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Edna Sweetlove Jan 2015
(  -Q-  )
how I
drool over obese girls
with huge great cheeks
of wobbly dimpled fat
>========o======== no skinny birds for me!=======o========<
absolutely no way
i love to see wobbly
fat girls waddling along
with their tyres of white flab
quivering in their size 88 jeans
like a pack of rabid rabbits fighting
in a rubber sack, and what do they need
yessir, they are barking for a friendly *****
from moi, edna the chubby-chaser and lover
of gorgeous female flesh body mass index forty
(at an absolute total minimum i must emphasise)
and preferable fifty so they look like a giant dumpling
i know you know the sort of image i crave: dimpled, dappled
acreages of heaving ****-cheeks wowee-yowee i am so excited
please god lead me to the land where the extra supersize fatties live
and let me exhaust my ***** gaze on their incredible buxom enormities
let me get my paws on them let me wallow in their glories dear god
oh yes indeedy when you come to think of it there's nothing like
a huge billowing fatso to get my blood afire with testosterone
and bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping loving lust
so why not jump off a pier
all you skinny minnies
/   \
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@        @
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+++                         +++
Annie  Jun 2017
Annie Jun 2017
Your personality is like a good cuppa tea.
Wowee you’re just exactly who I want to sit with me.
You somehow have this way of giving people an ability to be free
Just like different types of teas you’re able to help with different kinds of needs.
Like the way a piping hot chamomile calms and comforts
The way a spicy chai can gives me boldness
Green tea energizes and inspires
and the way peach can bring me to the home that is out of physical reach
You are my cup of tea
The friend I want to keep with me.
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Huh our mistress has left us again she must have went to work.. after she tethered us at Grandad’s gate and driven off in beserk.. but what’s that on old Pops face.. he’s smiling with a smirk..Wowee nice one Grandpa as he hands us a doggy ****

Ooh I love those tastey treats that he gives us every day.. he really is most generous as the pair of us do play..until we hear our leads rattle and of course we are on our way.. walkies with old Grandpapa down the dene’ and along the bray

“Darcey is my sister and the two of us are chums.. she is following the farmyard ducks devouring their Mother duck is quacking at her with such harrasing hums and her fourteen doddery ducklings keep close to their mums

Our mistresses Mother doesn’t like us in the house.. tho we wouldn’t bark..we’d be as quiet as a mouse.. but she loves to see us just like her old spouse.. Eeeh it’s a dog’s life though we really shouldn’t grouse...
Big Virge May 2020
I've Been HERE... I've Been THERE...
I've Even Been... SCARED... !!!

But The Places I've Been...
Go BEYOND... Truth or Dare... !!!!!

So Let Me Make This CLEAR ...
These Words Are SINCERE...  
Because They  DESCRIBE ...
Some Things In My Life...
That I Have Been Through ...
That REALLY Are TRUE... !!!!!!!!!

From Places I've SEEN ...
To Things Said To Me...
By IGNORANT Breeds ...
Due To Their JEALOUSY... !!!

So... Where Do I Start... ?

... "The BEGINNING You *** !"...

... "I think that's too far for this poem to chart !"

I've Been Told That I've... DIED...
TENS of THOUSANDS of Times... !!!!!!!

Which Is Probably WHY I'm...  
... TIRED of LIFE... !!!

Re-Incarnated And YES... Re-INSTATED...
As A Poet Whose BRILLIANCE Resembles...

..... " VERGILLIUS "..... !!!!!!

A ROMAN Whose Words...  
Are KNOWN Round The World... !!!!!!

I'm NOT Quite There YET...
Maybe When I'd DEAD... !!!
I'll Have EARNED Such RESPECT...

I've Been Heard and Observed By Poetic Herds...
And PEERS Who APPEAR To View Me With FEAR.... ?!?

Because They KEEP STRESSING...
My Words Are AGGRESSIVE...
And Somewhat... UPSETTING... !!!

To THOSE Who Like Prose...
That's FLUFFY Like... " Snow "...  

I've Also Been Told...  

