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21/F/Belgium    I live for music and the smell of new books. There is so much I want to do with my life yet so little time …
Monica Lara
Iowa    She said that she always wanted to be a poet, but I can tell deep down all she really wanted was to be somebody's poem.


Saraswati  Apr 2018
Sebuah asa
Saraswati Apr 2018
Pelipur datang menyapa Lara
"lihat aku" bisiknya,
ia datang tepat ketika Lara ingin mengalihkan mata
muak melihat Bara
"sini, ikut aku" bisiknya,
ia datang membawa nada
Lara ingin berdansa!

boleh kah?

"boleh!" teriaknya,
"dansa!" dansa hingga Pelipur menyatu dengan Lara,

menjadi sebuah asa,

Dhaara T  Feb 2017
Dhaara T Feb 2017
Lara woke up with renewed zest
As she did every day
Concluding morning things
As she did every day
She waited by the window
As she did these past few days
Mark didn't return by noon
So she waited another entire day
The sun had visited and long gone
Darkness soon came to stay
Tired eyes filled with dried tears
Lara wondered why Mark went away
But soon, came Morpheus to divert her attention
Into sweet reveries of Mark, of happier days
Lost into temporal reality
As dusk progressed towards dawn
Found herself waking into Mark's sweet arms
the zest in her was reborn