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Between Midnight and 3am    Sea salt and tentacle love letters scatter into my aromatic wind like snowfall in the Arctic. Prevalent. Soft, sweet layers of flowery smoke linger in …
Missouri, USA    "If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer"
Promethea    i feel therefore i write. “ Something happened to him which perhaps never happens to a man until he is out of his own world: …


Sasevardhni Sep 2017
She was single for ages,
Friends taunted her by different sages.
She prefers to be alone,
As to answer there could be none.
All she loves is animal,
Forgetting she too is a mammal.
She longs for something,
Which none can think of providing?
She is a self question-mare,
As well a self-answer.

She just thinks,
As her thoughts sink,
Providing several hyperlinks,
Which vanishes by mighty winks,
While her itchy nose turns into pink,
Whilst simply imagine a sip of tea to drink.

She owned a magic wand,
The once living wand,
At every need, proved to be a wand,
That was her treasure to be known by wand,
Not sure has she lost her wand
Trusts she has not lost her wand.

She was not single for ages
As she had her MAGIC wand
She was then given
Given a wand later
She wanted to accept
Situations held her back
The wand thought to wait
She aided the wand not to wait
Her wand preferred to wait.

Old is gold
Coals become diamonds
Undug Gems may be dug later
She should seek for
Wand to be a wand or magic wand.

Dated: 3.1.2016
preservationman Aug 2014
A man having the looks and charm as a precious diamond
Don Wand is no simple salmon
He is a man of romance like a God
But so many woman thinks he is a pure dog
Don Wand’s eyes with one look could melt butter
He had the power with his every glance
Don Wand made the woman feel hot deep down
It was like a trap being bound
Don Wand’s kiss had the power to put woman in a trance
It was the hypothesis in his advance
Even the trees in the forest would bow as if Don Wand was a King
It was his demeanor being the thing
Don Wand knew words in how to persuade
It was Don Wand being Don Wand making it in the shade
A loving man that Heaven had made
A loving heart that beats with exhalt
The fortitude solid as a Fort.
just live Mar 2016
I am a magician
And this is my magic wand
Casting a spell over you,
Guiding your emotions,
And sharing mine.

This wand removes
The walls I *****
During the day,
Tearing them down easier
Than wrapping paper
From a new present
On Christmas morning.

This wand gives shape
To the alien world that
Lies in my mind, and
Gives the characters a
Body, voice, and identity.

This wand casts a spell
Over the most beautiful girl
In the world.
Sending emotions flowing
Towards her like
Rose petals down a stream.

This magnificent wand
Records my  thoughts,
Almost of its own accord,
As they flow from
My mind.

My wand
My voice
My light

*my pencil