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Tommy Johnson Dec 2014
The spitting image
Was just in spitting distance
When she pricked herself in the spindle
And fell into spinet
Then ended up in the hospital on Guerrero street

The two dunderheads
Compared biceps
Engaged in a ******* contest
Their **** was red, forgot they had eaten beets
Now they're on their way to the hospital on Guerrero street

The embezzling imbecile
Who invented mystery meat
Was selling cowlicks at the concession stand
He had a heart attack when a horse voiced mulatto paid him in coins with no cash value
Now he's on a pram in the hospital on Guerrero street

The improviser had a bright idea
And epiphany
There was a light bulb above his head
But he was taken by the under tow and got water logged
Now he's held up in the hospital on Guerrero street

The beggar women ******* from a rusty spigot
Who studied the doctrine but didn't read the document or get the memo
That she was due for a mammogram, she was distressed
She could barely make ends meet
So now she brings he tin can of pennies with her to the hospital on Guerrero street

Amidst the unfortunate
Amongst the idiots
There is me, the one who got his hand stuck in peanut jar
Sitting in the waiting room damning myself in the hospital on Guerrero street
Cuando fue el bravo Guerrero
Presidente, yo era un chico
Y en aquel tiempo a Tampico
Llegó un general ibero.
...Justo; esto es;
Barradas precisamente
Queriendo, audaz y valiente,
Ser un nuevo Hernán Cortés.
Entonces, sólo al decir
Que extraña tropa llegaba
El Gobierno ya miraba
Enlutado el porvenir.
Y por prudencia o temor
Cesaban goces y fiestas,
Haciéndole mil protestas
A cualquier embajador.
Barradas, bravo y experto,
Vencer a Méjico anhela
Y entra altivo a toda vela,
Como virrey frente al puerto.
Santa-Anna, a la patria fiel,
Tan audaz como animoso
Derrotó al jefe ambicioso
Ganando eterno laurel.
Fue una derrota ejemplar
Que no olvidará la Historia
Pues allí alcanzó la gloria
De hacerlo capitular.
En Méjico ¡Qué ansiedad
Por saber el resultado!
Estaba en completo estado
De agitación la ciudad.
Una noche, a ver un drama
Guerrero fue al Coliseo,
Un teatro tosco y feo
Que «Principal» se le llama.
Llegado el acto tercero,
Ve con asombro la gente
Que al palco del Presidente,
Entra, con traje de cuero,
Un hombre y le da un papel;
Guerrero al leerlo llora;
Y el público en esa hora,
Enternecido como él,
Presiente lo que le avisa
Al Presidente el pliego
Y queda mudo, en sosiego,
Entre lágrimas y risa.
Cuando acabó de leer
Guerrero, se levantó
De su asiento y así habló
Sin poderse contener:
«Si con frases no me explico,
El llanto lo hará por mí...
¡Me comunican aquí
La victoria de Tampico...!
Vencido está el jefe ibero,
Santa-Anna lo derrotó...»
Y un gran grito resonó:
«¡Vivan Santa-Anna y Guerrero!»
Guerrero con alegría,
Dijo enseñando leal
La faja de general
Que en la cintura tenía:
«Mando al brigadier Santa-Anna,
Esta faja, no os asombre,
Para que la porte en nombre
De la Nación Mejicana».
Volvió el público a gritar
Nuevos vivas y a aplaudir,
En unos era el reír,
En otros era el llorar
Y no hay mármoles ni bronces,
Ni existen tinta y color,
Que puedan pintar, señor,
El patriotismo de entonces.
Tu buena memoria pasma
A cualquiera, mi sargento,
Tu relato da contento,
Enardece y entusiasma.
Cuando el teatro dejaron
Todos con gran ansiedad,
¿Sabéis lo que en la ciudad
Con asombro contemplaron?
Adornadas con festones
Todas las casas vecinas,
Con faroles y cortinas
En cornisas y balcones;
Sobre las torres bermejas
De los vetustos conventos,
Gallardetes, ornamentos,
Guirnaldas y candilejas.
Las calles... ¡que animación!
Las gentes si se encontraban,
Entusiastas se abrazaban
Con lágrimas de emoción.
No se escuchaba un reproche,
Todo era franco y sincero,
Que estaba Méjico entero
De triunfo en aquella noche.
¡Y todos los mejicanos
Que un mismo placer sentían,
Entonces sí se querían
Como si fuesen hermanos...!
Me enternezco cuando pienso
En esto, porque señor,
No he visto un modo mejor
De dar a un bravo un ascenso,
Ni un modo más natural,
Más franco y más elocuente
De expresar públicamente
El contento nacional.
Glorias del pasado son,
¡Mas para un viejo soldado,
Esas glorias del pasado
Dan vida a su corazón...!
Cuando ya todos los héroes
Que con Hidalgo surgieron,
Quedaron frente al «Destino»,
Aprisionados o muertos,
Sólo un tenaz insurgente,
El indomable Guerrero,
