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Sir B Jul 2013
Don't lie down
Not right now
Not in the snow
Because it will eat

It will make you dream
And show you possibilities

But we still have ways to go,
So get up..
Inspiration from the book "Night" by Elie Weisel
Sir B Apr 2013
You know you are better than that.
Just because you heard it from your "ex" doesnt mean it's true

Come on! You know that you aren't a loser
You know you can deal with stuff

You are a good runner,
One of the best.

Yet you feel sad at something so stupid!?
So small?!

Dont let yourself down,
Because even if you do.

There are your bff's to talk to
Maggie dont be sad. It's not good to be sad.
Sir B Mar 2014
we have to be the light and burn
and help others burn
and show them the way
because sometimes
we are their last matchstick
and they are stuck in a cave,
unable to find their way out
we should help them out
and be their light in their times of duress

because sometimes
we have to burn away
to let others prosper
and often times
they will credit you for it
for being their last resort
and also for being their light out of the tunnel

But, they will miss you
for you were the last one
and now if they go back in the cave
then they can help someone else
who is lost there
but will not be able to get out of it
because you were their last hope
and now you are
not the best, don't even know what i was thinking when I was lighting a matchsick. Anyways, here's a poem, have a good day and enjoy the one less hour of sleep. :(
Sir B Jul 2013
You wanna know who I saw today?
I saw two people in a convertible
Girl and Boy
Of course
and it reminded me of myself
Not the part where hate came in
But the part where love was strong

It gave me a futuristic vision
That we would be like that
You on the shotgun seat
Me driving down
Flooring the accelerator
Just zooming past everyone
And skipping our college classes

All of my imagination
Running wild
Due to free time and music
Dreaming and sleeping
For the dream being so pleasant

Thank you
For being present
In my life for a brief part
It still gave me hope
To look forward everyday
Thank you

*I do hope
To see you
Later in life
When you do love me
With your whole heart
Just a hope.. But what is there to not hope for? Doesn't hurt trying..
Sir B Jun 2013
Still awake..
Watching videos and doing my thing
Then the memories come flooding back
Making me relieved
And giving me more hope
That this century of humanity isn't going to blow
Each other up
And also reminding me
To love everyday
And everything
Including you.
Yet another night with recurrences, usual for me now..
Sir B Aug 2013
Don't boggle my mind
With your big words
Its okay
If you can't say them right

It takes time sometimes
You'll learn them
Just wrote it as a funny/inspirational piece, because I can't really pronounce a few words. Besides that... I am bored.
Sir B Nov 2013
I have a story to tell
It's a tragic one as usual

A day goes by. Silence reigns and birds cuckoo
While this happens..
Two people sit under a tree
Using it as a rendezvous
For usual meetings
They met...
In ten days

They enjoyed it
I helped another person
and he tried to help me
I did a better job of helping him
that's what I think..

Anyways, once they met
they enjoyed it
they would talk together
and climb a tree
Play with a dog, which was a
golden retriever
They are big!
It was a lot of fun
Often playing Videogames
Mario kart..?

That was a day
and it happened on
an occasional basis
when both of them could spare some time
from their daily *time consuming


One day however
A bright sunny day
A sunday afternoon
filled with birds flying about
nearly the end of the school year
It was all going by wonderfully

We had met another time
because you called me
and told me to help you out
and just to relieve the stress
that the school year had put on us

We climbed a tree
with a rope on it
it was pretty tall
about 10 feet high

I remember talking about self harm..
..and ways to **** oneself
and I gave up climbing and jumped off
the rope
6 feet
straight down
on my back/ankles

It hurt like batshit crazy
but i told you I managed through it
then later
when talking to our friends
I let it slip

I told her about my failed attempt
I was really depressed after that
It actually FAILED!

Well, now more people knew about it
and these rumors spread fast
as you would know
I was still fine with school
just.. I  became more depressed
My grades were fine
I was nearly at the end of the year
nearly there.

And then
I realized
are similar to humans
they don't talk much
at the time of crisis
but they remember
it, and pass it onwards

They don't lie.

