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Mar 2013 · 544
Always reach out
Scot Powers Mar 2013
there have been times
in my life
when thoughts became
active strife
not knowing when
enough is enough
carrying on
huff and puff

as I start
to reflect a bit
seems to me
I was a ****
as I have aged
a new person arose
replacing one
with one who knows

The difference between
some souls it seems
is greatly reduced
when kindness precludes
an understanding ear
o'er a glass of dark beer
can bring out a smile
that might last awhile

so before you insult
consider the drought
of humanity within your soul
always reach out
even in doubt
for the life you will save
will be yours
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Floating free
of worldly care
left my body
back  there
Mar 2013 · 351
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Walking out
into the rain
unwanted memories
won't wash away
Mar 2013 · 372
Never give in
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Fleeting glimpse
of joyus times
reflections of
my souls eye

Coming forth
into the day
all that's been said
has slipped away

Forever on
an uncharted course
uncertainly travel
adventure is yours

Stop when you can
reflect upon needs
act out if your able
that's how our souls feed

Sitting closely
with one that you love
nothing compares
fits like a glove

Going a bit further
than you had planned too
might be just the thing
you need to do

Never be afraid
to say how you feel
there might not be tomorrow
to defer to

Be the one
that you want to be
don't fall into
someone else's ideal

Stand on your own
bend with the wind
weather the storm
but never give in
Mar 2013 · 316
You (10 W)
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Early morning
blowing cold
    it's only
   I care for
Mar 2013 · 359
Distant Thoughts(10 w)
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Have you ever
wondered why
distant thoughts
make you cry
Mar 2013 · 412
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Waking dreams
are so real
there is no other
way to feel

standing at the
gates of Hell
then falling deep
into the veil

down you go
it feels surreal
like Dali's image
makes you squeal

melting watches
faces too
like a trip you took
in school

melting visions
merge into
spinning wheels
of warmer hues

then the scene
begins to fade
you must now
start your day
Mar 2013 · 413
Picture Perfect(10 w)
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Pictures present
an angled view
actions reveal
the real you
Mar 2013 · 266
Waiting (10w)
Scot Powers Mar 2013
anxiously waiting
for your touch
hearts afire
with great desire
Mar 2013 · 294
What If (10w)
Scot Powers Mar 2013
What if
turn out to be
who sees
Mar 2013 · 410
Two Years Ago Today
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Two years ago today
I threw them away
It was really easier
than most people say
just a simple decision
then a little action
I found myself free
from a very bad addiction

I feel so much better
having a new direction
not stuck in the middle
feeling oh so little
to be a slave to anything
is really bad enough
but something  that is that small
how can it be so tough

I see my friends and wife too
******* in the fumes
filling them with poisons
killing them too soon
I know that freewill
is what we have
to make our lives complete
but the free will that is giving way
to enslavement isn't right

The money, oh the money
wasted just to make
yourself a little sicker
then you were yesterday
watching you wrinkle up
slowly fading away
standing outside freezing
just so you can sate
the demon that has you in its grip
is not that big I say
I defeated that lowly imp
two years ago today
Mar 2013 · 782
The Traveler
Scot Powers Mar 2013
I came across a strange man
while walking on my land
perched upon a rock
at me he waved his hand
as I approached him
offering this ,he said
"I have arrived here on this rock
at this present time"
"I am here to meet a fellow
traveler of time"

I stared at him agog
not believing what I heard
He said that on this spot
his arrival had been planned
I thought he asked what time it was
so I produced my watch
he slowly shook his head
and slyly ,he mocked
" What precisely is the year?"
he asked
as he sat back on the rock

I started to relay
an answer to the man
the year is 2768
that we are standing in

His eyes grew large
his face turned white
the blood just drained away
grasping at my shoulders
he asked
"What year did you say?"
again I told him the year
in which he had arrived
He screamed aloud and clutched his head
"why oh why oh why?"