My Words Are TOO BOLD For Me To Get SHOWS... !!!
By Poetic Pros Who Behave Like... *******... !!!!

Talking of HOLES...  

I've Been Around... " **'s "...
And Girls Who Blow COLD...  
When They HEAR TRUTHFUL Quotes...
That Just Like The Coc' They SHUV' Up Their Nose...  

BLOWS UP... Chromosomes... !!!!!

So I Have Been THAT Guy Who Girlies... " DENY "...
A Piece of The PIE That's BETWEEN their Thighs... !!!

It's OBVIOUS Why...
Because I'm NOT The Type To Tell Girlies LIES...
To Make Them Feel NICE...
When They THINK They're TOO NICE... !!!!!

I've ALSO Been THAT GUY...
Who WOMEN Supply...
With WARM LOVING Vibes...
Like Those of GOOD WIVES... !!!!

Some Who Made PLAIN To Their EX-Boyfriends...

"I haven't seen Virge, for the whole week okay !
So, hold back your words, cos' your women problems
can stay in your head, cos' I can't wait to feel his arms around me !"

That's REAL TALK... BELIEVE... !!!

So I've YES Been... THE MAN...
NOT Just A... " Boyfriend "... !!!

I've Been Round These GIRLS...
Who'd Rather *** THEM... ?!?

Who THINK Their Young Worlds...
WILL... Last them FOREVER... ?!?
Than... Inclement Weather... !!!!!!

I've Been A GO GETTER...
When it Comes To These Letters...

I've Been In Sports Teams...  
And Had Those... " Pro DREAMS "... !!!
But It Seems Poetry... Is Suited To Me...  

I've Been in Company...
Who Think That They're... " Funny "...
Because of ABUSE...
That They Choose To USE That Just ISN'T Cool... !!!!

See I've Been Around FOOLS...
Whose DISRESPECT Proves...
... INSANITY Rules...
How Their Thinking Moves... !?!

One Said One Day...
Having Heard My Wordplay...

"You've got a great face for radio !"...

I Just Thought... " REALLY Though !?! "...

Some HALF BREED Chinese...  
Who DREW The Ladies...
Cos' He'd FLASH His Money... !!!

Well HERE Is Some TRUTH...
That I Chose NOT To Use...

It Seems His Son's Mother...
Decided This SUCKER Had Hurt Her SO MUCH...
That Her Form of GOODBYE...
Was To TAKE HER OWN LIFE..... !!!!!!

Cos' She'd YUP...
Had ENOUGH of Seeing His MUG... !!!

So His FACE It Would Seem's...

He'd Probably CLAIM...

"Virgil, that's not fare ! How dare you go there !"

Well... What Can I Say...
It's ONLY A JOKE For My RADIO SHOW... !!!!

I've Been Around *****...
Who've JOKED Bout' My Nose...  
My Skin and My LIPS... !!!

People Who CLAIM To Be...
DEVOUT... " Muslims "... ?!?

MORE Like... "Closet RACISTS"...
Who THINK Their Brown Skin...
Makes Them Into... " KINGS "...

Well NOT When Their Thinking...
... EMBRACES Such Things...

I've Been Around KINGDOMS That HOLD Scenic Visions...
Like MEXICAN Dominions With MAYAN Inscriptions...

I've Skied On BIG SLOPES of AUSTRIAN Snow... !!!
I've Smoked In Tunisia From Pipes of Fruit Shisha'... !!!!!

I've TOWERED In France... YES Eiffel Enhanced... !!!  
I've EVEN Been Sweden For Weekend Retreating... !!!

I've ENJOYED Wedding Vibes On Hong Kong Shorelines... !!!!
And YES Down in Maui I Tried Out THAT... " Wowee "... !!!!!!
And SEEN The U.S..... BOTH East Coast And West... !!!

So NOW You Can See Some Places I've SEEN...
And I Guess THIS For Me...
Is A Poem That SPEAKS On BIG V's History...

Well At Least A FAIR PIECE...
of Some of The Places...

To Which...

.... " I Have Been "....
I've definitely been, to a lot of different places ... !!!

— The End —