone, who can add to what's already here..... yeah-- add to what's already here!
Jan 2020 · 112
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
I want more than just your body.... I want to make love to your intellect--go- down on your intelligence..... be aroused by the essence of you, find myself in the realness of you..... loose all of me-- in the whole of you. I want more than just your body...I want all that you are, and all that you ever will be. Forever-And-Always.... I want more than just your body---- Forever- and-Always!
Jan 2020 · 125
The Truth--or A Fool!
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
For out of the abundance of the heart, The mouth speaketh! Whatever's, In your heart you will speak. I'm, Just waiting to see, if you're the truth or a fool!
Jan 2020 · 109
Looking In The Mirror
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
Looking in the mirror.... it's getting clearer to see--- I can make-it.... without we! Looking in the mirror....It's all clearer---I'm, Ready to be free... I' m-Ready, to be free! Looking In The Mirror!
Jan 2020 · 129
Our Need
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
Our need to love is just as important as our desire to be loved.
Jan 2020 · 121
I'm Way-To-Good-At-Goodbye
Skyy Blu Jan 2020
Don't get it twisted..... I'll never chase you-- if, you wanna leave.... I'm way to good at goodbye. Won't, Try to stop you...if, you wanna leave... won't shed a tear--- why! Should-I, If, You don't wanna be here? Don't get it twisted.....don't get me confused....If, You wanna leave, no-way will I grieve. I'm way to good at goodbye..... I'M Way-To-Good-At-Goodbye!
Dec 2019 · 189
I Like Pink
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
I tried to tell you---- that we liked the same things! I'm sorry, you like pink and so do I, I didn't mean to hurt you but honestly to you I didn't lie. I told you upfront that, I know you like pink--- but so do I. I love the get-down-between pink and I..... and if, you're cool with it you can be my guy.You like pink..... and so do I! Lets go beyond *** or sexuality... and give love a try for you and I. You like pink and so do I.... lets drop the labels and give love a try...... You like pink and so do I!
Dec 2019 · 148
Someone Like You
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
You make me feel like,  I've never been in love before. I've been in love--- but never with someone, who makes me feel the way that you do. You free me and make me believe again.... in love. All that, Love is! You-Make, Me feel like... I've never been in love before.... what it is--- is that, I've never been in love with someone like you. Real-Talk, You have never been down with anyone like- me, I'm your wholeness..... and you be my free. Never-Been- Down.... With Someone Like Me!
Dec 2019 · 197
Have Your Back.
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
The only thing that matters is.... I will always have your back. Whatever, the case might be,  I'm down for you for an eternity. Always-and-Forever... it's you and me. I will always have your back..... so you never need to wonder you know exactly where I be...... right by your side, now and throughout eternity. The only thing that matters is..... I will always have your back...... point-blank-period.
Dec 2019 · 114
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
I'm everyday. What i want is simple.... I want..... forever!
Skyy Blu Dec 2019
We don't have to take our clothes off-- to have a good time. I won't ask to see yours so don't ask to see mine.  It's about evolution so lets evolve.  Free your mind and the rest will follow.
Nov 2019 · 197
To Light
Skyy Blu Nov 2019
Words like to hide is shadows.... but actions always brings them to light!
Nov 2019 · 197
Skyy Blu Nov 2019
Flowers-We- Grow-In-Concrete. Strong and Fragile, Beautiful and Brilliant, Soft and Warm.... Built to Survive....Born to Thrive.....Planted to Rise....Amazing before our eyes! We are flowers and we grow in concrete. Flowers!
Sep 2019 · 147
Glamorous Life
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
The Glamorous Life without love it ain't much! Someone said, What's- Love, got to do with it? Today, The way people go.... I can honestly say nothing. No-One, Loves anymore it's all about meaningless ***, hookups, and nothing-ever-after! A bunch of lonely, empty, hurting, lost, confused, simple-minded people, using their bodies as holes with no meaning. We all need the glamorous life.... Without- Love--- It ain't much!
Sep 2019 · 128
It Is What It Is
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
It-Is-What-It-Is..... Your actions speaks a whole lot louder than your words and your actions don't lie. You can say that you love me all day long--- but if all you do is treat me wrong---what am I to believe? I might forget what you say to me--- on the regular but I will never forget how you made or make me feel. Your actions are the real representation of you, who you are.... all that you are! They speak the good, bad, ugly, and even the indifference of you. It-Is-What-It-Is.....
