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 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Just look in her eyes
          she doesn't mean a thing

     you and I both should
                       pack up and get out
                               or we'll snap
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Miss Honey
We are the dreamers.
We came from the earth,
One day we'll return.

For now we breathe,
We feel, and we don't.

We don't fit in,
but amongst ourselves.
We're weird and we like it.
Oh so brilliant,
and terribly, terribly mad.

We're artists and thinkers,
lovers and believers.
Cursed with wanderlust.
Tragically unappreciated.

We're complex and infinite.
But we've never seen it.
Afraid of ourselves,
and the things,
our very minds create.

Too young to be recognized,
feeling older than earth.
Aware of everything,
and no one else sees it.
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Your words
                    pressed flat against cobblestones
        What's that behind them?
                                 slinking about in the
Catch it
    Catch it, almost got it this time but
                     it broke my net, shook off my
                            traps and fled my
                                                 mind's garden

                   better luck tomorrow.
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Raj Arumugam
for maximum efficacy of charm, utter this in the dead of night lying down on a sheet of camel skin soaked in goat’s blood, on top of One Tree Hill*

may those who
cannot praise
and can only bark dispraise
of my writings, songs and posts
may they all
become loose of mind;
and may such
in the middle of a crowd of fanatics
suddenly lose their pants or tops;
and inexplicably become illiterate
when they are to sit for exams;
and may they who cannot
say: “You are the best! You are the best!” -
may these henceforth never be capable
of saying anything at all!

O, as swineherds
in days of yore
became Court Poets
by Divine Grace –
may all those who don’t
appreciate my writings and posts
may they all suffer in reverse
and become swine
and go drown in ditches
by Divine Craze!
everybody talks about 'writer's block'...but what about a 'writer's curse'?...hey, don't take this too seriously- it's just fun verse
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Say my name
And her name
in the same breath.

I dare you to say they taste the same.
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
samuel nathan
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
samuel nathan
I walk out the back door of my apartment
to have a smoke headphones on
music full volume
my back porch is the same size as my apartment:
there is only enough room for a small table,
holds only a drink and an ashtray,
and my favorite beach chair
I dance my way
to that familiar green yellow blue red resting place
as I sit, Beethoven's third or fourth assaulting my ears,
i turn to my left
there across the white railing
on the porch adjacent stands
the most beautiful woman I have ever seen or dreamed
she has been watching me
not smiling more a look of amusement
as one watching caged beings at the zoo
through those white bars she watched
this poor fool monkey dance his way
through habitat habits
without thinking
i fling the headphones off my ears and
meet eyes with her
I say nothing for a brief moment truly lost in the blue
hers are blue
the purest ive never seen before
my mouth decides to speak
    "Ha! Im sorry…I…uh, I thought no one lived there,
    I mean, I…I thought there was no one else out here."
I laugh.
She blinks, says, "I just moved in this morning."
    "Oh, OK. Well ****, welcome to the neighborhood."
I go to the railing and extend my hand
(animal reaching for treat)
    "Im Sam."
She does the same
(presenting treat) and we share
a polite hand shake
normally, I might ask where she was from
what she likes music movies but,
I cannot seem to find the words to say
to this one
not only her beauty her energy
her way is what stays my tongue
her name. Ena. Fire. echoing in my head.
what the hell am I to say?
i want to know everything about her all at once
the curse of a facile tongue
but then she says,
    "I liked your dancing. It made me glad to know
    there are still some humans beings living here."
she smiles
this poor fool monkey's heart and soul jolt awake
a more wonderful and beautiful thing
has never been said before and
that is all it took
 Aug 2011 Sigilism
Marsha Singh
now I'm a shipwreck in a sundress,
an aimless, shameless coquette –
a first kiss, a second guess,
a weak and wobbly pirouette.

— The End —