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Liz Carlson
19/F    I think too much. Poetry is how I express my thoughts and feelings. I'm not this depressing in person. Enjoy.
Lori Carlson
Writing has always been my canvas and poetry my paintbrush. My muses whisper beautiful colors in my ear and I create them into a masterpiece …
Melissa Joy Carlson
21/New York City
Hailey A Carlson
Zac Carlson
Minneapolis    A curious explorer of mind and world.
Audrey Carlson
Deep in my Head    Fifteen, confused about who I am and what things are, and there's no way to let things flow free except poetry. Had a dark year, …
Spencer Carlson
Seattle    I write songs.
Stephanie Carlson
I'm the kind of girl your mother warned you about, yet you found too intriguing to forget. My memories haunt me and the people in …
Amrita Carlson
Julia L Carlson Vogel
59/F/Minnesota    I am a wife and a mother, I live in the country, I have dogs, cats, and horses. FYI: Any poem written by me and …
Sarah Hope Carlson

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