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The insanity that you left with me with

has become all-consuming.

It has eviscerated me and I have no organs left,

only maniacal thoughts and illness.

The lunacy is my epidemic,

the madness is my disease.

The inferno where my heart once was,

supplants the warmth that your wicked love used to fill me with.

My mind has been dethroned by ghoulish memories and succubus visions.

My two lungs no longer breathe air,

but rather intake black roses and expel brimstone.

The deranged delirium is my only comfort.

The hysteria, in lieu of love,

is now what keeps me intoxicated.

The most garish part of all,

is that I've never felt more alive.
Hot candy...
my first thought
as my eyes opened...
her scent engulfed me
I drew it in
and felt her
capture me.

— The End —