Sep 2019 · 178
Roll- UP-On-This
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
Roll-Up-On-This.... It belongs to you. You don't have to window shop this it's yours. Come-Get-It.... All-Night-Long---- Nothing this good could ever be wrong. Roll-Up-On-It.... Make-It, Your own....Lets sweat... Lets moan..... Roll-Up-On-This.... All-Night-Long!
Sep 2019 · 153
Til Love Falls
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
Love.... I've fallen for you more than once.... I've been  been broken by you--served like hell: I've been misunderstood  by you: put down, misused, and even abused. Yet, I still come back to you...doesn't matter what you do--- I still show-up: all to you. This time I feel you close.... not like before: I feel like now I'm ready---and you know what for. Love, If- You're- Listening-This-Time....I'm not going to push but I will wait....wait until you fall for me! I'm going to wait til love falls for me. Til Love Falls.
Sep 2019 · 141
Something Close To Freedom
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
I'll tell you what--- Freedom is to me--- No Fear- No Fear.... of theses and more. No fear of being my different authentic self, No fear of being hated or even killed, because of the color of my skin, No fear of being hated and or mistreated because of my ****** orientation, No fear of being discriminated against because of my ***, age, religion, or fundamental beliefs: No fear of living my best life without judgment..... That Would Be Something Close To Freedom!
Sep 2019 · 191
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
Come-Away-With-Me....Lets kiss so deeply that, I find myself in you and you loose yourself in me. Come-Away... With-Me, Lets find what we've been looking for.... I'll be heaven-- I'll give you joy.... down for whatever--- I'm--Ya-Boi! Come-Come... Come-Away-With-Me, Lets make history.... You-Plus- Me.... put it on eternity.Come-Away With Me.
Sep 2019 · 122
Let Love
Skyy Blu Sep 2019
Let Love.... Give-Us-Our-Free. You don't have to agree with how I live.... I only ask that, you allow me to live in peace. God will separate the goats from the sheep. Love-and-Let- Live.... For God is Love and he that, Loveth is born of God... He that loveth not, knowth not God for God is love.Love covers a multitude of sins.... Let freedom ring.... let love be the song that,our hearts sing.Let-Love.... Give-Us-Our-Free...let Love.
Aug 2019 · 150
Check Mate
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
I hate you! From, The look in your eyes--- To the bitter-sweet words you choke out. I hate you and everything   you're about.. The way your hands caress my frame... Leaning in close to whisper my name. I hate that, I can never.... Never love you again. How, I thought we would last a lifetime....An eternity. I hate how now you've decided that can never be...I hate you and all that, you've done to me.Bewitched-My-Mind, With thoughts of you--Cursed my soul with your witches brew.I hate that I love you more now....than I use to. When I dream at night it's never a dream come true....I hate that, I hate myself more than I hate you. You hate... me I hate you...For all of the things that, you put me through. I gave heart... Soul... *** .... you.You ******* me literally--- slapped me... Played with my blue. My-Blue, That rained for only you. I spread my wings just to be cut by you. You drink me deeply.... Swallowed me whole. Played with my intellect, Straight- ******* my soul--- Yet, You hate me! That, Can't be true---Just last night---I received all of you. You came into my intellect--- Seized my soul....******* my mental....Made me your own.You say--You love me but that's, not true---I hate you more: Bout time you knew....My flowers are yours....your horn I've already blew--You hate me but I hate you too! Where do we go from what I ask of you.
Aug 2019 · 107
White Heat
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
Icicle limbs... Frostbitten lips, Tell-Me--- If, This darkness is as good as it gets? No-One, Said, It would last a lifetime.... I truly thought it would be hasty..... Simply because this defeated, broken-down-mind has been going crazy. Tell-Me, If, the abyss is any deeper than this?I've searched through my vision and I thought my vision, was a view but I've come to realize that, my vision was not in view..... Icicle palaces---- hate- be you! Rain and then there's sun.... I've born my soul... Your flesh has won. You drink me like water-- My tears are dew.... but I'm so tired of yielding to you. Tell-Me, If-- Anything about us was true! Antarctic shoulders that you gave... put me in this despair---I now call me grave. You chew me and spit me out... bits-and-pieces of my heart ---on the floor. Glaciers become my feet...... in this terrible white heat.
