The Cataclysmic Frog!
Knows he wants to die.
Slip from his lily pad.
No-one knows why.
All he seeks is misery.
He’d sooner end up dead.
A frog of many colours with toxins in his skin.
To tell the truth in this sorry tale
Which is maybe merely a superficial jest.
Secrets told and secrets sold.
Only shows an honoured few.
He is gifted.
Blessed with awesome style.
Offers trips,
Accompany him on his lily pad,
The cataclysmic frog, he’s not bad.
Subtlety strokes.
Most of his gifts he keeps hidden away.
Denies he has them.
He’s crying inside.
Cowering in fears’ depths.
All love concealed.
The frog, he knows these feelings exists.
Finds them hidden under well- worn pebbles.
Eroded by the tide.
Pebbles round and shiny.
Clear and bright, occasionally catch sunlight.
Provoking memories, still fresh.
A fear of fingers snatching him, causing searing pain inside.
In his heart feels wickedness as stabbing needles burn again.
The sky drips with vermilion blood tears.
As in sadness, he denies.
Believes he can’t see her in front of his eyes.
Dries out while he dies.
Just as he expires before he flies.
Such a shame.
He knows this vision was predicted.
Together they shall beat a retreat.
Poor dying frog stuck upon a skewer.
Finding excuses to give to his muses.
The sad cataclysmic frog, once again he’s blinded.
As his true love he denied.
Just see what he loses!
Olivia Kent 2013
By ladylivvi1
© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)