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Ash and tears
For the species man
As the infiltrating tentacles of self destruction
Spread from hand to hand

The earth hid its eyes
So the moon would not see
As she whimpered and cried
For what was to be

The sea thrashed in rebellion
Displaying its hate and pain
The creatures of the ocean
Floated in with the tide
Rotting upon white sands

In protest of their demise
Called upon Neptune's strength
The poison cast on waters by evil
Man himself shall drink

When the sky wept black tears
The earth hid its eyes
The oceans roared with anger
The moon wailed and cried

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby Feb. 2, 2014
 Jan 2014 Sean Antonio Tyson
Can my soul mate come swooping
into my life
Around my early twenties?
Serenade me with Ed Sheeran songs
And kiss my knuckles.
Become familiar with my brown slopes.
Nod his head to Biggie & Cole with me.
Eat me with the tongue game
Only a poet could have.
Put a glistening rock on my left hand
Before I'm thirty?
Could he tuck in our perfect jewels & read them
A bedtime story
Before enticing me with **** and sweet tea
Then ******* me to sleep?
I dont feel like writing anymore
I dont feel like dancing anymore
I dont feel like rapping anymore
I dont feel like myself
I cant think straight
I dont even know who i am anymore
Im confused about my feelings
Im confused about life
But what i do know
... is that im a daddyless little girl
i have been pretty much all my life
my dads somewhere using herion
Not caring about his little girl
Im scared whether or not
He'll get sent back to jail
Im lost and confused
Im just trying to survive in this world
But now i just dont care
Im completly numb
Not a poem, its just words and thoughts that i decided to type up.
I refuse to forget...

A woman who was judged
and rewarded false ownership
for they
will never understand
the purpose of your
short presence
like I
When reading this recall a person who is misunderstood: read this poem with sympathy and understanding toward that person, please.
How does the competent optimist endure the positives opposite?
The prerogative to remain positive is the only option for an optimist.
Every day is a happy belated celebration of its creation.
Exposing pearly white incisors to express a bipolar condition.
A giant grin with lips spread open.
A face with a giggle in the face of sin to face demons.
The monster with in becomes, a polite ******* delight, a young baby boy eating joy, the excitement emitting the submission to a feeling of complete air under the soles of feet.
The feat of sky walking never lukewarm, a feeling newborn.
Yesterday was the best day ever you could have sworn.
However, today will be so much better the endeavor to find pleasure in everything and whatever.
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