"Why have I arrived here
so badly misplaced in time?"
"all that I have known
is now dust,just left behind"
"700 years ago my counterpart was here"
"I wonder how long he waited"
and did he remain here?"

I asked him the name
of this counterpart of his
I laughed aloud
as he relayed a name
that I knew well
he rattled off the name
of my ancestor and me

Our family had arrived here
oh so long ago
but it never was explained
just how this spot was chose
it seems clear enough
now that he is standing here
the man standing before me
was responsible it appears
for our people to have arose
from the very dust
of this tiny lonely rock
floating through the dusk

As I explained these facts
the man began to grin
"It looks as though our meeting
Has .. Finally... Happened
Mar 2013 · 566
Crying Out
Scot Powers Mar 2013
As I sit here
in my house
I wonder why
I am at a loss
my family is here
but I'm so alone

nobody cares
how I feel
so I just pour it out
for you to hear
I hope this doesn't
bother you
just had to say
I hope it heals

the sky is clear
my future 's bright
but today I think
I am losing my fight
to hold onto my sanity
people come and people go
but does anybody  
really want to know

what is going on
in my heart,in my soul
here's the dice take a roll
hands held out to be fed
not one concern
about my head
or the thoughts
bouncing around
just wish I had
someone around

To hold and hug
comfort and console
That is what I crave for
been so long
out of touch
I 've lost the sense
of a lovers touch
so alone am I today
words alone just can't say

The music that I play
helps keep my demons away
the words I write
makes me feel alright
but deep down inside
I think it is how I hide

from the tragedy
of my past
I'm coming apart
very fast
losing my grip
on my cool
I can't help
but sink in this pool

this pool is oh so deep
treading water
but still can't reach
the shallow end
is far away
can I last another day
Mar 2013 · 416
In the end
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Sitting by the tarmac
as the fog settles in
my mind and heart
trace the pathways
where you've been
I've givin of my soul to you
oh so selflessly
yet sometimes I have to think
it's a one way street

Again I feel the fool
who played and danced in vain
for the palace royalty
then taken out and hanged
I hope that this is not the case
but my heart is growing faint
all I've ever wanted from you
is to be your friend unchained

Don't cry or curse
when I am gone
It's what you planned all along
to rob me of my will to be
stabbing my soul so visciously
I don't know what I did to you
except maybe try to love you

yet time and time
and time again
it's all the same
in the end
Mar 2013 · 440
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Staring through the cracks in the wall
no one knows that I'm here
lost track of days, being alone
caught in the grips of fear
left my home to find my way
captured and tortured, ransom to pay
all my dreams ,drifting away
maybe I can see the sun today

The vision slot which is my own
opens briefly just at dawn
angry eyes look inside
making sure that I abide
all day long and night too
I pray to God, I'll see you
I pray today although it seems in vain
How long can I bear this mental strain

Flights of fancy keep me free
of all the pain that I feel
I just wish someone could see
what had happened ,comfort me
but life has dealt me this hand
traveling alone in a foreign land
easy picking's for the thugs
just another ******* stunt

I was warned  of what dangers lay
yet I alone chose to stay
so I wonder who's fault this is
I alone am to blame for this
I know the pain this brings at home
poor old parents all alone
would give it all to be with them
not fearing if I will ever see home

Mar 2013 · 276
Scot Powers Mar 2013
I am sorry my friends child took control of comp while i was away.. all credit for this masterpiece goes to JacobSantano..
Mar 2013 · 450
The Muses
Scot Powers Mar 2013
The Muses keep coming
putting rhymes in my head
begging me to share these things
not only with my friends
the spirit does give wisdom
but you must lend a hand
just open up and let them use
your unsteady hand

What makes the Muses choose you
no one can really say
but I think what matters most
is getting them to stay
for insight is their specialty
a guiding light of truth
just like musicality
you just let it flow right through

