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Oct 2013 · 411
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Here I've found some dusty knots
I forget how they were tied
I wish I'd written diagrams
So I could break them when I tried

Instead I left them tangled up
So tight I'd pulled the lines
'til every one was all the rest
Each one another entwined

I pushed, I pulled, I clawed and bit
Each of the knots held strong
And now I know why here they stayed
Hidden away so long

I'll box, I'll hide, I'll stash away
Once more without a trace
But deep inside I'll want to know
Why I tied the **** things in the first place
Oct 2013 · 360
Out of time
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
10  I wake up every morning with the same thoughts on my mind
             9    success is timed my life is running out of time ticking
             8   at every inch of mile Her smile as beautiful as
            7    the night sky. piles of thoughts linger on
              6     my mind like a parachute inflating
                  5  but i'm still waiting for my time
               4  to come as it ticks away
             3  daily little by little.
2         on
           1  display.
Oct 2013 · 458
California (my love)
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I’ll fall in love with every street corner,
I’ll fall madly in love with the sea,
And I’ll think of every grain of sand;
It’s where I need to be.
The only place that lets me breathe,
The only place for me.
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Some say anger is a wasted emotion,
Id argue that anger is why we are free from Hawaii to the Atlantic Ocean

Some say anger only breed’s violence and hate,
I disagree; anger is the reason for every revolution to date

Some peoples anger burns hot and takes control,
Mine kept chilled, a reptilian soul

A warm blooded mammal with a cold reptilian soul, Trying to make sure anger is used correctly from the far east to the close to home west.

Einstein dared to solve Mc squared.
So I will teach y’all to be angry, sharpened teeth bared

Then you will be taught,
How to teach. For anger with out purpose is for naught

I fight for change,
Till I stand limp on the big bad mans firing range

Some say anger is for those with nothing left
I say anger is the beating behind this planets chest

Some say anger is for outcasts and bums.
Yes anger is for outcasts. The too short the too tall, the too smart the too dumb
The too fat the too skinny, the too poor the too rich
Anger is for outcasts and bums.

Some say anger is a wasted emotion, yet for me, anger drives me when I write these poems
Oct 2013 · 974
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I wish I could describe this pull you have over me
The gravitational force of unspoken physics
I am not unlike a moth to a flame
if I get burned, my irrationality is to blame.
If I don't take this plunge, I may never know
whether I was right to let you go.
You make me smile, and I feel this force gaining fast,
An intoxicating rush I hope will last.
An undeniable passion, but I know my heart cannot much further be bent.
I hope I wasn't blinded by our biology.
Let what I heard, be what you meant.
Oct 2013 · 364
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
life beats hard in my neck
your pulse creates a duet
when my melody becomes erratic,
will you be pounding my chest?
Oct 2013 · 523
Her Untimed Presence
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
A gleaming thought projected from the lady so undetected
inside the fenced gate where she starred at the stones
the ghostly silhouettes underneath
a frightening owl shined his beak
Summer brighter than years before
She sits much nearer to the bedroom door
...for in shortened shorts and tightest shirt...a silence overcomes the earth
Waiting for the golden hour to chime......the lady fades away in time
Oct 2013 · 927
Fiery Enemy
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I've heard it said
We're only visitor's here on earth
That our real home is up in Heaven
If You Believe
When things said true or untrue
Then is it the righteous who are barely saved
What chance will the Godless have

Be careful
Watch out for attacks from those
Who our the greatest of enemies with no soul
Their on the prowl
Like hungry roaming lions
Looking for victims to tare apart
Standing firm with their own beliefs and goals

Stand up and trust
In God
He's the true strength to getting us through
Any and all storms
When one of us around the world is attacked
It affects us all in suffering  
Go and stand up for courage
Not with Fear
Surrender it in God's Hands

