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Fenix Flight Jul 2014
Itchy Itchy
Crawly bugs
running through your hair

pick em out
is it over yet?

Drown your head
nasty smelly shampoo
Attack on the
creepy crawlies

Itchy, itchy,
crawly bugs
Dead at your feet.

Creepy crawly
one person in my neighboorhood had lice and even though I am negitive for them I cant stop itching  lol.
stupid lice.
Nebek Wormer Oct 2014
Itchy face;

Cold embrace,
Troubled by fate

Itchy face;

The taste longed for is
The glory of success.

Itchy face;

If only he could put in the best.
O how he yearns for that taste

Itchy face;
12:54am 9 29 2014
I have itchy feet and my trainer says it is diabetes and I need to cut down on sugar
But I have been finding it hard because sugar is in everything
And I don't want to be mr perfect you see I just want to be me as I feel great when I exercise in this group but when I relax I feel my feet going itchy
And it could be diabetes and I want to learn but every time I say the word learn my head gets itchy hearing dudes call me a woosey
I want to learn of how many people suffer from itchy feet
And whether it is a sign from diabetes
I remember dad used to scratch his feet when he was watching tv and I seem to do it when I feel like a puny person you know I can't get out of my trap
I would like to know of how many people suffer from itchy feet in a demon way ya know
Demons coming down to attack your feet giving you tinnea or diabetes or anything else
When I read I hear voices in my head saying brian is a woosey brian is a woosey and my head underneath my hair becomes very itchy and I take my medication and I feel it calming my body but I feel my body getting itchy