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Endia Chardea Sep 2014
There were two boys
Who were eatting tacos
One said
"I can eat more tacos than you"
The other said
"You wish"
And there it stat
They kept eatting
And eatting
Until their stomachs hurt
Emily Jones  Oct 2012
I know you.
Emily Jones Oct 2012
How I know you
Paternal parenting
DNA infused
Carbon contribution, to my physique

In everything
My skin, eyes toes,
Unfortunately; inside my mouth
Spitting plaster-walled
Copy-paste personality
The same

Me a bold-faced fraction of ill abated love
Something that didn't work out
Blond-blasphemy of useless flesh
Reminder of her

Teeter tottering
Tip-Toe tangling opinion
Words fermented

I know you.
Slit-eyed palefaced ****** of bigot ideas
Bearing pronged poker
Clicking glinting-clawed finger fondling fake religion
Suppressing supplement thought

God's love the good life
Living a life to be proud of
Excuse me!
For not being as I am "supposed" to be

Eatting rancid lies
Your reality relative
To kiss-*** preferred siblings
Who like the taste of ****
What you shovel

Hung on lipsucking harlot, hinged hip hung-over
Descending oppressidly upon willing wanton will of man
Letting cracked-cackled toothed
Field Gap-smile
Decide your next move

I know you
I see what you push into hidden corners
The bias, nasty film of your character
Under whitecollar shirttails
Citizen, Patriot
Americas American

I know you
Your oppression
Not new
As underhanded and seedy as it was
And still is

I know you
As much as I'd like not too.
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Dream Catchers, egg hatchers, baby Snatchers, **** wackers, lip smackers, online hackers, ***** slappers, hand clappers, exotic flappers, lazy slackers, suitcase packers, & back stabbers.

Hate & defeated, cheat & feel the heat. Too weak & petite. Tales of hell, wishes on a well, thoughts are things you can't always sell. Sometimes words can be lies liars tell. One day to your death to you fell.
Pass it on. I don't belong. Some people are wrong. Die. I won't cry.

Pakrat hoarders, pro choice aborters, two faced home wreckers, voodoo curses, retired lazy old nurses.

Deaf & Blind, racist & unkind, poor & unemployed. Broke & exploited. Dumb, old, ugly, & fat. ***** stinking rat. Piles & piles of crap.

College professors, real estate investors, coaches, cockaroaches, poachers, perverts & ******, meat eatting caravores. Bums & addicts drunks & fanatics, obsessive compulsive, stalkers too possessive, insane aggressive.

Author Notes :

Partially true, could be your family.

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
Olivia Greene  Apr 2015
Olivia Greene Apr 2015
I awoke to the realization that today was my nineteenth birthday
I laid there for a moment recalling how I felt when I awoke on my eighteenth birthday
Nothing felt out of place,
nothing in the air had been charged,
and nothing in the air begged me to inhale it more graciously, as if my ascent to real adulthood required more oxygen
As one does upon their birthday, I reflected upon the previous year
I ruminated on the places I'd seen-
lakes of the midwest, dark hallways with strangers I was supposed to know, funeral homes I wished didn't exist
The places I'd waited-
the concrete carpet with friends for our favorite band, the stoplight of a town 400 miles from home, and calmly on a bench to call off a relationship with a guy I had just met
The people with whom I'd shared my voice-
fellow feminists, 5 year olds with autism who just wanted a piggy back and a hand to steady them on the hiking path,
my dad, finally
The places I hid my voice-
my brother's fraternity, a breakup text dripping with humor
I dwelled for a brief second on the men and women I had exchanged my touch with,
and with whom I had woken up without
As I flipped on my stomach
I could feel my swollen brain, gorged with knowledge, begging me to do something with it
I looked at the polaroids I had hung above my bed
and comfortably remembered the unrequited love
I had come to halting terms with, but now rested with like cozy pillow under my stomach
I looked at the faces of  friends whom I would now consider long distant friends. I wasn't sure if things would settle with them in the same way they had for 3 sensational months of summer
I shuddered at the toxins I had so willingly placed in my body,
pills, alcohol, drugs, unnecessary self-criticisms
I considered my weight-
a number that had risen and fallen due to over-eatting on the weekends and the daily under-eatting to compensate for the liquid sugar from the night before
I saw pictures of my hair, a foot longer than it is now and considered all I had put it through
I thought about my brothers
I wondered what they were thinking about when they woke up one year older
I do not feel older, I do not feel wiser.
I feel fine.
I am nineteen and I feel fine.
Infamous one  Nov 2013
Infamous one Nov 2013
Been eatting healthier and feeling rewarded
Investing in myself turning things around
Meeting new ppl being a better me
Writing more ideas out
Reading for inspiration
Got more hours at work
Hoping to get it back do more
Get more out off life
Not being selfish but know what needs to be done
Taking pride in all aspects
No more compromise for less
Aim to be the best live be more
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
A two faced, backstabbing, hunchbacked, hammertoed,
Bedpissing, 77 year old, my child she stole,
Perjury committing, pedofile loving, meat eatting, lazy,

