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Flowers rise in May of each year,
The colors so vibrant and new,
Exquisite ways to say Spring is here,
But none of the flowers are as pretty as you.
A dear person requested I write about flowers.
I remember the day
She sang that song
Every note sounds right
Her voice touching my heart
Beauty ringing in my ears
Passion in her voice
The world stood still
Just for my ears only
The lyric of the song had more meaning
I think of her everytime it plays
Sad days turn to better days
Thinking of the day she sang
A duet hard to forget
The voice that sings on in my memory
The hills beneath him stretched out like the curves of women.  Bent
to the clouds he fell from the earth which geared him prickly as would
a range of *******, then soaring higher, he dived, topping valleys
reshaped downy now into ridges slowly writhed before catching
under toe his own dazzled stare on a water loch of milk and coal-
haired body strewn out to her lily'd bones and still falling, he dropped
to the break of morn dribbling wet sand from his eyes and woke
in the sparring light of his least favourite day.
        In a grainish and utter room, where hanged more than two
pictures of two people, he sank down to Sunday diminished in sighs
from the four tilting walls and blew dead inward unfolding a book.
As he reached for some volume, a baby finger nicked the hair string
of his guitar and for a moment was reminded of her voice in the bedded
vibrations.  Looking on her curves she felt the soft nape of her neck
with his eyes, then those same eyes unhanded her and she, his
dejected guitar, faced him unsung in the cornered glare of his boxed
in room.  He felt frost in throes all that morning and sideways out
of doors— the sun looked back on him even colder.  It would be hours
now until the end of days, so after lunch he went for a walk and a bird
sang nearly the whole way.

  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

It was much warmer than he had fared it to be outside and having wrestled
with this idea, that the day was somehow harder than his soft, flat room,
the mere remembering was rote by him to his pangs.  He turned, thinking
toward other things, like the void of driven streets or the mimicking cruelty
of shadows, until he saw a sullen field and left the road to dust.  He knew
that if lost, walking through the lofted hills, he would end up in the ocean
so he headed higher to the crest and over then saw a stand of trees.
        And facing the water that rilled on its way, in the tall grasses he saw
patches of red, flying with the black birds and his heart, in a boat of swells,
traveled like the red patches those birds carried.  Snowed on alder trees
brushed by him, but the wind was blowing in from the west and there
were beautiful things to behold.  A red-tailed hawk striped the ceiling
of his day by the sea and built an island to his eye and then his head sank
droning into a syndrome of birds as he joined in silence with them all
        'ta— hee— tae.'      
        Showers of poppies spilled to his heel and the keel-brew of rushes and rain
tasted purple on its way perning to the sky.  At one stop in the middle of his
path, he came upon a purfled coil, a briar snake, its body shaped in question,
unmoved and long.  The dark Orphic frieze, branding his way, it would not
listen, as if she had always been there, deaf to his song.  He felt the loss
of love by echoes from his room in the out of doors.  The drumming trunks,
the stringing leaves harping and the water that gurgled by stones into poems.
A Northerly blew begrudging the trunks, the leaves and the stones and by
the woods sinking taller he felt rushes of time running as breath through
trees and felt chimes of things flying buttery like feathers to a bell.
Somewhere deep
Within my eroded
I believe
I am
I love you
And I say it
With sincerity
I miss you when
Your gone
And I love it
When your near
My heart hates
All these other girls
The ones who cry on you
Because I like to do that when I'm sad
The ones who get to laugh with you
Because I envy the way they make you happy
But I am silent
Of my jealousy
So you don't think
I'm that crazy obsessive girl
Who once tried so hard
To cling to you
Like a magnet to metal
I want you
I want the rest of my life
To be spent with you
Because no matter
The people
Who want us
All that matters
Is that we only want each other.
You cannot
Deny the facts
You've loved before
*You will love again.
Your sweet
And gentle
Has loved before
Will always
Always sever
A small part inside of me
But I can't change it
I can't say I hate you
Because I love you
And you know
I've done worse
Than just love
I've tried so hard
To erase the past
And not let
Eat away at me
But the algae of jealousy
And the atoms
Of our past
Come back to haunt us.
I hope
That you don't
For the love-making
I hope you stay
You love me.
I want honesty
And never ending

No more
No it's nothing's
No more
Forget it's
No more
No more
I'm going off the deep
                    ­                     N

            ­                                                     *Will You Save Me?
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