Raise your thought of consciousness
The core of Peace is near
The enemy of Fire
Be ****
Oct 2013 · 528
Desperate Emotions
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Everything happens for a reason
Just never seems to be the right season
I won’t let you put these dreams to sleep
They will stay strong like my heart beat
I will no longer accept defeat
Conquering this mountain is no longer a choice
Rather it is a way to speak my voice
Nothing can stop this storm now
I am on my way to flip your world upside down
You will no longer wear a frown
Because you will always be happy as long as I am around
Oct 2013 · 749
Lend an Ear
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Therapy is for the weak
Though it is something we all seek
For our voice is to be heard
Problems to be consoled
Sometimes an ear is the best thing
Clears up the teary eyes
Whips away the saddening cries
You can’t always hold it in
Doing that just doesn’t make you win
Go out on a limb
Let your problems be heard
So we all don’t get to be absurd
Oct 2013 · 332
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Stagnant time
Time not once counted
Between thoughts disconnected
Relief escapes me in my hour
My hour of stagnant time
That chews upon my soul
Lingering and cold
Like a clear winter's eve
In my hour
There is no one
There is nothing
Just time
Oct 2013 · 315
Longing for more
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I shall long for you
As my lungs long to breathe
Without thought
Without conscious effort
And I shall long for you
As ocean waves long to crash upon shore
In and out the tide goes
Yet constant are the waves
As is my love for you
You that I hold so dearly
You that dream of
You that I love
Oct 2013 · 390
What's Life ?
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Painful and a struggle
Filled with tease and more jokes please
Life is joy, love and fear
All of which will cause you to shed a tear
Life is big smiles and small frowns
You'll always have those ups and downs
Life is passion and frustration
But at least it is filled with color and illustration
Oct 2013 · 483
Evenly Lost
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
You say you don't know,
you pretend not to see
When your vision is obscured
by a reluctance to believe
You claim it's me,
who's in the wrong
When we've both been broken
for far too long
You say you're seeking a bed
A shelter from the storm
Whilst ignoring my arms open
And hands so warm
You imagine I'm lost
Lamenting, feeling blue
When you're 100% right
(but I'm not telling you)
I'd rather die
Than suffer your "sorries"
I've rather drown
in water than worries
I'm sick of the script
So tired of the lies
I'm using emotional scissors
To sever these ties
Oct 2013 · 296
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
imaginary lines form
people feel like ghosts
wandering around halls

the love of life
you don’t seem to be real
this sprit grows weak

my love you are imaginary to me

if I am to reach for you
I know my hand to pull through
To touch on the other side

the things you say are my minds truths
And truths I cannot
you are only apart of me
never to be your own
I am all consuming
my thoughts are all I know
Oct 2013 · 841
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Thoughts of prestige
Actions of moral
Memories lost
Time gained
All have failed
All have lied When forming

Words from thought
Thought from emotion
Emotion from internal reaction
Internal reaction from physical reaction
Physical reaction  formed from another’s reaction
As the process repeats in backward loop

To denounce your ego fully is an impossible
But as we catch it from time to time
to rip it down for even a moment
to be beautiful
It will come back within the realizations that you just saw
it undermines it all
you are.  
is ego
All you exist in.
is ego
how you use this
how you process ego is to truly live with out
You will never be rid of something apart of you

Stop taking in the tones of Gods
Stop thinking
Stop creation

To destroy ego
Death my very well be that libration

To work with ego in harmony
To exist knowing you’re a flaw
To love being a flaw

I am evil
I am good
I just,..I am  
I can look to this to feel all
To play with this

You must not try to dismiss or disown any part of
Not even understand But to harmoniously cycle with ones self

A life unknown a life unwanted
Rip me down and feed me to time
My bones dusk entering
a lake in witch all creatures swim
Oct 2013 · 389
In the lungs
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I do not feel you in my heart-
that which drums on endlessly
and dull, devoid of most art,
struggling in spineless pulse
to find hemo-globe and not a hearse.

Sometimes I do not even feel my chest
hurtling blood into my veins
though I'm sure it rushes, while I rest,
at near hundred miles a minute-

No, i do not feel you pound in my heart.
I only feel you in my lungs,
breathing steadily through my nose
or heavy by my tongue-
you rush through my neck,
you rise and fall in all my bronchi--

and soft you travel in my body.
Oct 2013 · 394
The help of our minds
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
With the mind
turning and twisting
in the agony of a heart
squeezed dry like a sponge with despair
I pace to and fro
in a bedroom's dimly lit silences
as a caged animal
hungering and thirsting
for the scent of a liberating oasis.
Oct 2013 · 794
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I have loved the world countless times
I've fallen for the same sun
Each day that it rises again.
I can't help but see the potential
In anything that could posses it.
And I love the feeling of loving.
Of holding the warmth of someone else
inside your soul.
Like a cozy blanket
And a warm mug of comfort

I've taken a lot of happiness
And broken it into a struggle
only because I refused to believe
that happiness wasn't there.
Or, at least not for me.

