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Soaking in the soulless sunshine
revel in the resistant rays
severed soul searching sometimes
devil of our darkest days

Magic of the mortal moonbeams
truth traded for more tries
solace of the son soon streams
as the darkest devil dies
I know what you're feeling
I've been there myself
I know what you're doing
But please don't shut me out
You say that you're done
You say you don't care
You're sick of everyone
And you feel so
Let me fill you
Let me be the one who pours
And though I'm confused
By why your anger came at me
I'm not about to leave you
So you're just stuck with me
I'm actually a little hurt
But I won't say that aloud
What happened to best friends?

I guess what I'm saying
Is that you can't face this alone
You need support
You have friends
Let them
Let US
Be therefor you
Some people have a thing that I call the "Doctor Phil Effect" people come to you with their problems. I have it. It's one of my gifts. But at some point, you can't take it anymore. You snap. Melt down. And sometimes you just push everything, and everyone, away. But that's not the best answer. The best thing you can do is find someone who will be there for you. Someone who will be strong for you. You need a friend.
 Dec 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
Okay, wait
So there is real life
And then there's fantasy
And somewhere in the middle
There's synecdoche

I get it, I think
At least I think I see
But still I wish that you could better explain it to me

I'm caught up in coincidence
Lost in metonymy
Every metaphor I come across
An extension of my being

I'm drowning
But swimming
I'm so lost
But winning
A battle that I can't define
Rooted in believing
A date with fate I can't avoid
But have no business seeing

I remember telling my best friend of how I once saw god
He clammed up and got real quiet
Waiting for me to go on

But there was no more to say
And on that day
I knew what it meant to be free

It was frightening
And lonely
And deeply affected me

My life ever since has been a spiritual tragedy
I don't know how to fix it
I'm not sure what to think

It scares the **** out of people when I tell them
That God is all I see
One mess of a messiah
no reign over the red vessel
beat beat beat
beet red locker of sacred funds
your name
your face
for both
under your warm hands freely runs
could you delve any deeper? yes.
intrusion from you deeply craved
i couldn't hide it in silence
if i so wanted as flaunted
now by my chest
with your face pressed
i give my secrets
in offer,
in offer,
in offer
your face beside mine on the bed
sweet sweet sweet
suite for the warming of your blood
your heart
your trust
for both
i offer protection from rust
can i be your faith keeper? yes.
deliver for you brand new days
after long moonlight in noon time
genuine giving is lifting
dark's dreary mist
with each next kiss
let sun raze,
let sun raze,
let sun raze
I thought I'd never stop missing you.
I thought the echo of your voice would never stop in my head
That the words I love you
And Angel
Would forever ring in my ears.
I thought I'd never get over the way your hands felt on me
the trailing of your fingers on my lips
their dance around my collarbone
and the way they dragged over my rib cage
leaving a trail every inch of the way.
I was sure that I'd never forget the constellation of freckles along your back
and the one behind your left ear
how beautiful they were
how they never bothered me
and how I loved them even though you didn't.
I knew I'd never forget the color of your eyes
so chocolatey brown
with a hint of green
and a splash of orange.
I thought I'd never stop missing you.
But the echo of your voice has since turned into a whisper
I've found myself unable remember what your laugh sounds like
and I find it annoying when I hear someone call their girl Angel.
I've slowly gotten over the way your hands felt on me
and I've come to realize
how rough the skin on your fingers was
and how the trails you've left are just scars I want to cover up.
I'm not sure where your freckles are
I think there is one behind your right ear
and on your stomach
and maybe a few on your shoulder
but I always found them messy and annoying.
I don't know what color your eyes are
you have blonde hair so I'm guessing blue?
I guess I've just stopped missing you.
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