Sostuvo entre las montañas
La libertad y el derecho.
Él, desde ochocientos once
Que entró a servir con Morelos,
Asistió a muchos combates
En que demostró su genio.
Y el año de diez y nueve
Fueron tantos sus esfuerzos,
Que alcanzó veinte victorias
Contra el virreinal ejército.
Más tarde cuando Iturbide
Salió para darle encuentro,
Siendo por él derrotado
Del sur en los campamentos,
Se le ofreció por amigo,
Se le entregó como adepto
Y al fin en una entrevista
Celebrada el diez de enero
Del ochocientos ventiuno
De Acatempam en el pueb'o,
Juráronse en un abrazo
Obrar de común acuerdo
Para proclamar muy pronto
La independencia de Méjico.
Guerrero fue como el águila
Altivo, incansable, fiero,
Halló nido en la montaña,
La caza le dio alimento,
Jamás lograron rendirlo
Y cuando en calma le vieron
Era porque ya la presa
Había en sus garras deshecho.
Tal era ei bravo insurgente
Que, por sus brillantes méritos,
Figuró luego en la Patria
Como Jefe del Gobierno;
Dejándonos por memoria,
Y por glorioso recuerdo
La victoria de Tampico
Conquistada en dos sangrientos
Combates, que aniquilaron
Al invasor extranjero.
Fueron Terán y Santa Anna
Quienes con gran ardimiento
Alcanzaron el triunfo
Contra un brigadier ibero
Que vencido y desarmado
Con su flota dejó el puerto.
Cuando ya sin ingerencia
En asuntos del Gobierno
Tranquilo en el sur vivía
El indomable Guerrero,
Por temor a su fiereza
Un crimen se tramó en Méjico.
El general Bustamante
Y sus ministros, creyeron
Oportuno darle muerte
Al soldado de Morelos;
Y hay quien diga que hubo alguno
Que así exclamó en el consejo:
A este suriano terrible
Hay que quitarle de en medio.
No era fácil darle alcance
Ni era posible vencerlo,
Y a un genovés, Picaluga,
Corazón infame y *****,
Como a Judas lo compraron
Para consumar el hecho.
Picaluga tenia surto
Un bergantín en el puerto
De Acapulco y era amigo
Del bravo adalid del pueblo;
Lo convidó una mañana
A principios de febrero
A almorzar en el Colombo,
El héroe asistió al almuerzo
Y en cuanto le tuvo a bordo,
Se dio a la vela ligero,
Y fue a entregarlo en Huatulco
A las fuerzas del Gobierno.
Por aquella negra infamia
Cobró cincuenta mil pesos;
Y nadie supo a qué sitio
Huyó el traidor marinero.
En tanto al héroe suriano,
A Oaxaca lo trajeron,
Lo juzgaron a su antojo
En ridículo consejo;
Mil crímenes le imputaron,
Mil faltas le supusieron,
Y ya sentenciado a muerte,
Lo fusilaron enfermo,
En la villa de Cuilapa
El catorce de febrero
Del año de treinta y uno...
¡Año en nuestra historia *****!!
Cuando en el Almirantazgo
De Génova, conocieron
La infamia de Picaluga,
Publicaron un decreto
Declarándolo ante el mundo
Traidor, villano y artero;
Sentenciándolo a que muera
Por la espalda, sin derecho
A sepultura sagrada,
Ni a luto ni a testamento
Breves pasaron los años
Y el más profundo misterio,
Veló a todos el destino
Del infame marinero.
Contábanse mil consejas
Que amedrentaban al pueblo,
Pero la verdad, lo triste,
Lo horripilante, lo cierto,
Era que el héroe de Tixtla,
El soldado de Morelos,
Gozaba en humilde tumba
Del último de los sueños
Causando duelo a la Patria
Y rubor a su Gobierno.
Cuando cayó Bustamante
Y que los años corrieron,
Uno de sus más adictos
Hombre rico y de provecho,
Hizo un viaje a Tierra Santa,
Pues era cristiano viejo.
Llegado a la Palestina
Fue a visitar el convento
En que moran los trapistas
Pensando ganar el cielo.
Al atravesar un claustro,
Dicen que salió a su encuentro
Un fraile, cuyo semblante
En amplia capucha envuelto
Velaba con blanca barba
Que le bajaba hasta el pecho.
-¿No me conocéis?- le dijo,
-No- respondióle el viajero.
-Pues llevo aquí algunos años
De rogar al Ser Supremo,
Que a Bustamante y sus hombres,
Y a mí, que fui su instrumento,
Nos perdone compasivo
Y nos absuelva en su reino
Del crimen que cometimos
Con el general Guerrero.
Soy Francisco Picaluga...
                    -Humilde siervo
De Dios, a quien lo devora
Un tenaz remordimiento.
Sin decir una palabra
Y de admiración suspenso,
El viajero conmovido
Salió del triste convento,
Y después de algunos años
Al referir el suceso
Temblaba cual si estuviera
Junto al traidor marinero.
ConnectHook  Sep 2015
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Ogun owed Oxun for the fee he paid
to divorce Yemayá in the watery deep.
Babalu Aye‘s messenger delayed
(no *** in the bargain – price too steep)
until San Martín, divine caballero
deceived the third wife of el Indio Guerrero.