So now I've lost the ability
To trust myself
I can't trust myself to feel genuinely
When I have spent my life convincing myself to feel
Potentially genuine feelings.

I'm hoping this time it's different
Than all of the times before
When it was different.
I'll finally use that memory of mine
To tell me what my future holds
So that I can avoid it at all costs.
But I won't avoid you.
I trust you to force me
Into a genuine happiness

I know the difference between need and want
And you're the strangest mixture.

I don't know anymore if I'm real
If this is real
I don't know if my memories are real
either, really.

So let's hope.
Let's hope I'm really me
and you're really you
and we really do mingle
like the gold and pink
of the setting sun
So beautifully
Because you really are
a wonder.
And I really am hoping.

You say the sun shines just for me
But the moon with its majestic glow—  
It lingers through the starless nights
and patiently awaits the morning,
bringing peace among all who meets it,
Just for you.

You aren't another mug of comfort
and a cozy blanket—
You're a home.
You're a fitting piece to massive complication
You are the sigh of contentment.

And this time,
This time,
I've been falling for the moon
each night it rises again.
Oct 2013 · 2.9k
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I have given this a lot of thought,
and soon I will tell the truth,
the girl you see before you,
isn't the girl you thought you knew.
She is shattered like the mirror glass,
and lying open on the floor,
the girl you once loved,
has ceased and is no more.

She is replaced by another Spirit,
that was created after years of hurt and pain,
she was broken and came undone,
has nothing in this life to gain.
Oct 2013 · 955
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Imagine yourself holding a gun,
Pointed to a love one.

Not on a family but a friend,
Someone you knew way back when.

Now Imagine you pulled the trigger,
That bullet made you a killer.
Oct 2013 · 384
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
These are the moments,
When I truly pray,
Please God,
Hear everything I have to say.

Bless this family,
And this little girl,
She has affected all our lives,
And became part of our world.

She is strong,
She is brave,
But with your guiding light,
We will know she is safe.
Oct 2013 · 424
Self Murder
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
All this face
With no lace
Running a race
With no place
All this nerves
Rejecting life &
All its space
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Don't let your words cloud your mind
For each word spoken
Lays doubt in line
Troubles with liberties,
With words you use to speak
May be arrogant that play
To match for defeat

With the whole world watching
Trafficing of spoken words
Leads to compound interest
Into the cause for wars, racism,
Political mouth piece
On solid soil
Spreading words around in this world
Could get you on a list
Jeapordizing relations of all man kind

So step back for a moment
Before you speak
Become quiescent
Don't let your words
Cloud your mind
Oct 2013 · 489
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Our love was a flower,
but somebody came and plucked all the petals off.

Everyone around us took one, and they passed it around with whispers.
The wind took them and shoved them in our ears,
and we ignored them.

But our love is nothing without color.
Oct 2013 · 256
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
What is only in our heads can be more powerful than what is visable outside our minds
And what is born from out imagination is more powerful than what is born in our eyes
Oct 2013 · 273
Who's Leading ?
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I’ve wondered always,
If I follow life, or if
My life follows me
Oct 2013 · 3.5k
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Laugh, and your day will be brighter,
laugh, and your burden will be lighter.

Laugh, and make it contagious,
laugh, and become courageous.

Laugh, and the pain becomes bearable,
laugh, and anything is wearable.

Laugh, deep down from your belly,
laugh, till your legs turn to jelly.

Laugh, and tell something funny,
laugh, and don't worry about money.

Laugh, and create joy around you,
laugh, and touch if only a few.

Laugh, and create an instant bond,
laugh, and even pygmies will respond.

Laugh, and if you don't remember how,
let me know and I will teach you now.

