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You pretty little two-faced backstabbing *****,
Your a lier a **** a ***** and a snitch.
I wish I had never met your shriveled heart and  darkened soul,
Or someone would throw you down an endless empty hole.
Now on you I will waste no more time,
So this is the end of my ******* rhyme!
.............­..........April Fools *******.........................
I'm so blessed to have you in my life,
You ease a lot of my pain and strife.
You make me laugh that soul filled kind.
At times it's as though we're of one mind.
I know you'll be there where all else fails,
You'll stick by my side as if we cannot bail.
It doesn't matter what our trials should ever be
I know I've got you and you've got me.
I'll love you till the end of time.
Our friendship is simply sublime!
The sun I think is beautiful,
Rays come home.
The ocean I think is stretched,
Waves reach the shore.
The sky I think is endless,
Raindrops pour down.

Your arms are that home,
That shore,
That land which can soak me.
Forever, for eternity,
I will return to you,
Once should you call...
 May 2016 Skipping Stones

Driving by,
lost on a side street
directly in the middle
of where I never wanted to be

Clamoring at the expectations
strewn along the curb
between the broken dishwasher
and empty beer cans

Where neighborhood gnomes
painted gaily colors
wave as if they know me,
but I ignore them – sort of

There is one though
with a hollow bookish smile
that seems familiar
or is it the tulips

A wooden staircase,
worn planks in a grey stain
lead to an entrance where an ornate
metal light fixture sways in the breeze

Your porch used to look like that
but this door is standing open
behind a welcome mat with a clover,
wish I hadn’t lost that rabbit’s foot

Maybe I am lucky after all,
just found a spot with ten minutes
remaining on the meter, forget it,
it took me fifteen minutes to park

The empty passenger seat
still holds your form,
at least I can see it -
Corinthian leather never forgets

A speed bump at 40 mph
rattles me back behind the wheel
when I see the bank clock flashes 5:00 pm,
still offering a free toaster

And that’s it, another Sunday afternoon
wasted as much as I am,
spinning my wheels
with just enough gas to get back home,

So I haven't had time
To read many prose and rhymes
Sneaking pretty words like drugs
From all the **** poem writing thugs
Hide up under the bar
I've only read two so far
Work is cutting in to my addiction
Reading and writing, my affliction
Maybe I can hide in the storage closet
That gives me time to write one comment
Jotting rhymes on my arm
Who said poetry didn't cause harm
Its my obsession
This is my confession
I cannot hide it anymore
I recognise I'm a poem *****
I go from one poem to another
"Feeling" them up like a lover
Then on to the next
For more word ***
Yep, I'm a ******-poemac
Addicted to poetry crack
Your pretty words are my drugs
And you **** poets are the poem writing thugs
I wished for you,
On a winters falling star
I wasn't waiting for it
It just shot
Clear across the sky
Then faded to nothingness
As all things do
It took a second for me to realise
What I'd just seen
I've seen so few
Never bothered to wish on any
I didn't wish for money or fame
I wished for you

My eyes squeezed shut
Then right out loud,
I wished for you
It was so cold that night
The star had come from the dark
Leaping out of the night sky
With your name on it

I kind of got my wish
You see, I didn't wish for your love
Only for you
And with YOU
Came tears, loneliness,

Next time I wish,
I wont wish on a falling star
Because they are dying
Leaping from eternity
My next wish
Will be on a living,
Twinkling star
Staying firmly in place,
Shining brightly
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
Death comes for a poet

With a plume of smoke rising

From a quill, pen, computer key.

When we write in love or hate

We have no choice in the path we follow

For all roads lead to home.

Whether you leave this plane

With the wealth of a nation

Or in poverty

In fame or deep obscurity

The real tragedy

Is that no-one gets to enjoy immortality.

Our saving grace is that we are the few

Who truly get to write

Our own elegy.

We are the few capable

Of surviving death and time.

Alas we may never see

Our elegy bloom,

Rise to become our eulogy.
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