*Mockingbirds dont lie
A possible true story, also a possible last poem. Unlike the other one.. which was a horrible one. This could be the last one for a year/maybe not. Also posting on my birthday, 2nd Nov, woohooo!
Sir B Feb 2014
That's who I am
I feel like
and probably will remain

You don't read about mortals
becoming Immortals
you remain a mortal
and die as one

is a walk like Mortal
amongst Immortals
who are better than you in everything
Goddy Omnipotent freaks

I won't ever be an Immortal
I will be just another
derogatory mortal


Whil­e the Immortals will steal
all the glory that I give them
and they will shun me more
because you know

You cannot live in a world
like this.
You just can't.

It's too much

The Immortals are just good
at everything
and will remain so
and be jealous of a mortal
a foreigner
a regular
If the poem is not able to express my emotions of being left out and always being considered a person in the wings of a stage who has the glory but is stolen from him.

I don't know how else to express this mess of emotions which hurt me everyday and the pain which I just have to trudge through because no one wants to listen. Just another regular mortal in a world of Immortals.
Sir B Aug 2013
Anything with love hurts
My friends talk
And say.
You do like me
I refuse
Thinking I understand you

I know that's false
No one wants to
Show their real selves
They don't believe me
I always have my true self
When talking to nearly anyone

But again
I know
You don't like me
And I suppose
Its fine
Because the sadness
Of one person
Is nothing
Considered to the
Happiness of someone else
Especially your loved ones
I guess I need to move
And get out of your way
So someone you
Believe to be worthy
Finds you.
Midnight poem... Hope you looks it. Sad like my other ones
Nothing new there... also I am not someone you'd like
On sight like a few other people
Like my friend "Jack" (He wrote the other poem)
I guess... Time for me to leave.
Gnite and sweet dreams.

Also could use a title suggestion!!!
Sir B Aug 2013
All alone
Humming tunes to myself
Thinking of how it fell apart
How I lost control of myself
How I got hurt through
Layers of happiness

I guess..
I don't know the answer
Haven't found it yet
Hope to find it soon

I think
It was

That girl.....

Down the street....
Not aimed towards anyone, just a few things I regret doing, they'll stay with me now. Forever.
Sir B Jul 2013
It was my pleasure
To serve you.

Something out of the ordinary. =)
Sir B Jul 2013
They make me unfaithful
My eyes make me see hatred
My ears make me hear bad news
I feel pain, emotional and physical

In short.. I want someone to talk to..
Creative write
Sir B Dec 2013
My shadow should be
proud of me
because I have done good things
Write poetry
Fall in love with amazing people
Who did break my heart
But it doesn't matter really
I am not a likable person
Done just as many stupid things
Try to **** myself
But hey
It doesn't matter
Sometimes, time hates us
Sometimes it doesn't
And sometimes
You gotta do it to relieve yourself

So in the end
My shadow should be proud of me
For I have done
Things which are stupid and things which
Are intelligent
So shadow please
Be proud of me
And don't leave me here alone
So yea. Wrote it while sitting in a car to DC. Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day... See you guys later.

PS - Thanks for the all the support. VERY MUCH appreciated
Sir B Aug 2013
Dark and calming
Peaceful and energetic
Chirping heard in background
Sir B Jul 2013
I have no hope remaining
Constant hate + my depression
Only results in self destruction
Nothing to tether onto either....
WHY? Must there be hate?
Sir B Jan 2014
No matter the words i speak of
No matter what i would want

nothing getting accomplished
and nothing's going to be good

its a messed up world
with another messed up person

who can't think right
and cannot differentiate
the wrong from right

No matter the talks i talk about
No matter which scenes i play
cant dream.. so its invalid really

No matter the hymns
or the chimes of birds

No matter the flute melodies
or violin cries

No matter the world


bu­t worlds the matter
and i am unable to do anything

not able to talk
not able to do nufin!

Nothing works

Bad luck
bad luck
bad luck

that's what follows me around

death, suicide
sleep forever

****** my soul already
Have to go to another debate tournament with a senior and he is going to count on me being good and advantageous, because he wants to go to nationals... I, am probably going to be his downfall.