Laugh, and if you need some inspiration,
laugh, and try anti-frustration.
Oct 2013 · 492
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
There was no color
This time
There were only
Melting faces
Shaking hands
And pop rocks flowing through my veins
The laughs were
Exploding moons
Dancing walls
Mobs of people stealthily stalking me
The stars above
Glimmered hard
Sadness was
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
All defined, labeled, identified.
like quiet children who stand aside,
                                                    Silent as a dusty book,
Captivated by their own shoes,
must be pardoned, must be excused.
Those who mumble and avoid your eyes,
they do not mind, they’re just shy.

Imagine if everything still and reserved
Were undermined by such a word.
What would we say of those calm characters
mountains, towers, poetry, flowers?
If perchance one afternoon we met the horizon or the moon,
Are we to say that because often they stand away,
Afar in photos, landscapes, scenery,
off center, silent, beyond the sea,
That these defining features of the sky
Should be cast off and labeled shy?

Those amongst us, who silently
Live largely in their reverie,
Hiding behind their books and journals,
Heard not, but for the scratch of their pencils,
Will name you someday;
They'll have something undeniably brilliant to say.
Should you disagree, consider and think,
Violent, boisterous thunder is the voice of silent-seeming lightning.
Oct 2013 · 449
Remembering My Luck
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
The vivid colors,
Through my eyes,
I see.

They remind me of what’s
Meant to be.

If my life were lived blind of

Then I suppose I’d only know of
What my other senses bring.

It’s a shame,
The amount of complaints
Each moment summons.

Especially when,
If I started counting my blessings
Right now,
I’d already be in the dozens.
Oct 2013 · 348
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
You tell me you love me
I wish it where true
You tell me you've missed me
I use to miss you

When you walked out the door
I thought I would cry
But you just kept right on walking
Without saying,  good-bye
So now that you've come back
It isn't the same
With you it was only just a game
I once truely loved you
But that was before
Now you say you love me
It doesn't matter anymore

Cause you fooled me once
Shame on me
May think you can fool me twice
But this time the games won't be nice
From me
I can forgive, but not forget
Once is enough of your ****
Oct 2013 · 413
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Life is really such a strange place
You have different issuses and problems
You don't know how to face

People tell you "take one problem at a time"
By then, you've lost your marbles and your **** mind

One minute your learning to talk
The next your learning to walk
Just when you think you've mastered all the task
Life turns around and kicks you right in the ***

It's really a strange life we all try to lead
But somehow, it's really a life we all seem to need.
Oct 2013 · 513
The Master Plan
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Your brother's keeper
Let the truth be known

Co-operate CEO's, Politicians, Government Agencies,
Drug Dealers, Preachers, Terrorist, even your Neighbor

Who do we trust
When it's all in the name of greed
For the love of money, power, and prestige
When does this all stop being a game
That we live so selfishly by fame
In putting together
The Master Plan
In robbing the sick, the poor, the elderly
All who our blindsided of a scam
With business as usual
It's all about me and mine
Have we lost our way to committing more crimes
Or is making a deal with the devil
The only way in this lifetime
Sep 2013 · 582
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
depression. its a battle i once faught
not really, but thats what i once thought
the truth is, its never gonna leave me, cause its always gonna need me
i still get down and always will, so when i do, its always gonna feed me
the world wants me to fight it, to beat it away
to let it know that it has no place to stay
but thats not true, cause its a part of me
and accepting thats like paying the hardest fee
so taking a pill each morning might help me see things 'the right way'
but its still gonna surface, not like each day can be the bright day
i know thats it normal, and i'm leaning to embrace it
rather than fighting and pushing, trying to replace it
cause when i get down, man i fall through the floor
i lock my heart in a room, and it breaks down the door
emotions are living, they want to spread wings and soar
and i know thats its true, cause i feel them right to my core
Sep 2013 · 3.6k
Big Brother
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
I've never met a person who could make me angry as quickly as you.
But when I need someone to make me laugh unexpectedly- you  do that too.
Mom always told us, when we were certain we couldn't be related,
That we'd never stop needing each other. A sibling couldn't be traded.
We often joked that hospitals switch babies all the time.
But deep down I knew, that even with your very worst parts, you were mine.
It's been quite awhile since I heard you laugh.
I find myself replaying conversations wishing they would last.
Missing all the things so uniquely you
Wishing I'd known sooner that what Mom said was true.
You're more like me than either of us could have known.
Now I see that losing you is like losing my only way home,
Because I have a connection to you unlike any other.
It was unavoidable. You're my Big brother.
Sep 2013 · 896
I don't want to talk..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
When I first thought of typing these words
The message I sought to convey,
Was that without knowing the problem,
"I'm hurting" isn't easy to say.
Upon some further reflection,
I probably could articulate my upset,
But that would leave too much open for inspection.
I don't want to be told that I am mistaken,
or even that I am correct.
What if my dream is left shaken?
Instead I'll suffer without going on trial.
I'll keep my fear to myself.
Let us hope I'm not in denial.
Sep 2013 · 331
I've Been Lying Too
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
I hate you
but you love me
and all you wanna do
is please me.