(Obatala‘s beats got lost in transit
the rhythm robbed by macumba-bandit.)

Eleguá cleared paths for He Who Opens Pores.
Black roosters smoked puros at midnight. Outdoors,
Santa Muerte was asked to turn down the noise
so Nana Buluku could get some sleep.

As she gathered Ashé, reduced to a heap
of Yoruba fool’s gold anointed with blood
Oduduwa pretended he understood;
but his mother-in-law knew he never would
until Olódùmarè returned from the feast
having sacrificed roosters while facing east.

The santero drew me a pictogram
to protect me from forces my poem conjured
but the blood of a sacrificed perfect lamb
affords more protection, I knew. He wondered.
Santiago Nov 2015
// A que huele un guerrero cuando viene de batalla

huele a victoria, huele a victoria//

Por que Jehová está con él.

// Somos como escudos, tres son los valientes

y con su espiritu venceremos siempre//

A que huele un guerrero cuando viene de la batalla

A que huele un guerrero cuando viene de la batalla

//Huele a victoria, huele a victoria //

// Si con Dios peleas esto sabe a gloria// Sabe gloria

// Esto sabe a gloria, esto sabe a gloria
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
when i first found about will alexander, i immediately bought three of his books: kaleidoscopic omniscience, compression & purity, the sri lankan loxodrome - i saw the potential, rekindled surrealism - perhaps a second peacock on the stage, as in more peacock of vocabulary, rather than a peacock of historical quanta merging (E. Pound).