Just have to have hope that i don't break
his dream and another person's
who also counts on me.

just. don't want to be a another cause to a sad ending!
Sir B Jan 2014
I need to stop thinking in fantasy
and stop with the books
they provide an escape
to a different reality
where everything is better and good
but it's only for a short time

I come back to my own reality
and cannot face it

The problems,
my dreams, which will never come true
they just become snow
and stay there forever
and it starts to get cold
and hurtful

I cannot keep living in fantasy
it starts to hurt
but fantasy is the only true

*its the only highway
that starts where ever you want
and goes where ever you want
Thursday poem.. TFiOS becoming a movie and its official trailer has been released. Very excited, because its a wonderful book and will be a wonderful movie. Stay warm, another snow storm expected!
Sir B Mar 2013
I am a horrible man
I have created sins
While you were standing there
Making love with him

I am not respected
Not in the hearts of my people
Nor in the hearts of the enemy
I am a wandering soul

I fear the darkness
So I joined forces with you
I hoped to succeed the darkness
But you left me

I hoped to see someone like you
I hoped to make a proper friendship with them
But you had made life miserable
Why?! You had left your love behind

That love made me blind
It made me cry,
Made me wonder why...
The world was cruel

But you enjoyed it
Enjoyed seeing me suffer
For that was your food.
The Suffering of others was your food.
Enjoy it while you can.
Sir B Jun 2013
Where we go, we won't need roads
Because we are free souls
My poems are random
Sir B Jul 2013
You know
who would like
to suffer with me?

I have no clue why I would write this... Maybe to show the best proverb wrong??!?
Sir B Jan 2014
No. I like her
Yes. Yes, I do.
You are stupid to do so, you will break your own heart

Well.. Not much of it left anyways
I dont see a harm for it
I mean..
Loving someone wont hurt

Cool, good for you, enjoy the pain.
Sure, I will
Its just love
Won't hurt that much
A conversation.. Why, am I not afraid to love?
I don't know
What's wrong with me?
Should you ask me.. know
Sir B Jul 2013
Theres nothing more
For either of us
You should leave
Before harm comes
To either of us..
I have NO clue why I would write something like this.
Sir B Sep 2014
There is nothing than
A purposeless man

Who is lost and dead
Just some poetry, i maybe talking about myself…
Sir B Apr 2014
You told me was suicidal
And i tried helping
It was tough
But we persuaded him to live

Later, yesterday…
I saw him in the hallway
And was going to ask him
"How are you feeling?"

Only to pull myself back
Because my question would have
Made him, lose trust on you
For revealing the world about his suicidal intentions

So I didnt ask him
So that he will continue talking
Talking to you, and you could help

It would be one cut too far
And nobody informed beforehand...
The person should be okay, as far I know. But just analyzing the situation told me this…
Sir B Aug 2013
I remember the first time we met
Maple leaves flying everywhere
Wind blowing gently
People in the park
Everything so peaceful
So quiet

Would have liked to meet you
That way
But couldn't
We were in said school
In home room
To be honest

And I..... lost seeing you.
Just something at midnight, this is a true thing (not first part) but yeah, memories...
Sir B Jul 2013
It hurts
When stabbing oneself
When having a heartbreak
When depression walks in
When you are hated upon
and it hurts the most
When everything you do
is criticized
I am unworthy.
Sir B Jun 2013
The box,
It contains mysteries
Greater than anything
It contains powers unknown
Powers unheard of

*Can you control it?
It is "mystical" enough?
Sir B Oct 2013
A sense of urgency
A feel to write something

This feeling
That everyone
Will be against me
Because of their persuasive

It's this feeling of paranoia
When I talked to you
and you told me
That I was been crahzy and stoopid

This feeling is oppressive
and I can't seem to think
And question myself
"When is it going happen?"
This my paranoia, the feeling that everyone will be against me..
Sir B Mar 2013
I am not an ideal person
I cannot do it
I need to give in,

I am horrible.
I created a machine
I created the most perfect thing.

But then I realized
I was not perfect.
Neither were my creations.
They were horrible.

My creations told me I was bad
They told me to quit.
I gave in to them.

Worst mistake of my entire life.
Now while I sit crying here.
I watch those people
Having fun and defeating the lesser powerful people

I realized my mistake...
*But can I correct it?
Sir B Feb 2014
Do so,
I require of you to
to keep me sane

amongst the shadows
and feel the cold and haggard

amongst the real humans
and feel warmth and joy
from their wonderful and perfect selves

Walk with me
we can go on a journey
maybe it'll help me
recover from the crazyness
and help you too...

