I'll give you a butterfly and name it after me
I'll tell you not to hurt it its fragile and small
You have to wait to set it free
I know its hard but even if you fall
Don't **** the butterfly
I know it hurts
But don't be the one to make it die
So lesten to the words on paper with blood spurts
Love the butterfly like I love you
And you will get better
Because if you only knew
How much love I put in to this letter
The rules of the butterfly project.
1 Every time you feel like cutting/self harming draw a butterfly on the place you wanted to cut/hurt.
2 Name the butterfly after a loved one or someone who wants you to get better.
3 You have to let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.
4 If you cut/harm before the butterfly is gone you've killed it.
5 If you have more than one and you cut/ham you **** all of them.
6 If somebody else gives you a butterfly these ones are extra special you have to take good care of them.
7 Even if you don't cut/harm draw a butterfly to show support and name it after somebody you know who cuts or self harms. It could help