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shosho Rea Oct 2014
I'm not a great writer.
I can't entice your mind like Dan Brown.
But I can dress up like a clown.

I'm not a great writer.
I can't arouse your mind like E.L James.
But I swear I got fifty shades of video games.

I can't write Love poems like Thomas Hardy.
I do have the books by the Hardy brothers though.

I can't write like Shakespeare or Milay Edna.
I can't even write inspiration like Maya Angeliou.

I can't write like any of them.
I guess its because I'm not them.
But what I can do is tell the truth.

I Love you...
From the Start,
You took my heart.
You became my shining star.
Who ate my favourite chocolate bar.
You're my teddy bear.
You drive me insane I can't help but stare.
I Love you...
I don't believe in forever.
Or that we'll always be together.
But I Love you...
Till the very end of me.
I Love you till infinity and Beyond!
shosho Rea Oct 2014
Dear Mother.

I am sorry.
I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you've always wanted.
I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted.

I apologise for my anxiety and panic attacks.
I'm sorry for my depression.

I apologise for being a weird Depressed child.
I mean normally we'd inflict pain on our wrists but then I did that to my legs.

I'm sorry...
I wish I was that perfect child.
The one with no issues.

Dear Mother...
I promise I'll try harder.
I'll wipe these tears away.
I'll hide the scars.
And Always I'll put on the mask of a perfect daughter.
shosho Rea Oct 2014
A little kid caught me one night looking at the stars. She asked kindly, "Miss, Why are you always looking at the stars? I get that its pretty but don't you think that's a little too much?".
I chuckled and played with my hair, " Well kid, I guess its because the stars give me some sort of faith. I mean I look at them cos they remind me that in the darkest time there's always that one star shining. And trust me little girl, I come across them a lot. It actually feels good knowing someone cares and well is watching me." Her expression changed, I just smiled and walked away.
They are more than just stars. You see, Its more like a sign of Hope.
shosho Rea Oct 2014
Panic attack
They told me to calm down.
Told me relax and breathe.
But how does one do that?

Panic attack.
Watch my blood flow.
Carrying the pain that exists.
Watch it run down my throat.

Panic attack.
The red colour overwhelms me.
It carries the colour coded pain we both had.
Trust me to believe the pain flows away.

Panic attack.
They told me to breathe.
But how does one do that when it suffocates.
When the grievances overwhelms me?
When my pain belongs to their happiness.

Panic attack.
Stop asking me to breathe and relax.
My mind is messed up to listen.
My entire body is tired of those words.
I'm surrounded by my horrid past.
Please stop asking me to relax.

Panic attack.
They watched the pain consume me.
They watched my entire self collapse.
They cautiously prayed for my relapse.

Panic attack.
shosho Rea Oct 2014
Wisdom. He said.
Probably the statement itself is weirded out.
Wired into something so estranged.
Something so strange.
Wisdom He said.
Think about it she persisted.
Think about it he insisted.
shosho Rea Oct 2014
I'm telling the world.
The truth at last.
I'm done with its games.
You hear me James?

The truth is to be revealed.
Our hearts will finally be healed.
And most importantly our minds relieved.

I'm telling the World.
The truth still exists.
I just need you to believe.
I need you to forgive.

The curse is no more.
Afterlife is existent.
Afterlife is exultation.
Its beyond your mere expectation.
Its beyond our wildest imagination.

Trust me when I say.
Trust thee.
For he has done it.
So wonderfully.
So mercifully.

Trust me when I say.i'm
Finally this is no story
But merely a reality.
Nothing can hold us down. Not even gravity.

The kingdom has come.
The curse has fallen.
Eden is still here.
Eden has come back.
Yea be happy :)
Smiles are awesome
shosho Rea Oct 2014
Dear stranger help me.
Help me to understand because I am confused.
I'm not used to this so please intrude.
Please explain to me. Be the last to conclude these feelings.
I know we just met but **** it stranger, I feel I could tell you anything.

Dear stranger what have you done?
I can't handle these feelings on my own.
I must confess.
These feelings cause me a grave distress.
These feelings have me a mess.

Dear stranger.
I am nothing but a sucker for you...
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