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 Jan 2013 Silver Star
Someone left the gate open
I didn't even try to walk through
No one attempts to understand me
That's why I don't like any of you
I'll read my writes & you'll listen
But I know it's only so you can talk
I'll write out things about me,
But they might as well be chalk
clap clap clap
Clap my dusty words out of your erasers
Clear the air so that you can fill it
With your proverbs, your opnions
You really only care about the importance of your bit
And I don't mind
It happens all the time
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
you cry out for human attention

while you loathe all human affection

try to resist the human infection

yet you crave human interaction

and you pine for human satisfaction

while you dream of human perfection

but you will never be human again
 Jan 2013 Silver Star
Lily Mae
When in society,  did "I love you"..become so
What’s happening?
Can someone tell me.
We’re swimming in the red water of algae.
Infected by lies, the waters current driven by confusion,
the waters roaring every time we speak.

I can’t really breathe well down here, down where you left me.
The lies make it suffocating and the waters foggy.
When I reach the bottom of these waters, I let go and find myself floating up again towards the shore.
Back to the sun, the stars, the warmth.
I don’t know how much longer this will happen for.
Drowning, before I let go and won’t float up.

Everytime you say something sweet, or so I thought, the red gets darker.
When will our sea get blue?
Where the waves are shallow and the water can only get warmer with every breathe we take.
Where the current doesn’t roar but is only steady with our heartbeats.

I’m coming up. I’m letting go.
I need to know the truth.
 Jan 2013 Silver Star
Your names on my birth certificate.
Your DNA runs through my blood.
I have your eyes.
But those are just small physical things.
They say sometimes your dad isn't just the one who helped to give you life,
but the one who actually stands by you.
Cares about you...
and proves it.
At times, you've been more of a dad to me than my real dad ever was.
Ever is.
He gets so disappointed in everything I do.
Grades. Sports. Life.
He yells over everything I bring home from school,
so I dont bring anything home anymore.
If I need something signed for class, I come to you instead.
You never scream. Never yell.
Instead, you just encourage me to do better.
You help me to understand more.
He gets frustrated that I play so much.
But I love it, and I dont know if he gets that.
Instead of being encouraging and supporting, he gets mad over it all.
Another late practice. Another tournament.
Well guess what?
Winners arn't made by sitting on the couch.
Im glad you understand that.
You're always so encouraging and helpful to me.
Picking me up for class.
Staying after your girls are done to give me a ride when Im done.
Simply telling me I had a good game.
Sometimes thats more than he ever does.
Sometimes he doesnt even come.
Sometimes, he doesnt support me in anything.
Even when he knew I was at my lowest point, he kicked me while I was down.
But you didnt. You dont.
You found out what I was doing to myself, and you never once judged me.
You're always there to crack jokes and make me smile.
You're always there for me.
Whether I text you in the middle of the day or the middle of the night.
Thank you.
For all that you've done. All that you do.
I couldn't ask for a better coach than you.
Is feeling this way wrong?
feeling, Love?
An intense admiration and longing to be with someone
How you’re willing to do just about anything to get them to look at you.
What do you do when you catch them staring out of the corner of your eye and they
too look star struck?
How your days are equally miserable but as soon as you see each other you can’t get a smile off your face.
How your love for him feels so wrong it makes you sick.
And if you think about it to long you might just *****.
Everyone knows how you feel about each other, but no one dare intervene.
It’s already too late.
But what if one day you woke up and knew in your heart and the pitt of your stomach that this person felt the same.
He starts to get possessive, comfortable, closer to you.
This is when things get difficult,
and one day.
He kissed you.
You’re forced to deny how you feel simply because it,
“isn’t right”
But what if every minute he’s away from you he cries.
He cries because you aren’t with him
He cries because he knows he loves you more than he should.
He screams
How could I let this happen?
How can I be in love with something so sweet and so tender but it be so wrong?
And with that he cried,
he locked himself in his room to weep.
you locked yourself in yours ,and for once each of you wept,

but not touching.
Lately I haven't found the right words to tell you.
I want to tell you of the goodnight kisses that bring me sweet dreams.
The rhythmic goodbyes that go for a walk along the contours of my skin.

Lately I haven't found the right words to tell you.
I want to tell you of my hopes and my dreams.
The way they all have one thing in common.

Lately I haven't found the words to tell you that I can't think straight.
I talk to strangers on the street and I hope you are listening.
I talk to gardens of flowers as I pass and I hope you are listening.
I cradle my pillow at night and I hope that you can feel me, with you.

Lately I've been kinda ******* myself.
See I can't seem to forgive myself for falling for you.
For jumping off the cliff of lies you so carefully laid out for me,
and falling.
You let me fall slowly as you told me that you would never hurt me.
You let me fall deeply as you held my hand the way down.

Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking
But the only thing I seem to be able to think clearly about is you.
Lately I 've come to the conclusion that you will never miss me like I miss you.
That you will never want me like  I want you.
And you will never hear me like I hear you.

So this is the conclusion I've come to.
I'm gonna fall, and I'm gonna fall fast
but I'm taking you with me, even if we crash.
Do you feel it?
You need it.
You want it.
You* have* to have it.

It crawls.

The urge is overwhelming.
When will I give in?
I Can’t
I must

I won’t

It’s mine
It’s ours

You dominate my life.
My desires
My hopes and aspirations.

It’s yours to tell but mine to keep.

When will I be free?
To live without this monster inside of me
Free from you and your commands
Your taunts, your bragging

The day will come and don’t you worry.
The day your taste won’t be intoxicating.

You’ll always be mine
I will never let go
Till death do us part
To the clouds we float.
I wanted to let everyone try and figure it out, but Tina, is a street name for crystal ****. I kind of tried to show this struggle between the drug and the abuser, how the drug seems to take on a persona of its own. No, I have never been addicted to crystal **** lol but writing can take you places, so I felt like a drug addict for an afternoon. Here's the finished product.
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