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Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Full Moon Summer
S D S Aug 2014
When the moon is full
My body, heart, and mind
Weary, tired, dull
Peace is yours to find
Restless, violent soul
Feb 2014 · 2.2k
Long Nights are a Lifestyle
S D S Feb 2014
Can't sleep, hard to eat,
Full of sick, full of heat
Tortured, twisted sack of meat
Sick of each attempt to treat
Jan 2014 · 536
Stop the Original Sin
S D S Jan 2014
I could really use a time machine
Not to cheat or plan or scheme
Just to watch myself at night
And find the very first fright
Capture the madness before the start
Before it crawled into my heart
Strangle out the darkness there
And keep its whispers from my ear
Jan 2014 · 705
The Worst Kind of Woman.
S D S Jan 2014
There's nothing pretty inside her head
Lips are shiny, eyes are dead
No one hears a thing she says

Her fake smile makes my skin crawl, teeth clack
Sun colored hair braided back
A painted doll all dressed up

Skin's like caramel or ***** cream
Hands float dangerously close
Air for brains and dirt for soul
Dec 2013 · 4.5k
Lego People
S D S Dec 2013
I'll strip your skin
with a thought
And rend and tear
All you've got
Violent minds
Make violent hearts
Cold blood runs
And stops and starts
Love is violence
Of the soul
I'll break me down
Make us whole
Dec 2013 · 480
Booze Please!
S D S Dec 2013
I can taste whiskey
And a bit of Soda-pop
When I get scared
S D S Dec 2013
Is it okay
For a grown man
to be afraid
of dreams?

Call me a boy
Or a coward,
I do not care.
I fear.
Nov 2013 · 480
Wouldn't it be nice?
S D S Nov 2013
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
And not be us anymore?
Just sit and drink some coffee
And talk about the war
Perfectly mundane folks
Without a care beyond the debt
No need to be profane folks
Concerned with only death

Wouldn't it be nice if we could grow up
And be us in some other way?
Just rock out to some Zepplin
And smoke our cares away
Perfectly mundane folks
No worries but the rent
No need to be ashamed folks
Beaten, broken, all regret
Thinking of the Beach Boys song "Wouldn't it be nice" while in a bad mood.
Nov 2013 · 651
Wouldn't it be pleasant
S D S Nov 2013
It would be just fantastic
to explode into all the color
That's always popping away
Behind my eyes

To leave a ****** mess
All over the west wing
Of my favorite restaurant
Would be swell

Not just morbid, brutal,
or simply satisfying
But emphatically ironic
Erupting with action

A life of depression
A violent expression
Stained to tell a story
*Beautifully gory.
Once again, I've made no effort at form.  I apologize, but I'll (never) maybe get around to fixing it.
Oct 2013 · 782
Childish Existentionalism 6
S D S Oct 2013
I had such conviction, such passion
But it all came from hate
A man of words, not action
More about stuffing my face
I laid still and died once
Just running from fate
I fell over and cried once
Just to change up the pace
This boredom is numbing
And numbness is boring
I'll soon start to slumber
Or maybe start *******
Pitter patter, the lone raindrop
And it doesn't give one ****
If only I was a raindrop
If only I had such luck.
Oct 2013 · 613
Childish Existentionalism 5
S D S Oct 2013
A grey and black world
is a boy's best friend
No cares or worries
Until boyhood ends
A world of color
Is all a man wants
When all he can have
is grey and black haunts
Oct 2013 · 546
Childish Existentionalism 4
S D S Oct 2013
I'm a real work of Art
The first of my kind
A man without substance
An echo for a mind
Just sizzle, no steak
and no greater wish
than to be still, not quake
And swim like a fish
Oct 2013 · 455
Childish Existentionalism 3
S D S Oct 2013
A thrown away writing
1st Draft, Maybe Last
A poor piece of rhyming
Burned up, gone fast
The last thought given
and the worst one yet
It's me you speak of
Melancholy's 1st pet
Oct 2013 · 2.9k
Childish Existentialism 2
S D S Oct 2013
Ideas Rampant; Lies Abound
I am Satan's Favorite Hound
Kicked and Beaten; Shaved and Sheared
Nothing knowing but what is feared

