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I want to live


at first liberty
was ability and will
to leave the ethnicity English
oppression thereof
then liberty
became the constant justification
to **** women and children
for their land and ***
liberty became the realization
the natives they had killed
were the only ones who knew
how to cultivate the land
for food
so the settlers of whiteness
then took liberty
to dig up and eat the old native bodies
to eat them
the liberty to decay faster
then it became the desperation
to keep slaves
even though
the beginning of whiteness
its presidents
knew that blackness was more human
than themselves
took the liberty to keep humans enslaved
even though the rest of the world outlawed it
the liberty to keep slavery
as the domestication of whiteness
slavery built whiteness
liberty reinforcing
**** to breed
liberty became the uniform punishment
for free slaves
liberty to follow successful black men
making new laws to re-enslave blackness
stalkers of whiteness
like J Edgar Hoover
******* in parked vehicles
liberty of white authority
to fog up parked car windows
desperate to see black men in white women
liberty became micegeny laws
liberty was once longed for
by enslaved humans
then it was surpassed
by the order of slave women
“stop letting white men and women **** us!”
liberty faded in the quiet of freedom
humanity has a secret constitution
liberty will never understand
as a foundation of civil war
to justify the dissociative disorder of whiteness
and the trauma it causes
Rachel Lyle Jul 2014
Blast it!
We've put our eggs
in the wrong basket,
and now Little Liberty has dropped them.

She's dropped them.
She's dropped them!
She certainly did,
She dropped them!

Each egg splits, cracks, breaks,
all despite Liberty's bleeding
colors. Faded, young
hatching prematurely;
before their time.

Liberty heard her love-
boyish ruckus in The Bush.
Hurriedly she did run;
giving all her aide.
Unfortunately, careless Liberty did not see:
All our eggs are handled irresponsibly.

Soon after little Liberty's Bush date,
she saw what she could only surmount to fate:
Poster slapped to said Holy Tree,
plastered with Allah's face.
Hating those jihadist anyway,
Ignorant Liberty unloaded her bounty-
upon the sacred man's face.  

It took a while
till Liberty thought,
looking down,
but by then,
we all thought it all too late.
But ,Little Liberty being supreme,
(totally Grade A,)
finally remembered to put the lid down.
Ah, now that should seal our fate,
her reasoning as she bounced and pranced away.

But just before she reached her people,
her sickness burst,
her pride was shook,
she couldn't show her face.
Afraid of what her people might say-
she reopened said lid, state of panic
flipped the basket promptly 'round.
All the little eggs crumbling to the ground.

Babies dispersed;
Children burnt and broken;
not to mention all the vital yolk;
nasty stuff and what a mess-
now onward to face my people.

But all is well;
she gives her spiel
about the alleged evil-doers.
People line-up,
ready to give their last;
service, duty, and loyalty too
all for Little Miss Liberty.

Quite the siren, ain't she?
I had to write something after listening to NPR this morning; I heard a brief snippet of the story of a young Afghan civilian, on fire, running for his life. God Bless the USA.