Old, packrat hoarding, ******, liar.
I wouldn't care if she was on fire.
Troublemaker of scorn.
Rotting rags is always what she's worn.
A pointy edge in my side like a thorn.
Lies under oath she sworn.
From my arms my baby she torn.
Nutty as an acorn.
A devil with horns.
Her death I would'nt mourn.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Harmony Sapphire Oct 2015
I am traumatized by the image of taxidermy animals stuffed.
Their joyous & innocent lives snuffed.
To display on a shelve or wall.
Is so **** sick & all.
I am a vegan for moral reasons.
To take a life is like treason.
I am scared of death's eyes.
It haunts me & makes me cry.
It should be against the law.
To see all the things i saw.
To the core gory & raw.
Society has a sick flaw.
Carnivores are brainwashed to think eatting meat is normal but it's not.
It is a fact not just what i thought.
Playing with it is as sick as eatting it.
Corruption is a mental interruption.
Of the mind an insane eruption.
© Harmony Sapphire.All rights reserved
Emily Jones  Nov 2012
Emily Jones Nov 2012
I stood there mute
Words harnessed in my throat ragging against the cage of reason
But I could not hurt you
The way you have hurt me

The deep trenches of doubt
The bleeding **** of shame
And the liquid infection of your love

My love
And its mutated form
Eatting away at the insides of my mind
Heart a black mass of rotted feted meat

But I could not hurt you
With the words I wanted to scream
With the torement of my soul
The tearing of scarred
Lightly burned insides

I could not wound you
With the lash of my angered tongue
The righteous injustice I have felt
For my own sake

I could not make you anguish
Over love like I have done
Still do and will do
Until you decide you don't need me

Even with you standing
There on in the gravel lot
Breath a warm cloud
And eyes sincere
Questioning me

Asking me
What you have done wrong
What you deserved to know

But I could not hurt you
With the truth
With the pretty lies
Or with honest half's

So I said nothing
Breathed deep
And tried not to cry
Looking away
Off into the setting sun

I could not hurt you

Warm lips on forehead crown
Hands touching
A face drawn in reluctant tears
A chest
The pleated plaid of button down
Steady rhythm of heart

I could not hurt you

My unpredictable rock
Tearing me down
Building me up
Tripping my tongue
And trapping my thought

I could not hurt you
My weakest spot.
Infamous one  Feb 2014
Infamous one Feb 2014
Things are well legs are sore from powerlifting
Working on lyrics for my demo project not sure when but its in the works.
Trying to stop eatting fatty foods another lifestyle change to be fit my friend said get in shape and everything will come to you.
Been smiling more avoiding negative ppl
Not talking to girls who are consumed by drama
I refuse to let them bring me down. Ive always seen potential but if they dont thats on them.
Ive been laughing with people who appreciate my laughter and sense of humor. Im behaving not trying to drown out my anxiety with alcohol
Or be sad over some girl who doesn't want me.
Staying positive ive always been one to change things or ask why cant things be change but I mind my business
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Climbed a mountain to reach a fountain.
Shivered from getting drenched in an ice cold river.
The pond past a hill to a field beyond.
Great emotion from an image of the ocean.
Sprained an ankle.
Eatting dessert don't hurt.
Oared a canoe to peru.
Guaranteed a jet ski.
Everyday we snow sleigh.
In june one afternoon.
Went up 1000 feet in a hot air balloon.
On friday night we ice skate.
We went to reno.
To gamble at the casinos.
Not a true story

© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Courtney Ja-Vaé Aug 2016
Boy get out my face
You fcking lame
Talking sht but eatting it
Being dumb but actin tuff
Knownin you a super ***

Go home you mamas boy
You cant even handle being alone
Get your **** together boy you
lookin real dumb
A job at 8.25 will never guide you wrong
But your playing a role you will never fill
Cause a drug dealing stealing **** aint the way to live

Keep that act up boy youll learn the way
Your image grows to show how
fake you are made
Dont look at me I might catch a case
Your dumb disease might get me chased

You steppin to a real one
You better play your cards right
If you actin shady you better
get your mind right
Cause **** with me ill be that b
Becoming your worst enemy
All your dreams will be of me
Ill destroy you mentally

So keep on laughin
Keep on Actin like your better then me
Your soul wont see me come in and take everything
I won this race cant chase
what you could have embraced

As your world burns
ill be at your burial
Being the last one youll see
The creator of this place you now call home....
Going away soon on an aeroplane
Leaving but I'll be back again
Eatting away my time
Each day I wish for you to be here
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
Fantasy a chance to be.
A treasure you can't measure.
Ordinary magestic fairy.
I stopped eatting dairy.
Beautiful mermaids,
With gems they made.
With hearts scorned.
Holy vessels everyday born.
Backstabbing witches.
Two faced *******.
Ugly trolls with firebreathing dragons.
Hidden moles on wagons.
Angel voices & moral choices.

What will you find inside my mind?
My thoughts can never be bought.
My dreams are like moonbeams.
They glow really bright.
Being a mommy should'nt be a fight.
Taking a child from there mom isn't right.
My nightmares are not fair.
They can't care.
Images that haunt.
Bodies that flaunt.
My destiny is what is left of me.
A misery you see should not be.
Your thrills make me ill.
Promise not to laugh about anything from my past?
It's unfortunate it didn't last.
A curse was cast.
My life was ruined fast.
The face had no mask.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

— The End —