Born with blood instead of Soul
I was first to dig the hole
Churning lies to spread on bread
My small voice makes smiles dead
Oct 2013 · 3.6k
Childish Existentialism 1
S D S Oct 2013
Is this Boredom?
Or merely Insanity?
Can you find me,
Or is that in Vanity?
Tomorrow won't come again
But Today will be forever
The future isn't mine to have
It's only yours to treasure.
Oct 2013 · 582
Not Faust
S D S Oct 2013
Believed I was Faust
Clever and young
Dangerous and dashing
I was wrong

I dealt with devils
And ate with kings
Devoured young maidens
I am the beast

Back from the dead
Stealing young dreams
Walking in stolen skin
Tricking the masses

Dwarf in the bottle
Never in control
Devouring thoughts

I met Faust once
He passed me by
I stole his look and way
I believed the lie
Oct 2013 · 441
S D S Oct 2013
I rule a kingdom of sand
Today a paradise
Tomorrow featureless
Proud to be king
I can make my wants
Stack sand 10 feet
To make a bigger me
And watch it die
When the tide comes
Never completing
Always a new effort
Oct 2013 · 519
F%^# Taboo2
S D S Oct 2013
I'd rather grab your hand
Spin you around
And stop your heart

Not with a kiss
With a whispered wish

I'd rather sleep in a tree
And fall on my face
Than crawl to your bed

The wind is freeing
Your warmth is fleeting

I'm not insane for wanting
Freedom is sweeter than love
And easier to come by

Find your own home
This is my sanctuary, or prison
Oct 2013 · 947
F*&$ Taboo
S D S Oct 2013
I used to cower
Hidden in the dark
Stalking the night
Loneliness a shroud

Fear is a weakness
Sadness is a flaw
Lies I thought true
Paralyzed my maturity

Diseases are nasty
They give you marks
Or break your bones
Or slit your pretty throat

No one even whispers
Mental Illness is taboo
If your head isn't gashed
There is no wound there

Illness, not weakness
Don't laugh at the wheelchair
Don't scoff at the pill bottle
I refuse to be ashamed
Oct 2013 · 674
A lymric for my comfort
S D S Oct 2013
Laugh in the dark
Before the morning
Sing by the lark
Better than snoring
Tuesday is gone
But so is Tomorrow
Dead on the lawn
T' everyone's sorrow
Oct 2013 · 925
Eyes don't Lie
S D S Oct 2013
I'm attracted to sad eyes
Not sunsets or a pretty dress
The look of pain and loss
But only in the past

Its the empathetic heart I crave
Beating softly in broken cave
Chest bruised from heart-removal
Something close to what I know

There's beauty in symmetry
Particularly when its hidden
A smile at the lovely lips
And a tear in the sad eyes

Another false face, serial lies
Hiding truth of failures scars
A reflection on quality built
I love the look of sad brown eyes
Oct 2013 · 405
3:10 am 10-3-13
S D S Oct 2013
Some men sleep
Some men dream
I am stuck in between
Night and day
Find no rest
Painful pounding in my chest
Tomorrow is a
Heinous Word
Last night's whispers will be heard

Some men sleep
Some men scream
I am somewhere in between
Time slips out
Beyond my grasp
I cry out in but a rasp
She calls my name
From in the dark
Bleeding, screaming, dreaming Lark
Sep 2013 · 383
Little Less Than Human
S D S Sep 2013
"Write from the heart"
A heart is but experience--
"Just try to get a start"
Made of all the fears in us--
"Tomorrow's the hardest part"
I've not lost any tears and hence--
"You make some disturbing art"
I don't know how to make love, and thus--
"The voices come from your heart."
I like to use two rhythms and rhymes to make a conversation on the inside and outside.  It's the messed up way I think about things, not an attempt to be clever.
Aug 2013 · 363
Pill-less feeling
S D S Aug 2013
Sanity long forgotten
Rest not an option
Blood is cold, Bones are brittle
Don't remember even a little
Happy thoughts
Not my own
Are these wounds
Nearly gone
Aug 2013 · 517
Hypocrite Forever
S D S Aug 2013
This suit is my armor
I wear it to tell all
"I got my **** together"
"Go fix yourself"
"Talk to me after, or not at all"
My armor is perfect
No one dares to speak
A wounded serpent sleeps
Just inside the shell
Pretending to be better
At least I got the act together
S D S Aug 2013
An insensitive beast
Might be all I am
An incorrigible *****
Is the best you are

