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Adrianna Perez Nov 2012
This is not an angsty teenage poem
of love lost in that moment when you realized you wern't the exception
This isn't the story of love found over a cup of coffee
This is the poem for those who cannot speak
afraid of the havoc their words will wreak
the voices that tell stories worth sharing
wanting to be set free
to see light
to scream
Those who sit in fear
of not being believed
and for those who's name they'll never speak
The star athlete
the man down the street
the man in the corner of the bar
their best friends brother,  in his car.
this is a poem for those who shed tears and wish they were layers of skin
this is the poem for words unspoken
for those who wish that all they lost was love
for those who's tongue's gone numb
for those who wish this was an angsty teenage poem.
I'm not amazing but I tried so.....
neth jones  Apr 2016
neth jones Apr 2016
drinking my moth away
laid out in the potion
a whum, wing and a daze
a sway
a motion with the undergraze
i brighten a pipe full
i become in spirit with its corded sage
and a flutter
as i fright the flame
free from the match-(dead)
a muffled bray
a pleasant wern
i climb a breath
and shudder into bluffle
drinking on my ownsome
an eye on the night to my side and uncurtained
my other within it
carrying a build of annonomous fear
i'm able to smile alongside this
Zach Merrill  Mar 2012
Zach Merrill Mar 2012
Woke up in the morning and I put aside my pride,
I got a clean shirt, hitched a ride.
Put on that quiet smile and do my job right,
guess that makes me not a bad, bad guy....

Never went to college and I never made much,
I always wanted to.
I feel so bad, baby it makes me sad,
I wish I could give more to you.
And if I wern't so dumb,
And if I couldn't do wrong.
Then I'd be better than strong.

It's been a while now, still "thinkin' about you."
Your wonderful smile,Your key tattoo.
Your beautiful hair, Your cute when you pose.
We'll be together forever, I suppose...
Hazel Connelly  Sep 2012
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
The net's a big headache
I need a bloke you see
I search and search for hours
But can't get one for free.

I bought myself a web cam
I thought I could chat and play
But there wern't any blokie blokes
Only the ones that were gay.

Hang on! Who's this?
It's a blokie figure
He looks like me grandad
But me grandad's thinner.

Says his name is Bertie
Asks if I'm into leather
Then said I was a bore
We wouldn't be good together.

Oh wait! I must be dreaming
I see a tanned Blokee
I smile at his picture
He smiles back at me.

He speaks , I can't hear him
He hears, but can't see
I think my PCs broken
Why does it happen to me?

I think I'm in love
I hope he feels the same
Oh ****! my PCs crashed
And I never got his name.

© Hazel
Leah Rae Feb 2013
My mother would have told you I came in the dead of winter, on the coldest night of the year, and hit like a storm, if she had remembered it.

But she hadn't.

Asleep for several more months before my heartbeat would wake her from her deep sleep, I was born screaming.

Overwhelmingly solitary they called us. But your voice sounded like raspberries and honey, you smelled like summertime and love, I couldn't tell the difference between the two anymore.

Our cousins in Asia tell us this kind of infatuation is unheard of, say I must be going mad. The Northern family say I need someone to keep me warm at night, and I knew it had to be you. Mother said I was a late bloomer, six years into my life until I could love you the right way, I was tired of destroying all the things I touched, with more claw then palm.

I would swim oceans for you, over the coldest currents, paw over paw until my body sand. I would eat a diet of creatures one' one thousandth my size for you, all year long if it meant making you mine. When I thought I couldn't have you, I waded, restlessly to my stone swaddled basin and slept for so long when I awoke I swore months had past.

I would shed every inch of skin, every single hair follicle, 9,677 per square inch, make myself naked, for you.

But you left. Almost as soon as you came. Like a thief in the night, far away for far too long. But you said you wern't the type to mate for life. But I've expanded my rage, a 60 mile radius around the length of my home, and I'm waiting for you.