Your shaking up my head
twisting my thoughts
into tiny pieces
that can't be read.

"But i love you baby"
is all you say
Just go with it
it'll all be okay.

We waste time
like a broken clock

And when the time comes
I won't be there
Cause i've been lying too...
but you were always too drunk
to even care.

Our lies that were exchanged
never meant a thing
Especially when i used to say
"of course IM in Love with You darlING"
and you're my everything.
Sep 2013 · 251
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
We get so attached
not only to ourselves
but the people
that surround us.

The time that we spend together
just can't be captured into a photograph
All the memories that we remember
won't last forever.

At some point in our lives
we have to let go
Just let the person that you love the most
slip right through your fingers
only to turn into a ghost.

What was your perfect future
is now a dark past
you never know
when it could be the last.

Whether it's a last kiss
or a last goodbye
forever and always
will you be dearly missed.

Take chances while you have them
don't let them slip away
Speak the words that you desire
'cause it'll be the last words
that I'll hear you say.
Sep 2013 · 303
In Peace
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
take away the war let us live in peace
make the world a happy place let the killing cease
let us love again and we can live as one
together hand in hand we can make our lives go on
cast the war aside and put it in the past
let us live in harmony and live in peace at last
Sep 2013 · 238
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
love it is a nature and it lies within
when you meet that special one your love it will begin
you will feel emotions and a beating in your heart
to let you know that love is just about to start
its such a lovely feeling and there to let you know
something that you feel when love begins to grow.
Sep 2013 · 642
Just Three Voices..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Two bodies,
Beneath a waterfall.
The water pours down in a torrent,
Upon our bodies.
Wet hair streaming,
Like sea ****,
Like watercress,
Blonde and brown.
The water upon our heads,
Our laughter mingles,
With the laughter of the water,
Three voices.
Hers like bells,
Mine almost silent,
The water’s loader,
Loader than load,
White noise,
But loader,
Like a storm,
A pounding in my ear.
I run my hands,
Over his body,
Under the water.
He clings to me,
Holding me,
Trying not to be washed away,
Like our laughter,
Lost in the torrent,
The water,
Ever flowing,
Sep 2013 · 410
Endless Endings
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Breathing you in...
Inhaling every scent of you,
Drinking you completely..
For your sweetness is so true.
Touching your exterior..
The finest known to me,
Holding your heart..
Counting every single beat.
Kissing your lips..
The softness so define,
Cradling your body..
With these arms of mine.
Entrapping your soul..
Making you mine forever,
Loving you endlessly,
Praying we'll always be together.
Sep 2013 · 287
We're living Proof
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
The rain holds our hearts
together forever more
Our souls dance in love
As our smiles spread the shore
I hold your hand as we walk
Knowing that you're not there
In my heart and in my mind
you surround me everywhere
As I speak to you in silence
My words I know you hear
When I touch your body softly
there is nothing that we fear
For love is not a figment
nor a dream we wish to wake
We are the proof of true love
That no one can forsake.
Sep 2013 · 322
Just A Dream
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Just a dream

Acting in fright

Wishing one day

It will be alright

Hoping it’s all just a dream

Open and close my eyes

Is there little more than

Mistakes and fights?

