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Storm Raven  Jul 2015
As a fenix
Storm Raven Jul 2015
As a fenix I shall rise
And my wings on fire shall be as bright as the sun
Nothing will be able to stop me
Nor an army of titans nor an ocean
And I will fly
this an old poem I forgot about, it is one of my first ever
Hawk Flight  Aug 2014
Hawk Flight Aug 2014
To me family is:
All the people that mean something to you.
They dont have to be blood.
They dont have to  be the same race, gender, age, religion.
As long as they mean something to you
As long as you love them with everything you have.
is what I call

So you mean Like you are to me Fenix?

Yes Hawk. That is what I mean.

Fenix you know you are my sister.
I love you through and through
You've pulled me out of the gutter more times then I would like to admit.
You've been there for me
And I have tried my hardest to be there for you.
To my children you will Always be Aunty.
To my wife you are consider sister in law.
I will always be your big brother
There to protect you.


Yes Hawk you are my big brother.

Infinity and beyond

What are we?
Toy story?

I am Buzzlightyear
Hear me Roar


Dear Gundi
if your are buzz lightyear
we are all doomed

hums you got a friend in me

*And this is why we are family
Me and my "little Sister" tried to write a poem. I kind of made it go off course.
I am the Bold Italic, she is just the italic
Her name on here is FENIX FLIGHT
Fenix Flight  Aug 2014
Fenix Flight Aug 2014
To me family is:
All the people that mean something to you.
They dont have to be blood.
They dont have to  be the same race, gender, age, religion.
As long as they mean something to you
As long as you love them with everything you have.
is what I call

So you mean Like you are to me Fenix?

Yes Hawk. That is what I mean.

Fenix you know you are my sister.
I love you through and through
You've pulled me out of the gutter more times then I would like to admit.
You've been there for me
And I have tried my hardest to be there for you.
To my children you will Always be Aunty.
To my wife you are consider sister in law.
I will always be your big brother
There to protect you.


Yes Hawk you are my big brother.

Infinity and beyond

What are we?
Toy story?

I am Buzzlightyear
Hear me Roar


Dear Gundi
if your are buzz lightyear
we are all doomed

hums you got a friend in me

*And this is why we are family
me and my "big Brother" HAWK FLIGHT wrote this together.. Kinda of took a detour. But Hey it was perfect ^-^
Olivia Kent  May 2014
For Fenix!
Olivia Kent May 2014
You slice yourself to make you bleed.
To **** emotions, set you free.
Veins flow, pain recedes.
In crimson stains you suffocate.
Just enough not to seal your fate.
You rip away to make you bleed to **** your feelings.
Make them numb.
It feels so good when it acts as a leech.
A gentle tear, a mark left there.
Pierce a portion, maybe a lip.
Feels so ******' free.
Whenever you scar, it releases such pain.
For a moment or two,
How do I know?
I used to be you.
Have scars and scratches on my wrists.
Medals from self-abuse.
Those marks are very small, once they let free my pain.
Now I'm fifty, life is sort of settled.
Me, I'll never ever slash again.
(c) Livvi
Coolgray  Aug 2014
Coolgray Aug 2014
Y en la infinita obscuridad, selva de nuestros miedos
como Quimeras nos transformamos en todo para sobrevivir.
Pero permanece aquello que nunca seremos, por nada, por nadie.
Ni si quiera al final.

— The End —