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She must be of heaven to exsist between
  reality and dreams and have her face
   not change
She must be of all the cosmos to so
  effortlessly outshine every sun, star,
    and moon
She must be the secret whisper of sleep
  to calm the monster and give its heart
She must be the hours hidden between
  the seconds of when one starts to
She must be the madness and beauty
  and perfection of love
There is nothing I can do for her,
Her eyes glistening with tears,
Her sobs echoing through my heart,
I left too early,
Far too soon,
But I had no choice.

I trust him to care for her,
For long enough that she might move on,
That she might remember how to smile,
Without me,
Holding her hand,
Her life is now her choice.

I will always care for her,
A child who knows more pain than I,
Who knows more pain than most,
Her youth ended,
Long before,
She had outlived innocence.

Perhaps she will be stronger,
For learning to deal with despair now,
So that she will keep smiling later,
And lead the most,
Beautiful life,
That she truly deserves.

Look forward my darling,
Don't forget me,
Know that I am still with you,
For as long as you need,
Keep smiling.
Live, and love living.
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