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Another day falling
from the crack of yesterday,

a patch of pearl
burning in the amber west
flaring up heaven
firing me up
in the pains of solitude
and poetry.

Home beckons through a dark way
where hope breathes eternal
as lanterns of moonlit leaves.

I won't mourn the loss
but fill all the void
with paper and ink.
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
Timothy Ward
in pain
in frailty
in fear
in loss
in grief
in acceptance
All too often I find myself looking outside for strength validation and support when a little self reflection can be a lot more sustainable. This poem is a reminder to myself to keep it simple.
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
The clouds magically,
they gathered into a question mark
the blue blue sky

Compassion or anger
which one was it going to be
Our choices were few
which one would we choose

Compassion or cruelty
that's all we could do
Holding on to myself
Holding on to you

My mind was racing
as the cloud unfolded

Love it comes with costs and benefits
Consciousness too

We'd better think this through
Let wisdom speak about what we're going to do

Compassion or apathy
walking the razor's edge
feeling so emotional
feeling so rational
whirling dervish
which door to walk through

Compassion or anger
doing my best
holding myself in check
at least until that cloud
unfurls and disintegrates


Reaching for wisdom
knowing it will be
putting my heart
to rest.
 Oct 2016 SE Reimer
Nitsua Asemed
You think the red lines you always wear,
Will create a better tomorrow?
You think that just by wasting away,
You'll end all the pain and the sorrow?

You think that it's just too hard to live,
And now you are bidding your goodbye;
You think that it will all be better,
If you'd just depart from us  and die.

Well, quit it, shut up! You do not know!
You don't think of what happens after!
You think once you're dead, the pain is gone,
And all that you leave us is laughter?!

You're selfish, you are! Did you not think,
Of what happens when we hear the news?
That your mother, upon your bedroom door,
Would scream, seeing you tied to the noose!

Your brother would just stay in his room,
And would listen to your playlist then;
Your father would keep up his face at work,
But would weep thinking of way back when.

Your friends would cut all their classes just,
To go back to the places you've marked
Your boyfriend would cry at your picture,
And would sulk with a stone-heavy heart.

The neighbors too would pay their respects,
And would send flowers upon your wake.
Your mother would just stare at the wall,
Waiting for you to come back someday.

And they'll all think that it was their fault,
As to why you left them this sorrow.
You think that it's just you who'd be hurt,
If you were but a corpse tomorrow?

The people you know, the things you've done,
The relationships you've begotten,
The love you've made us feel and cherish,
Don't think that it was all forgotten!

So please, my friend. Don't think it will end,
If you would leave this world forever.
Don't ever think it's just you, because--
All of our hearts are tied together.
To a friend of mine.
I am the moment before the sun
I am the light you see on a dark moon
I am the eye of a typhoon

I taught the birds to fly
I taught the child to ask why
Who am I

I put the steps into caterpillars
Showed the leaves how to fall
Tore down every wall

I ran with the Buffalo
Dove with the whales
Know who I am then do tell

I am the dirt beneath your feet
The sky so tall
I am the fly upon your wall

I am the ache in your head
The pain in your heart
I know when to end  , when to start

Who am I
"I gave her a hand full of kisses, she
then shed a tear.
Her head moved gently into my chest
Speaking softly. "I never want to move
from here."
Never feeling love before, That's what
Foster homes do, but now she's mine in
My arms to a FAMILY to come home to.
Adoption is such a wonderful experience
to live.
Happy eyes beam like the sun.
My wife, mine, and our 11 year young
Girl we named, Sam."
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