i really do distrust this division in what science speaks
and what poverty stricken humanism speaks of -
i distrust it because science sediments itself supposing
humanism the pauper - science and all its immediate solutions,
humanism and all its delayed problems -
the new priests look so innocent - but i'm bothered,
i don't understand their need for awe-on-purpose -
the old priests demanded kneeling and an agonising
penitence - not a concept of predestination, but
this sort of minority report: you've done nothing wrong,
but we'll assume you already have, better than a microchip
implant, the idea, we'll use that, pre everything
limit the pro of everything, and catch you in a fishnet of
omni, it was too much, all in one go, in defence it started
with a mediator impersonal, Cartesian later Spinoza's
substance - partly due to the omni-etc., a shortcut -
the easiest way out - sure, if i went to a progressive school
rather than a catholic school in an Irish neighbourhood of
far-beyond the East End locality, i might have written
you L.S.D. filled poems, instead i start off tipsy working my
way around vocabulary that's adequate - hushing out
all possible onomatopoeia static in crude tongue -
ridicule feeds the beast, ridicule my prime loathing -
criticism well and truly accepted... ridicule feeds the beast -
but i mean, this perpetuated awe of scientists,
modern philosophy anti-Aristotelian does not begin
with awe, but with a ridicule of it, a disgust -
when did humanism ever experience awe? a stranger's
kindness would be a start, but even then there's hardly
any awe in it - it soon fades, scientists have immersed themselves
as prophets of awe's preservation, one picks up
a stone and speaks of a mountain, one draws a circle and
howls out the moon - i don't know how they can fake their
awe with so many certainties - so many facts -
awe reminds me of my first bicycle lesson, attempting
balance, failing, bruising a knee, and awe when
the balance was mastered - very short-lived, then the
drudgery of re-, i distrust scientific awe, primarily because
we're slowly no longer stepping out into the unknown,
we're stopping into knows and denies - not many unknowns
out there - except as in the case of Iraq, and Donald Rumsfeld,
known knows and there are known unknowns -
now... that's awe... i don't know who was keeping check
on this, but that's more mesmerising that explaining
1,000 million years ago... in a nutshell... how long has
this pneumatic drill of Darwinism been pumping custard
into our brain? is this the part where you tell me we're experiencing
the Alaskan day in the summer months or Alaskan night
in the winter months? all this scientific awe-bashing
is no longer vogue, but they keep at it - oh amazing, ah,
stupefying - and all of it just becomes a regurgitation -
someone said in the 16th century that Aristotle was wrong,
the wrong in Aristotle is that he might have been wrong,
but he was still perplexed... we're no longer perplexed creatures,
not so much... well maybe a bit when it comes to social justice,
but it's not like: sigh and a tear in your eye... it's more like:
if a white boy was shot from a private school, the mothers
and fathers would come up to the police officers with guns
in their hands... you can see awe vanishing when the butterfly
feelings flutter away silently... it's now violent awe:
why is this still happening?! huh?! scientific awe is not
a cushion you can fall back on: we have ~100 years to live
(if you're lucky... or unlucky) and we're being told of life
in caves and trees - Darwinism has hijacked history, this is
where science in written form is like an atom bomb, it wipes
away the best part of humanism, that is: to make human
life itemised on the microscopic level - i don't care if you
go to church and **** out alms for the poor and put on
those ruby shoes and walk the yellow-brick road,
you can't relate to Judea 10 a.d. - not to save your life -
in that famous motto *carpe diem
- but strained it's not
so much seize the day, but... relate to the days and those
around you who share them: pertineo diebus - or something
like that, imagine, going to a Catholic school and they
don't even have the manners to teach you a bit of Latin slang,
travesty; but that's how it is, we're no longer awe-stricken
in what the scientists are selling us, fair-dos to
the medicine men, shampoo men, cologne men,
but the awe-invoking men are a bit n'ah-ah to me -
given the timescale for one -  i'm a simple man and i want
to enjoy my beer thinking about last Friday,
my life... not the collective origin of life, and whether
i was too hairy back then - you don't need theology to
argue this point, just a little bit of common sense self-respect,
last Friday, not 1,000 million years ago when there was
no Friday, no Sunday, no March, no human imprint -
no: i can touch it, i can feel it, i can see it... i want it.
just like in my dream today - it's rather strange that i dream,
i rarely do, but sometimes i remember one or two -
and all i can say is that - i had the best *** in my life
last night, asleep
- yeah, i was ******* in it -
but what bothers me is that it wasn't lucid in terms of
images, but sensations - i can thus say it wasn't completely
impotent in terms of colour, but then again it was -
i'm starting to believe that i'm a blind-man in my dreams,
i ~see sensations rather than actual images in reel -
i can remember leaning against a wall and moving my
tongue in her mouth and my middle-and-ring fingers
into the... what? cliche? anatomic? *****? you choose -
a strange parallelism - we can use the tongue for such
eloquent fragments, and yet reduce it to other atrocities
of equal eloquence - then the whole dream-world changed
and i felt sitting at the tipping point where the sea meets
the beach sands, sitting down awash the waves and her sitting
on me. it's what i felt, i didn't see anything vivid -
but the sensations presented themselves as such -
i associate that with delving into writing in my mother tongue -
email / diacritics "crossword" (un-ditto and apply a
non-misnomer, i.e. give it a proper name, cf. Aristotle)
to finish i guess i might as well write a short critique:
the over-burdening of man with nouns -
as in will alexander's index of the sri lankan...
a few examples: proxima centauri (nearest star to our sun),
hemiopia (loss of vision for one half of the binocular field),
dukkha (buddhist term for suffering),
nystagmus (involuntary jerky movements of the eye),
nosophobia (morbid dread of some particular disease),
telesto umbriel larissa (moons of saturn, uranus
and neptune, respectively),
karina (egyptian demonology, a familiar attached
to a child at birth),
pretas (ghosts) -                                  or as some people say
including Christian Guerrero - 'they're just words...'
oh yes, and words are not the cogs in the machine?
just words... just words?! a banker's bonus is just
an array of... just numbers... why is this nonchalance
to these fundamental units? first they teach us to read
and write an escape the sunny harvests of the fields,
the easy mental but demanding physical life -
after the demanding physical life went our supposed
"ease" mental life changed into a demanding mental
life and an easy physical life... that's the problem with
establishing a suitable vocabulary in yourself, you can
sometimes overdo it, meaning not many people will
understand it, globalisation didn't save us from
the babylon ambition rekindled (whether myth or whatever,
it doesn't matter, read a book literally and you'll end
up realising what could have possibly been mere myth)...
all the above cited words from the index, by god, impressive,
but why would i pain myself to use a word that i'd
have to write an index to? globalisation and words from
Iran - southern coastal to be exact home to afro-iranians -
but locally it's just a ******* shish kebab and nothing more -
or central scotoma (area of the retina that's blind) -
all this vocab wall building is amazing, it really is,
a fortress at Acre - admirable... but then a return to the dull
grey reality of everyday speech - the painful art of poetry
reduced to a personal involvement with certain words -
it's heart-breaking, well, not for me, for Will it must be,
but hey, bought three of his books, that must have counted
for a cheeseburger and a portion of fries at some point
in his life.

— The End —