You'll be mine again.
Alicia Coldwin Oct 2016
When i was young, i remembered sitting and laughing at everything. Nothing seemed to bring me down. I thought the insults were jokes and the cold stairs were funny faces, i only know now that those girls who would snicker and laugh wern't my friends, and the buses my step dad calved on me and my brothers skin wern't a common punishment for staying up too late. i only really new when my brother met that nice girl in high school and would run away to hers early in the morning through my window while i covered for him.

looking back, i realized I'm not alone. i'm not the only one who came from one hard place and ended up in another, a place with due dates, judgmental kids and the sudden talk of bills and work. worried if we looked to ugly or too pretty to be a pretty boy of a ****. watching every word slip out our mouth before we say them.

so we built up a shield of friends, with common interests personalities and above all, respected each other. things were good. then great. then horrible. slowly we watched our friends drop like flys. not because they didn't like us, or moved away. but we didnt like the person they changed into. weather becoming selfish and making problems worse, or they just wont stop lying to us. we watch them fall. and we fall to. weather from loves that stag like thorns or people we trust biting our weakest parts and watch us crumble to dust and blow away.

the teachers dont understand how you can go from good one second and bad the next, or why we can kiss a boy and then a girl. thinking that if they see you crying in a hallway alone its better to take you somewhere you dont want to be and make it worse, and when were drowning, they give up and watch us sink saying "i did my best".

was your best sitting back enjoying your pay rises every time a kid fell so far that they were no longer here? saying "i tried, there's nothing els i could do.

at knight out insecurities watch us with glowing eyes because no one bothered to check under out beds or closets and we just hide under out blankets and whisper "maybe if i hold my breath it will be gone".

well were not six anymore. and we cant give up while were up so we give up while were down. we stay down. creating art on our skin like empty canvases and fill our lungs with poises, growing bitter attitudes and spitting venom at anyone who pretends to care.

i hope there pretending... but... who would care... right...?

so we scare anyone who looks out way in fear that they'll lead us out our hard shells and laugh at whats inside, wishing like hell that our lives could end up like a fairy tails or some movie where after so much pain we finally see the light.

so we have a choice. end the poor dears suffering, or help it get back on its feet and run, run and find what its meant to to. and if it falls we will be right there beside, cheering it on and helping it find its way.

after all... it could get better. we just have to wait and see.
just needed a little time to vent about life, that is all
Edward S Jun 2013
She was once trapped in a dark void,
She was crying, and everything that was once happy was now destroyed.

She had lost all hope, for it had been Seven years,
When I saw her in the Sacred Realm she didnt shead a tear.

She explained to me why we couldent be together,
She was a Sage, and I was the Hero of Time, we were on opposite ends of the teather.

Before Princess Zelda, I always wanted you,
But now we can't be, so we both need to coup.

I thank you for being here for me so we can face him together,
Even though we are on opposite ends of the teather.

Maybe we just wern't meant to be,
Or maybe our destinys changed when I entered the Great Deku Tree.

Yes, thats probably where it all changed,
Or where our destinys already arragneged?
"Are you okay?"
Thats what I ask,
"Yup u?" is your reply,
Texts, they hide you like a mask.

I can't tell with texts,
If you're lying or not,
If you wern't okay,
Would you tell me or not?

I want be there,
To ask you the same,
"Are you okay?"
"I'm glad you came"

I could hold you close,
And hold you tight,
Together we'll conquer the world,
We'll win this fight.

No matter what the future holds,
I will be there for you,
If you'll let me,
I promise this is true.
When I text a certain someone who is very close to my heart, all I ever get is 'Yup, you? x' and this frustrates me
Zach Merrill Oct 2010
I'll tell you the truth today, the sun is shineing
And all the memories of last night keep  crawling in my skull
Do you remember the words you said as we drifted, as we went to bed.

And i'm trying for goodness sake,
to remember just what you say
cuase your trying for goodness sake to make it all ok
do you remember when we were young and wern't confused?
and we sang senceless nothings , late into the night so blue.

yes writeing just to be with you.
what happen after all of this what happen that i can't dismiss
we changed...
We forgot what it was to sing

And i think of you now, often in times of you.
That's why i'm writeing just to be with you.

— The End —