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 Aug 2017 charlie snow
King Panda
god meets
mystic: the
swing of winter
and lakes frozen

god meets
Judeo-Christian sinner
whose eyes sought
lead along the lake’s


god meets sin:
a welding of
metallic vines and
out of tune music.

god meets underwater
Vulcan as he swallows
a laugh. gasoline
tops the lid
of the lake.

god meets the
fire that wicks the surface
until the body bubbles.
seeing it
there before the folding grey
a last cloud
 Aug 2017 charlie snow
I'm a no one;
Just a stranger that happened to pass by,
Who made a silly mistake,
Yet you talked like we were meant to.

Just a peculiar case;
Talking random things,
That seem to mean nothing,
Yet made its way to be remembered.

A cathartic mess;
Leaving a note that said I'll leave,
Trying to forget how much it'd hurt;
You told me to come back.

Words that made me hold on,
Coming from the most unexpected person;

Dancing with what you've said,
Somehow excruciatingly sweet;

Exhausted with nothing more to say,
Though wanting to talk;
Cold coffee.
I miss you

Even if I know you don't remember me
Suffering from depression is like:

biting your nails
when they're already too short

picking at your wounds,
and not allowing them to heal

living in your past,
because you're afraid of the future

feeling lonely,
yet being afraid
to burden other people
with your presence

wanting to get things done,
but being too unsure of yourself
to even try

you want to be happy,
but being sad is what you're most familiar with

you're afraid to live,
and afraid to die,
but you never know which option is worse

— The End —