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21/F    bittersweet nothings
Triggered Letters
28/M/Philippines    I speak for the muted words my head is making, through and only through poetry; printing them on papers, leaves, skins, hearts, and souls of ...
i write poetry and stories from my heart . i belive as long as it is comming from your soul it has a rhythem .im ...


Valerie Watts Jul 2013
The rigger journeyman was city bred,
But Cumberland was in his bones,
He saw the hills above the doors,
He saw the fells above the roofs
And when the great pain came,
His eyes belonged to them again.

By Ruskin Street he stopped to choke
At forty six, his wife beside,
My father's line revealed to me,
A farming, rigging family tree.

His place of death recorded so,
Not 'in' or 'at' but 'by' they wrote,
Impressionistic, vague, but true,
Or careless hand for riggers, who
In city great of small account
By Ruskin Street,
Out for the count...

The journey ends
And Benson, male,
No sails will mend.
On finding Victorian death certificate of ancestor.
zebra  Jan 2017
Perverts R us
zebra Jan 2017
i know you think im joking
but a pervert saved my life
she came to me one day
to **** me with a knife

i said oh no no no don't do it
ill do anything you say
then she said im a perv
and i want your love all day

but to love a perv is icky
your a creepy girl
she made me smell her feet
and dance a spinning  twirl

wow she said you did that well
why don't you stand on your head
look up my dress and say im hot
or for sure you will be dead

i realized she was very odd
and asked her what was wrong
she said i was married forever
and couldn't have his ****

so i went off my rocker
not getting what i needed
but made believe for years
that i was never ever cheated

then one day i snapped
and cried for lust all day
so they called me purvy *****
and tried to keep me away

the more i went with out
the hornier i got
until one day in torment
i loved the smell of rot

i fell in love with filth
and to this very day
i have no scruples at all
ill do anything for a lay

now pull your pants off
and show me your little ****
dam its so cute
ill lick your lolly pop

she used her tongue like a twizzler
it was really fun
and then i realized i was like her
and my life as a perv begun

so if your starved for love
and craving ***** lust
you might as well join the ranks
of pervy folks r us

99% Switch
96% Degrader
94% Rope bunny
93% Dominant
90% Rigger
89% Degradee
88% Sadist
87% Brat tamer
83% Submissive
83% ******
81% *******
79% Master/Mistress
76% Primal (Prey)
74% Primal (Hunter)
74% Experimentalist
73% Brat
62% Non-monogamist
50% Owner
47% Vanilla
43% Slave
42% Daddy/Mommy
38% Exhibitionist
10% Ageplayer
100% Girl/Boy
7% Pet....meow
Fah Aug 2013
From the ***** of my * seeing chair*  emerges the womb of darkness
i offer a prayer in good faith to the writers and the play rights and the authors and the artists
who have come undone,

This is not a love song but, an improvization of lyrical ******* and beat making sensation ,
tingle dance and flair , wave the flag , steer this ship on home ...... we are on an island of dreams
floating like their ain't no inbetween , and we sleep and we care and we take shifts -  and for the pack and for the tribe and for the people under the nights sky ............... this is the music after midnight , after Luna's caress are there written all over with sols liquid golden flare -
to fall unto us , the lucky pair who just so happens to be the golden pair
strictly speaking they're actually birds
but taken shape as human form
it's an odd one i know but still
they soar like them

higher than kites that fly in kite season.

dopple gangers

we're entering mysterious
mystic dimensions now

i see boggots on the horizon

moon shield is up

dip the rigger

i smelt a thief a couple days ago

i woke up with a inkling

not sure yet


gotta think of things

if you can sleep whilst you are awake well then

well then

well then

night vision
is real

dragons are real
nagas are raw
did you think i said ******

in all those rap songs i wrote?

we are very pleased that so many of you have answered your calls
but it's gunna take a miracle
to tip the scales

i'm lady justice

and he is the executioner

he's ice cold

i'm hot as you like

i'd like you all to remeber one key thing

i don't exist

you cnnot **** me

but i AM the security

welcome to EARTH

we have delivers everyday from everywhere gotta bless and make sure that you fly safe








but i am the time keeper
and we have everyone as long as they will - it themselves

Hard 'work' pays off