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Apr 2015 · 588
me and her
shintaeun Apr 2015
She seemed fine from afar,
from the place i've been sitting
she has been laughing and teasing
with her some of friends
this gotta be interesting, my mind said
after the group left her alone
the true color of her appeared
it changed my perception
the laughter became thin line of smile
that only God knows what the meaning it was
she slumped down to her sit
maybe she hoped the earth swallowed her abruptly

our eyes met and the feeling stuck on my lungs
how many times you ever got breathless
from the latter's sadness
how many people could be that beautiful
with dark cloud over her head
she was beautiful with her own grey world

her eyes tantalized me, her eyebrow quirked
it brought my lips to smirk
i could felt the air around me ******
by countless reason how the silence
felt like the choir of delighted cupids
her hair traced by the wind
as her eyelashes flicked in amusing

if you just take a look, if you
you would see that she didn't want any
but the pure attention and intention
if you just listen, if you
you would shake by the loudest scream
in the way her back slumped and her forest sighed

she was a thunderstorm and i was the sooth voice
she was a burning forest and i was raging ocean
she was a fuming railway and i was a barrel feeling
if you just stop judging about irony, if you
you would see the harmony within us
like the father kissed your forehead in the middle of night
promised everything would be better in the tomorrow morning
when you slept in anxiety and begged for mercy
poem for everything seems so irony, maybe we can stir our perception
Apr 2015 · 442
shintaeun Apr 2015
Soft and warm
sealed with care
sweet and kind
will ever share

brave and strong
yet so fair
it's you
it's always there

sensitive to despair
harkens to other welfare
it's elsewhere
beyond compare

if you meet her
best beware
she'll  steal your heart unaware
her name is love
this i swear
there's none like her
again, poem when i was 18
Apr 2015 · 2.0k
Magic Touch
shintaeun Apr 2015
I want to tell you a secret
how toxic love take over your body
through the touch of my hand
it is my specialty
make my touch makes your heart of love
you fascinated
you fall in love
and you will obey all the things that I want

but it did not work my magic touch
if I do not touch
so I can only touch you
through writing poetry

all my writing is
about how you're so perfect
no defect
and no sin

all my writing is
about how the human heart can
accommodate the taste of love
as deep as ocean
as high as the sky
measuring the universe

and all this is about you
and you say without my magic touch
you're still going to fall in love with me
because you love me for anything
because you loved my voice
like my voice like church bells echo

you love my writing
as if it is a bible that you read
you love me
because I am me

I love you
poem i created when i was 18

— The End —