Please, Walk with me
I require this of you.
Something I thought about in my English Class today, certainly wasn't paying the usual amount of attention, not feeling right either. Headache is getting more frequent... that's strange.
Sir B Jun 2013
She was a true princess
on this world
She was rich and wild
and free

She always got what she wanted
without any questions or doubts
was her prince

The prince who would look at her
and start blushing
due to her exuberant beauty
She was like a red rose in a garden of purple tulips

Her beauty was unmatched by anyone
The Prince loved her so much
he was ready to do anything....anything
just to make the princess love him

The Princess however loathed him
she hated him more than he loved her
She wanted him gone from her life
But he wouldn't leave

He was afraid to let go of her
He was a kind person
unrealistic, and dreamed of living with her
But she wanted him dead

And one day, she did it
She found her inner strength
and finished him off
for once and for all

And left her kingdom with the one she desired
But she wasn't feeling loved
She didn't like her new prince
She yearned for the old one

But he was gone
little did she realize
that he actually loved her
for who she was
and not for what she was
Real life?? Nah
Sir B Jun 2013
I could say that promises are meant to be broken
but then all my faithful promises will be broken
Promises are to be kept
for they show your strength and weaknesses
Pro Tip - Keep your promises and try not to forget! :P
Sir B Jul 2013
I am afraid to love anymore
Because my heart is in absolute damnation.
I just see darkness
When in reality there is sunlight outside

Death, destruction and hatred
all around me
surrounding me
forcing me to surrender

But I shall not
Because I yearn to be
The last ray of hope
For those
Who are still out there
Stumbling in darkness
Desperately trying to find
something to hold onto.

Look around.
There is still tiny bits of sunlight
Follow them,
For victory awaits this quest
what has become of me?

My writings changed a bit because of reading a medieval aged book.
Sir B Jul 2013
We locked eyes with each other
And you knew
That something had changed..
You were in love
Just a poem, at a camp so expect nothing but a poem at 5 am in the morning EST.
Nothing else to say so....

Pax man!
Live long
Sir B May 2013
Who am I anymore?
I dont know
But you reflect me
I can tell
By the behavior and actions
Is this your usual self?
I don't think so
Because you never so jolly before
But now that you are
Let's go and see the world
For there are places to go
and places to see
Is this happy enough??
Sir B Aug 2014
I feel like running,
till my heart is going to die,
till my lungs ache, muscles burn, adrenaline still racing,
I want to run from this place to nowhere in particular
Just somewhere else
Late night sunday poetry, school starts soon…
Sir B Jul 2013
I am scared.
Don't hold me
It will make me look
Like a scared viking
I don't know if they existed
But I don't want to be the first of the kind

So take pleasure
In my discomforts
And leave me alone
When I am scared.
I was nervous for doing something new, was so scared. I couldn't wrote all my thoughts but made it a little funny and sad. :)
Sir B Feb 2014
We all want to be immortal
and want to be remembered
but what people
fail to understand is that
if you do become famous
and if you do become
known around the world
you are hurting this world
and you are scarring it

the only way to be remembered
is unfortunately by scarring the world
and scarring hurts the world
so in the end
people who want to be remembered
are finding it necessary to harm the world
to be remembered and that is not
remembering a dead person
that's remembering their
deeds, which were wrong
and which hurt the world.
Inspiration from TFiOS. I am just lost and enamored by the whole book. Apologies for this excessive introduction or remembrance of TFiOS.
Sir B Jun 2013
Tell me your secrets.
Don't be afraid
People have done before
Its not hard
We are only going to talk..
about secrets

Everyone is welcome.
Because secret keepers need to.
So stop being a spooked
And talk.
*About secrets
I talk to a friend often, and I just talk myself out. Tell the friend my secrets and the ones that I found, we have a jolly good time, also its late at night
Sir B Dec 2013
I have this feeling again
in myself that
"If I do finish myself,
A lot of people can be happier,
they can get through their day
better and wont have to deal with
my sadness."

Just this feeling tells me that
everyone i know of.. frustrated with me
and they want to lash out
but they know what could happen
so they are keeping their emotions stuck
inside as well

I also know about the amount
of bull crap and swearing
that I get for not listening to someone

and also the amount of respect
that I had

Wait.. Did I have any in the first place?

