No regret, on the way I was raised.
Even if back in the day spanking was the thing.
It stopped me from trying to get my way.
My parents was firm.
My parents was stern.
And that discipline made me, who I am today.
Yes, I have no regrets to regret about my youth.
I did the usual stupid things that most kids still do today.
Except, we probably was more creative and imaginable then.
Especially when playing cowboys and Indians.
Just to hear one of your friends claim, they are Superman.
Which ruin everything.
Or tearing apart a good tricycle just to make your own go cart.
Or locating old doors to make your own tree house.
Computer games to us, was simply using your brain.
And having teachers really teach school skills to us.
Not giving you books and turning you on your own.
And not comprehending the subjects matter at hand.
In my youth, we mostly knew all the neighbors by name.
Even the mailman, as they was called then.
Even the neighborhood assigned police officer.
We knew not to create disturbance at school.
This was one of the vital parent's golden rule.
Then many parents was friends of the teachers.
And all they had to do was called.
Just maybe, this is what's so similar today?
Some kids, with modern parents still don't get their way.
Yes, no regret I have.
Respect and manners was, what you're judged by?
It simply was a representation of your parents too.
Many knew this as the God living truth.
Who doesn't remember saying your prayers on your knees as night?
You was taught God plays a very priority in your life.
No regret, I have.
If they was living today.
I still select to be raise that way.
Friends would do the same thing too.
Our parents was much respected by our friends.
Even if many was free babysitters.