Is this because of where I come from?

Who am I?

The mirror doesn’t lie

Just a sad excuse

For the wannabe daughter

Trapped inside

Slowly dying

Why can’t I just be somebody?
Sep 2013 · 2.9k
Love AND Affection..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
What is love without affection?
Is it still love?
Or a similar feeling misleading the needy in the wrong direction. .
A common disease proclaimed infectious.
If so, let me know cause my heart needs a contraceptive.
What is love without affection?
Because if you love me then what's to question?
Sep 2013 · 807
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Turning your back, so easily done
When all the while you are the one
Who began the war, increasing the fire
Just for your pleasure, your sheer desire.

My feelings fall short from your mind
Revenge I seek, and I shall find.
I did nothing, yet I pay the price
What a friendship, how sweet, how nice.

Nothing left but an empty heart
Ripped from my chest, and torn apart.
Nothing falls short of who I am
Letting you win..I'll be ******!!

Standing tall, firmly on the ground
Nothing you do will bring me down.
My hands are washed of you forever
Lost in lies, no longer together.

A better person I prove to be
While your true colors, others shall see.
Dim, and dull, boring and grey
Guess there's nothing else to say.....

Except goodbye and farewell!!!
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
With a hint of love to fill the air
Sweet caresses to know you are there.
Kisses of ecstasy that entice my soul
Passions surround me as I lose control.
Familiar dwellings of a beautiful face
Miles of torture override this place.
Tho never to part nor be stolen away
Those miles we shall separate someday.
Closeness will fill our lives with a hue
Colors of love for just me and you.
If I could just hold you near to me
There is no other place I would rather be.
Kissing your lips, as I touch your skin
Bringing me into you deeply within.
Whispers so softly that we shall share
To each others hearts of how much we care.
If I could right now, flow into your heart
Forever I'd stay never wanting to part.
My love would be tender, honest and true
Until death do we part I will love only you.
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Image Of Perfection...
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
An image painted on a canvas
For the whole world to see
Is the image what they notice
Or is it what truly lies beneath
On the outside there's beauty
Radiating a hint of happiness
Filled with life and enthusiasm
Enjoyed by all who see, or notice
The hands that created this masterpiece
Must have been solid, and stern
For the wall that holds this canvas
Has a black lining the eyes can't see
Bitterness, shallow, and heartless
Covered with a coating of gold
To the human eye to seem like perfection
For there is no happiness within
An abundance of repentance
that grows under this image,
stretching high up along the walls
The image of everlasting beauty
Trees swaying in the background
Beautiful flowers blooming abundantly
The sun shining as though just ripened
Birds soaring through the air,
chirping this magical, mystical morning
Dew lying upon the image
leaving a sparkle to catch the eye
The image seen as it is wanted to be seen
Painted from the mind of someone
needing perfection taking nothing less
Knowing you can't cut a stone with scissors
Or fly like a bird without wings
You can't even create perfection
When there is no such a thing.
Minus all the beauty that this image holds
Would your attention be captured the same
If by fascination you could see with it
Without it what would you see
A canvas hanging on a wall alone
No beauty within or without
Black walls that line the canvas, no image
Empty, rebellious, alone
Fascination is taken away by reality
Once the image becomes clear it is no longer
an image, nor perfection you see
Though now noticeable the canvas
rests on the wall that is lined in black
Plain as the sky on a glorious day
The canvas holds no image of beauty
No image of any kind
It was merely what someone wanted you to see
Hoping that in reality the image
would always be there, stay the same
Beautiful, happy, loving
Speaking a thousand words just
from what your mind captured
It is now faint to the eyes, clear
That this canvas is nothing more
than a dishonest piece of work.
Sep 2013 · 280
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Sadness lives to hollow the heart
Its pleasure is our pain
It abides in darkness and fear
It lives for weakness to gain.
Burying itself within our minds
Trying to steal our dreams
Desiring one tear to fall
Knowing it shall succeed.
Sadness is but a figment
That of which we can control
If we refuse to get lost within it
It cannot deprive our souls.
Our strength and our wisdom
Keeps us standing tall
As long as we fight sadness
We are saved from it all.
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