my love,
i had dreamt of you,
my entire life.
i wished for you
on every star,
and dandelion puffs.
i worshipped you
in the prayers of my every poem.
i loved you
with the entirety of my existence
from the moment i found you.
i believe,
that the universe reoriented itself
to keep you at the center
and it was the first time
i had known peace
and belonging.
your departure from me,
would untether the planets
and misalign the galaxies.
your eventual absence
will catapult me
into the darkness.
i am a ghost
without a home to haunt
a heartbeat
without a chest to belong to.
i will know nothing
except for the loss of you.
i know it will consume everything
i will ever have known.
it will sound like a goodbye
and it will feel, alone.
so don't go,
don't ever go.