If i did... doesn't vanish in a day now
does it?

People want me segregated
to be with the person of their choice
or for the person to be with them
and, I am told to move myself
because of inadequate space.

Since when did I become so bad.
That. I have no value.

*Note: This poem was written a while back, I am currently out of depression.
Just my depressed emotion. In math class, there are groups. I was at a seat and then the "intelligent" kid walks in. The table I am sitting at, kicks me out to make room for him. After he refuses their offer. I am told to get myself back to my seat. Like what now? Am I that low?? That you dont have trust in me? You think I am not as good as him? Just, depresses me. I already am depressed. I cant cope with the feeling of being a 'cheap' replacement for an "intelligent kid"
Sir B Feb 2014
i should just stop at this point
                                          m        y         

                 p            o              e        t         r             y

                                i                     s                  

               f     a       l        l         i         n          g

p             ­                                                          a
                   r                             t

I shall stop it
because its more depressing
and i would rather not talk more
and depress more people about it.
that would be another ending for me. 3rd one so far. I shall stop.. though you may still see me occasionally or never.
Sir B Sep 2013
This is titled
I found someone
to go along with
hand in hand
for a whole night

Though it was scary
Wasn't as bad as I thought
She accepted it
I felt relieved
to have found someone
to share a night with
Yea... I did ask.. and she did say yes!! (win-win) So. Flippin. Happy. Today.
After I did it, wasn't so bad. =)
Sir B May 2013
Silence will remain
Even after you are gone
it will stay.
Another 10w!!
Sir B Sep 2013
Silent Rain
falling from the skies
Talking, chatting with thou
and listening to crickets
chirp like my watch
Everything serene
Everything dark
You wanting to be free
So does the nature
Be free like a wind
Be a silent wind
Be a silent rain
Be yourself for the night
Let dance to the rhythm
Lets groove
Lets enjoy the night
and rise and shine
for the days ahead
where we can be perpetual
images carved into Earth
Wind and Fire

Lets listen to the dark night
and take our safety torch with us  
sit outside and sleep under the starry skies
Enjoy the night
Enjoy the time
Enjoy the company
A long poem, but meant to relax.. and cheer you up. Wrote it while talking to a friend, many hidden references. You are amazing if you them! (a few people will) Night time is falling and summer receding for winter to take hold. Be a fish and swim around the globe says my fish. Good night and stay awesome.
Sir B May 2015
Sleep is magnificent
its powerful arms,
gripping us. holding us.
furtively. enclosing us.
in its vast embrace of solitude.

We were sleeping
regardless of the time, and the heat,
emanating from our bodies.
Our bodies, cramped onto a bed
with legs intertwined
and pillows everywhere and
blankets hiding our faces.

The serenity, the solidarity
amongst us.
To simply sleep.
Nothing more, nothing less
simply to lie in the embrace of the other
with eyes closed, but bodies closer.

Such is the power of sleep.
To bring two individuals together,
to bring two souls together.
Aligning their heart, their minds, their bodies
to love each other.
Another poem for english class
Sir B Apr 2013
That bed looks amazing,
It looks inviting

You are interested,
But you know you cannot sleep,

You have work to do
You have work that's overdue

But it's so inviting...
Do you fall for the trap or not?
Sir B Mar 2014
You are wonderful
and interesting
and just so intelligent

I know!!
I understand
and i know its wonderful
talking to an interesting person

But I don't believe in myself
I don't trust myself
I am cynical
Doubting myself
preventing myself from gaining my power

Just being cynical is preventing me
this is not good
I am cynical of my own powers and I don't realize that I have the power, voice, and inspiration to help others and myself.
Sir B Jun 2013
I want

something new
something random
something to steal love with
something fun to do
something to remember this day with
something beautiful

and in the end

something.. which will not let us forget each other
Something different
Sir B Apr 2014
I have been so patient
For so long
I dont understand

How was i this patient?
What and how
Just how exactly?

Guess, i have to be patient
Just thoughts again
Sir B Aug 2014
I think i have realized
That everything is out to get you
And it stings badly
But movement is the way of life
And considering every one of us as stars
Of our own little shows is the most important aspect
Of understanding the way of life

Sometimes movement
Sometimes support
Sometimes being a support
Just something after band camp
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