Two winds in a storm
Not knowing or thinking
Just flowing straight past
Good riddance to it
S D S Aug 2013
So wound up like a spring
Shout when I want to sing
Fear turns to rage and back
Night is bright and days are black
Chemical storms shut up the sound
The cackling madness of the hound
One wounded dog a-yelping
Pills, liquor, sleep not helping
Jul 2013 · 401
Madman on Friday
S D S Jul 2013
Am I sick,
or just a prophet
I am sick,
of turning profit

Is it sadness
In my mind
Or an illness
I have mined
Jul 2013 · 550
Can't steal my thoughts
S D S Jul 2013
I say stupendous things
To scream out silly feelings
A writer, or artist, or ***
But you won't hear nothin'
I'll breathe and die it all
Rutted in my own words
These are my thoughts
Nothing gives me pause
No cause, no reason,
No season of giving will part me
From each little catastrophe
Greedy, I ****** each little grub
Seedy, my thoughts ache and rub
Against the only barrier I have
The skull that protects my stash
A poor man has but words and spit
I've got more, but don't give a ****
I'd throw away a kingdom of gold
to reclaim the last piece of my soul
Because I love my thoughts where they are
Since they can never run away very far
And I like stagnation to go with
My sweet libations
Ravings of writer, artist, or madman
I'll never be the one that had them
These are my treasures
Each is counted, each is savored
Jul 2013 · 423
A New Man Now
S D S Jul 2013
I slink into a suit
A new skin
All scaly and serpentine

I hop into the car
A new beast
It growls and thunders away

I stride into the room
A new throne
The kingdom of my desires

I stumbled away
The farm house, the poor house
I left the dirt, I climbed the mountain

I fly today
The pent house, the big house
Today the world, Tomorrow you heart
S D S Jul 2013
A crooked smile
And half again the nose
Nature's best gifts

But I've got wit
And half again the charm
Nurture's best gifts
Jul 2013 · 456
Late night craving
S D S Jul 2013
There's a violence in my timbre
A hunger in my arms
I call to your sister
To find out where you are
Strength leaves my soul
and settles in my heart
I know I will not catch you
You already are too far
S D S Jul 2013
These clicks and lights
Can't save me or you
Its not as horrible
as fate could provide
I might still prefer
A warmer space to hide
My brain is comfy
But my body decays
I'll be free of longing
One long away day
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
S D S Jul 2013
That electric hum
The fans blowing heat
Painful white light
The gloom that cascades
Surrounding the beacon
Which keeps my mind
Away from its worries
Static Drug and Cyber Dealer
Life line for my sanity
Lethal injection for my bravery
Jul 2013 · 339
Painful Nostalgia (5w)
S D S Jul 2013
I remember your smile best
Jul 2013 · 421
Negative outlook(5w)
S D S Jul 2013
Life *****
Then you die
Jul 2013 · 396
(I can) Never Stop Running
S D S Jul 2013
Dark Eyes tail me
Through the rainy streets
Over the rolling hills
Pursuit beyond reason

Dark Teeth chase me
During my conquests
After my failures
Hunger past knowing

Dark Hands reach to me
When I close my eyes
Or rest my legs
Violence above sanity
Jul 2013 · 658
Madman's Defense Mechanism
S D S Jul 2013
I laugh
Into the darkness
Into the light
Into the faces of the men I fight