Aug 2019 · 158
On The Rooftop
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
Meet me on the rooftop... come make me your own.... make me cream and I'll make you moan. Go-Deep and Go-Long.... I'll let you taste be Gin.... I be Patron.I'll take your bass make your moans falsetto.... no-one has ever gotten me wetter. Meet-Me, On the rooftop come lets explore..... whatever, gets-you-off....I'll do and more! I have no-hang-ups... I won't hide the freak...I'll make your bass-- falsetto....straight moaning for me.Meet-Me....Meet-Me... On The Rooftop.
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
When you're with the right one....all that you were missing-- you find in them..... all that they ever wanted, they find in you! Plural is two that, becomes one....One heart beating in the chest of two; One rhythm they flow in, but neither ever knew. When you're with the right one....they can hear the words that, you can't find away to say... they can feel your hurt that's, to deep to convey. They find you when, you're missing yourself---- and love you through your brokenness.....building you up and speaking life---  that gives you health. When you're with the right one...all that you were missing you find in them....all that they ever wanted they find in you. Free-Falling, No nets.... when it's real... when it'd true. Plural is two that, becomes one...always and shade or in sun.....One heart beating in the chest of two---you become all they ever wanted.... all they ever knew. When You're With The Right One!
Aug 2019 · 123
Be True
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
You call me a freak because.... I'm about reaching your peak. I'm beyond what you originally thought... way beyond what your moms thought or your dad taught....I'm the one hidden in you...The freak that, you have embraced but never new. Whatever you want to do---I make possible to you....I'm the depth you never knew...the part of you that's alive and true.... whatever-whatever---I be true,
Aug 2019 · 169
Like The Blues
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
Play me like the blues.... take me to the moon... ride me like crazy---make me your baby. Relax, in my being... flow in my emotions... Love-Me-Beyond-Yourself: see you with no-one else.... forever and a lifetime. Play-Me-Like-The-Blues.... I be yours and you be mine....Forever, and a lifetime..... Play-Me-Like-The-Blues!
Aug 2019 · 140
My Taboo
Skyy Blu Aug 2019
I'm broken and you're broken too; maybe it's your brokenness that leads me to you. I don't know what I want---yet, all I think about is you....are you the forbidden fruit or just my taboo? I can't tell...all that I thought was real---Changed, when I meet you. You like frilly things and I like them on you.... You like the truth... honestly to me the truth is you!How could something that, seems so right be so wrong, in the over-view? I'm broken and you're broken too;maybe it's your brokenness that, lead me to you.I'm not sure....all that I know is that: I'm spent... . all in  and it's because of you.I don't know if, it's really wrong or just taboo.... all I know is that, I'm in love with you: my forbidden fruit... my taboo ... now-until-forever... I will love you.My Taboo.
Jul 2019 · 138
Let Me See
Skyy Blu Jul 2019
I'm not afraid.... I'm wide open. Let, Me see inside---- Let, Me see beneath your beautiful  tonight---I wanna love all that, You are. Let-Me, See beneath your beautiful tonight and always. Hold-Me.... and Let Me See.
Jul 2019 · 126
Skyy Blu Jul 2019
Intimacy...... Real intimacy can't be shared with everyone..... Some people won't get it no-matter what: They, Simply won't understand--- Who, You truly are! Intimacy..... Is being able to be naked before someone.......naked with your clothes on and your soul bare. Most, Can't find you there..... You can't have true  intimacy with everyone.
Skyy Blu Jul 2019
From-One--Black-Man-To-Another......IT cost us nothing to lift up each other. Lets, Be about positive change and reinforcement for we are our brothers keeper. Lets, Show  the world how to love us by loving, supporting, encouraging, caring-for, and speaking life into one another. Brother-To-Brother.
Jul 2019 · 178
Bottom Line
Skyy Blu Jul 2019
Bottom Line......The way you react matters more than you know.... Never-Let, Anyone bring you down to a negative place or make you respond out of character .You are greater then that! Bottom Line.
Jul 2019 · 117
How We Got Over
Skyy Blu Jul 2019
I can work with this..... can you----Boi, you send me! That's what she said'! I'm down with you--- Let's, Let it do what it do.... I'm all about- building with you! That's-What, He said! The-Rest-Is-History...... How WE Got Over!
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