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November 5, 2010 at 2:59 am

{Inspired by Dr. Boshra 3agban, Nizzar Qabani}

You're a woman;
created from the Greek myths,
wrapped in the veil of my fantasies,
Reborn from all the phoenix ashes,
You're the history of my life, miss;
it bounds u years no seas,
you grant the moon those glaring flashes,
So I never sleep at nights to see thy gypsy eyes,

It's enough to write your name,
Just to be the perfect poet,
It's enough to be loved by thee,
It is so enough for me,
& I'll be mentioned in the history;
As the man & the angel that met,
At the horizon's end,
On the edge of the dreams,

You're a woman;
Carved by an angel's hands,
& made from the diamonds of verse,
Veiled in the golden cloak of my dreams,
A deity from some mystic lands,
Glowing through my murky universe,
Born from heaven's springs & streams,
Your tidal dormant waves through me they arise,

You're a woman;
Greater than Aphrodite & Athena,
You're the endless music of the lyre of pan,
You're the gauzy clouds that may make spring a winter eve,
Picturing you the ****** of me,
Thy swift stalk...gazing at you; forever I span,
arrayed in thy mantle of every hyacinth's leaf,
That sings the odes of love in me heart they incise,

You're a woman;
Caring not for time or years,
Neither aging nor death can touch thee,
You're the eternal rose of all the nerieds,
Knowing not no pains or fears,
Thy treads' rhythm lurks through me,
Your love's a religion, belief & a creed,
& my prayers from now forth art thy drowsy sighs,

It's enough to write your name,
Just to be the perfect poet,
It's enough to be loved by thee,
It is so enough for me,
& I'll be mentioned in the history;
As the man & the angel that met,
At the horizon's end,
On the edge of the dreams,

You're a woman;
Drest in the Elysium stars,
With pinions of an angel of life,
Fretting on waters of rivers of Eden,
Healing my feeble searing scars,
Heaping my ardent fires that thrive,
With dewy kisses That're unforgotten,
I've never lived I realize,

You're a woman;
Of wavy hair & wavy weather,
Of blushy cheeks, like of the primrose,
Nestling these lips gushing with love,
I pledge my heart & soul for a feather,
Of thy wing that flips & shows,
Sublimity with that dimpled smile of a dove,
That holds all the answers & whys...

It's enough to write your name,
Just to be the perfect poet,
It's enough to be loved by thee,
It is so enough for me,
& I'll be mentioned in the history;
As the man & the angel that met,
At the horizon's end,
On the edge of the dreams....

 May 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
Slow down, take a breath,
You don't have to push the words out religiously.
Each poem you write,
Is a delicate enchantment of your heart and soul.
Treat them with care.
Be gentle, be harsh, let your words flow out of you.
But never force.
Forced words end in corrupt ideals and rocky reading.
Slow down, take a breath,
You don't have to push the word out religiously.
Just a thought.
We've been through this all before, I refuse to live this life with you anymore.
I've given you my everything, and you took all without a word.
You've left me broke, homeless, and sick, nothing is worth all of this hurt.
Yet you never gave me nothing but grief in return, every time we are together I get burned.
Because of you I've lost everything, oblivion, suffering, and pain.
Yet I've always came back to you, in your every form, it's like I've been cursed to you, since the day I was born.
You were supposed to bring so much to my life, friends, happiness, success, none of this happened, and now my life is a mess.
You've beaten me down, like Jesus, spit on me with a bloodied thorn crown.
Even then amidst all the destruction, where do I turn, back to you, blackness, it may be awhile before I return.
Up until now you've been my life, you don't even have a *****, you are not my wife.
Your satan in liquid form, but you've underestimated me, I will not be defeated I'm last of a dieing breed.
Relentless as you are, your time with me is through, my higher power says I'm just too ******* good for you!
Cross sections of my affections, leads me in my own direction.
So far away, an akin time a different day, a similar feeling that’s just not the same.
So believe in a memory, and let confusion remain, to take its place.

Wondrously lost with my compass, but completely aware, of the constant gazes and stares, culturally conscious that I don’t fit in, but never will I care to be one of them.
This breath I take is mine, so don’t look at me like it’s a crime that I refuse to live between your prefabricated lines.

All these hearts and minds filled with greed, gluttony, lust, and lies, now with
Steps taken in self preservation, exploration rarely find modest ties to who we are inside.
Time quickly trickles away and there goes another day that never stops to say goodbye.
As I stare back at myself I know all this pain, and all the shame came from the lame, and now has become a perminate stain in the picture frame that is my life.

Tossing and turning all night, tryn’ to fight, all the demons that come to me even in the daylight.

My stomach turns and my soul burns at the thought of all the constant worry that I’ve fir-minted in the mist of constant bad decisions.

Changing the past is not an option, but the past has lead me to where I am today, far and away to far gone to change the way I lived yesterday.

The present frame of mind is to just fly, and fry the burden that I've brought, to stop this implementation as an act of compassion.

Self realization rests on the heart of the weary, but I have just barely started, and I think I've finally found out what is truly scary.
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