I laugh
At the sunset
At the dawn
At the futility of mowing the lawn

I laugh
To cover the fear
To hide the pain
To keep the whole world at bay
Jul 2013 · 450
S D S Jul 2013
Sometimes I destroy
Everything I've made
Just for the challenge
The only person who
Can build it all back
Is me
Jun 2013 · 400
Medication Blues
S D S Jun 2013
Poison Pills
But Sadness Kills
So this is how I fight it

Shudder and sigh
Tears in my eyes
This is what my life is
Jun 2013 · 812
Bachelor's Haiku
S D S Jun 2013
Don't want anyone
Solo, almost good enough
A warm bed is nice
Jun 2013 · 489
I have a distaste for
S D S Jun 2013
Unrequited love poems
New salt in old wounds
Not in wounds
On top of scars
Still stings
I'm just too old
At 23 years
To keep certain memories
Jun 2013 · 527
Beaten by my Internal Clock
S D S Jun 2013
So many years
Shaking in fear
Going for want of sleeping
Now I sit up
Whiskey filled cup
Not knowing how to rest
Demons inside me
Sleepless and hiding
No sleep for them either
**** this mess
Gave it my best
Pills will guide my head
Jun 2013 · 404
Here's a useless hint
S D S Jun 2013
The trick is
To never ever ever
Ever ever ever ever
Tell someone
The trick to life
Jun 2013 · 821
S D S Jun 2013
There's this echo in my head
It's screaming oh-so-loud
Can't make out what is said
Thoughts are in a shroud

There's this echo in my head
It's screaming oh-so-loud
There's this echo in my head
Overwhelming my mind

There's this echo in my head
There's this echo in my head
It fills my days and nights
There's this echo in my head

And now there's little left
There's this echo in my head
There's this echo in my head
There's this echo in my head
Jun 2013 · 519
Predators' Logic
S D S Jun 2013
Can a doll see,
Hear and feel?
Is that the way
You justify the meal?
It wasn't alive
Not like me or you
I must thrive
So it will be my food
Jun 2013 · 386
Ask and You Shall Receive
S D S Jun 2013
There's a sick bitterness
In getting what you want
And a loving tenderness
In the chase and the hunt
But I can't be too upset
At the havoc I have wrought
I knew before the bet
What it was I had bought
Jun 2013 · 853
Drama is Exhausting
S D S Jun 2013
Torpid emotions are for children
I'm a man, *******
*******, or **** me
But don't play games
I'm going to die young and fast
So keep it simple sweetheart
Or it's on to the next one
Jun 2013 · 440
Sitting at a Wedding
S D S Jun 2013
There's a hundred people
♪ Here comes the bride... ♪
Packed in a small church
♪ Gone forever more...♪
And much to my horror
♪ Taking someone's name...♪
I'm awake and it's real
♪ Dependent on some guy...♪
And then enters the Angel
♪ Your fears are deep seated...♪
The whole world shrinks
♪ You'll hate this whole thing...♪
To just one brilliant smile
♪ Here's the best part...♪
Which passes by me
♪ Prepare to die alone...♪
And takes the sun away
S D S Jun 2013
I blinded myself
I gouged out my eyes
I used two rusty prongs
On an old ***** fork
It hurt
A lot

Then I forgot
I couldn't remember why
I blinded myself for a reason
Why would I do this?!
How could this be?
For nothing?
For no one?
For me.

I dropped my eyes
I crawled in the dirt
The hard, dry ground
Was a cruel playground
Glass and old nails
Hazards unavoidable
Without eyes

I found my eyes
My hand brushed slime
Or was it tears?
I reeled back
Disgusted, by my own eye
But slowly,
With all the fear of ignorance
I reached out again

I fixed my eyes
It was difficult
I spun them around
They swirled in the sockets
When light appeared
I stopped them still
With the fork

My vision returned!
I could see the world
In all its glory
But mostly its horror
With sight came memory
It was from terror
I blinded myself to save
What little shred
Of humanity I had

With healing came scars
I couldn't remove
My scabbed eyeballs
Slick with blood
And now the world,
Frightening and brutal
Was painted a red
That was surprisingly
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