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  Jul 2018 Shanath
Banele Msimango
I close my eyes and I am home
I close my eyes and I am home
I close my eyes and I am home
No it's not a dream.
I close my eyes and I am home
They hate me here
A feeling within me speaks
It's the colour of my skin
The different shades of the melanin!
I close my eyes and I am home
My presence is stand up
My absence is meeting
I close my eyes and I am home!
  Jul 2018 Shanath
Emily B
his words take my breath away
his stars are not my stars
and there are worlds in-between

so i come back and i sit
and trace all the letters
slow, slow

i let my heart wander
just far enough
to feel the mountain air

singing feels like flying
from the pines
on the mountain

his words take my breath away
and i don't mind much
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