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 Dec 2016 SE Reimer
Nat Lipstadt

*a secret-possessor, a poetess of riddles,

informs, but my senses don't conform,

claiming that in my possess,

a gift ensconced, a soulfulness harbored,

purportedly outing me as "one gifted soul"


this "gift" of cobbled together phrases, on the back of
paper napkins,

words impermanent, undeserving of the firmamen
of cottoned cloth,

they shall not be mourned, when forever lost,

for like my soul, but a fleeting glimpsed visitor,

a 100 year comet, naturally self-destructing,

intended to be witnessed but once in a lifetime


wincing at this dear praise, yet it serves me well,

as the sweetest reminder, that we shall all yet meet,

all on that day, all in that place,

from where souls are gifted and returned,

however shopworn

or even disgraced


all welcomed upon our inevitable return, no proof of purchase needed,

where, living forever, in such good company is a

certain surety,

knowing this, that we are all certainly possessed with this relief,

easy then, in agreement, every each, born in fluid from the belly of belief,

each of us

"a gifted soul"
November ~ December, 2016
 Dec 2016 SE Reimer
Lora Lee
Avert thy gaze
lest you want me
to place my eyes
    upon your very soul
           ******* you down
                 to the sparks
             in your bones    
Stripped bare,
      your cells will unravel,
           the very tectonic plates
                              of your being
       shifting and tripping
           the ripe dew of my lashes
Please, do not spread your
silken milky way
of treasures,
all of your precious jewels
exposed to the light
of the darkest night
in mysterious pleasures
For they will reflect
in the blues of my retinas
You will be speechless
for the lack of need
                        for words
I will only handle them
               with utmost care
unless, of course
you want it rough
    and flung out into the ether
           dashed upon rocks of our
                                      liquid beings
                                           in the mewing
                                   writhing wild
                 of the dark hours
And I
will take the delicacy
of your petalsilk
and ****** it into
planes of healing
It might hurt,
just by pure release of pain
but I will rock you
after your skin has
sloughed off
to reveal earthen wombs
and ***** and scars
that are only made of the
           fibers of our stars
I will rock your
            tender vibrations
                          until your very soul
                               quakes and crumbles
                   trembling into the bright
      the exposure of darkness
mixed together with light
So let me
gather you up
into the fragile sinews
of my very layers
of flesh
          of heartstrings
                          of broken
                                  and holy
let me pull you to me
in a whirlwind
of sacred and
that roll, like
silent thunder
into the potency
     of night
 Dec 2016 SE Reimer
Melissa S
Once a beauty, a sight for all to behold
Now a sad Charlie Brown replica with a story to be told

Whispered promises of gifts of time and care
Oh how the promises now float freely in the air

If only this tree could have felt the warmth of the sun
Who knows then what it would have become

Tangled limbs of times in the past
Leaves falling and falling off so fast

The words of love left and pinned on by you and me
Have now started to also fall from this tree

Oh no there goes the love word Adore
Now look there goes the one that says No I love you more

All gone now except for one left right below a small pine knot
I found the love words Please Forget Me Not

Yes neglected and left unattended for so long
But yet the root system is still quite strong

Maybe this tree can be restored, to what it was so long before...

All the love words could be returned along with all the leaves
All you have to do is follow through with all love promises
and *Believe
This is an older poem
A repost
Wishing everyone here at HP a Merry Christmas!!
 Dec 2016 SE Reimer
Sally A Bayan
fill your sight, with bright, fragrant tannenbaums,
smile, and i'll try to clear the lines on your palms...
i'd speak to destiny, save you from fateful roads
allay your fears, as waves of changes affect today's world...
let me streak the Heavens with star-shaped lightnings
create festive skies, over dark, fiery spots persisting.
i would seek all you downtrodden, despondent ones
whoever, wherever you are...wave my hand more than once
to paint your dimming minds, with Christmas dust of gold,
green and red...i'd make you believe, miracles do unfold.
remember your dreams, let me lift your dying hopes,
what's best for you will come, when time is right.....just,

listen close, hear the softened clatter of my little hoof
soon, i'd be landing on your snow-covered roof
then slide down your chimney....
watch me
as i stand carefully....whisking soot
from my red suit...

your doubts and fears must perish
sad and mirthful moments, you must cherish,
weep no more, look up to the sky,
you are all children of Christmas, raise your eyes
regardless of age and color...beliefs, or faiths
some wishes are granted, some have to wait,
i got presents in my sack, other than your desires,
some pleasant tidings, to set your sagging spirit afire...
o, sad, broken and orphaned hearts, do not despair,
keep your faith alive, have!
other days can be Christmas,
though it may not be December...........just,

listen close, hear the softened clatter of my boots
watch me, as i rise, whisking soot from my red suit
bearing gifts from the One up last all seasons
just keep in mind....He's the Reason, for the Season...


Copyright December 16/16
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
.....reflecting on the reason for the season..
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
 Dec 2016 SE Reimer
Dhaye Margaux
Never ignore a woman's gift
For it's the best thing she could give
Do not underestimate her offer
Never take it for granted or leave
She could give you a slice of cake
But she will choose to give you a whole
Her gift could be little in your eyes
But it's the total of her heart and soul
A woman's gift is not for the eyes
But for the spirit of those who feel
So never ignore a woman's gift
It is for you if you are real
My second piece chosen for the Daily.
Thank you so much, dear readers and co-writers.
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