Perhaps you will reach the one
whom needs your message most
or maybe someone reads it
and uses it to quote
whatever is the reason
the Muses knew ahead
they composed and stuck the message
deep inside your head

I think that they've been here
since the ancient times
giving us a helping hand
by leading us, the blind
they taught us how to survive
they taught us how to sing
they even taught us what life is
and how to live in harmony

But most have forsaken
these voices from within
and go about their daily lives
living on a whim
Listen to the voices
not the ones that drive you mad
listen closely to the ones
that comfort you in bed

I can not imagine
a life with out them there
how does one  express themselves
when no one really cares
it must be a horrid life
to face the drudgery
without a way to ease the pain
or an outlet for release

So thank the Muses
for their gift
they surely do deserve
all the thanks that comes their way
recognition above all
for the contributions
they have made today
giving me the words
and you something to say
Mar 2013 · 588
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Turns out we had a visitor
sometime after dark
the little puke
walked in our door
and then he did make off
not only with my things
but some cash as well
then left my stuff all strewn
all over my front stair

it was not a nice way
to wake up I'll say
looking upon the mess
that greeted me today
I calmly gathered all my things
out of the drifting snow
I proceeded to curse
to myself looking at the snow

I thought maybe she did it
probably ****** at me
then I saw my daughters stuff
laying there by me
I gathered all her things
and brought them in as well
I didn't really want
to stir the *** this morn
so i went about getting
my **** on out the door

I worked all day
a nervous wreck
rehearsed a thousand things to say
what I would say and she would do
as I sent her on her way
When I got through the door
I asked her" what the hell!"
Then my daughter abruptly said
"Dad it wasn't her"
I went downstairs to check my room
I was sad to fretless bass was gone
then it suddenly appeared
that I had been all wrong

I hope that there is
a special place in hell
for people that rip others off
and still sleep so well
for not only do the take
some material things
you are left also robbed of
perhaps the greatest thing
your sense of comfort
and well being
your faith in humanity
Mar 2013 · 364
Scot Powers Mar 2013
looking out my window
slightly dreamily
my thoughts  start to wander
to friendship
and what that means
having someone to share
all those special things
why can't we just get along
like Lennon sings

greatly appreciated
are the simple things
that this life can teach us
if we are willing
to listen very carefully
to what is really said
get the true meaning
behind  each word that is sent

But far too often
we fail to really see
caught up in selfish desires
intent on our own needs
when our actions
wound a soul
it never is repaired
all that we can really do
is move on hoping we learned

I have come to realize
that there is no other way
concentrate on being the one
to waken a new day
I have lived my past  a fool
but now I am awake
pay attention to the ones you love
or the price you'll pay
of sitting all alone
at the window
Mar 2013 · 292
Life wonders
Scot Powers Mar 2013
I wonder why
you don't like me at times
I only give you
what the bell gives the chime
Mar 2013 · 850
The Wind and the Trees
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Of all the old tales
and folklore alike
vampires , werewolves
and ghouls delight
the one which I fear
even to this day
the witch of the north
Windigo is it's name

The natives hold true
the stories they tell
of the forlorn ghoul
floating through the trees
howling out its warning
to those who will heed
to those who don't
their flesh it will eat

This was the tale told to me
by my good friend Yves
tramping around the northern woods
in the fall of'70
Yves was not a man
to scare easily
he laughed and scoffed
at tales of thing he could not see

My blood it did freeze
on that last October eve
when the wind began to howl
on all hallows eve
the sound seemed to come alive
whipping up the leaves
the only one who showed no fear
was my good friend Yves

We had come up north
to survey the scene
checking into stories
of people missing
the guides we brought
we thought were stout
turned out not to be
all but one,cried aloud
and ran into the trees

Young Gaston and Yves
surveyed the scene
howling wind and  screaming
then the wind died
and silence took hold
Oh how they talked so bold
they cursed at the trees
and taunted the leaves

Breaking the silence
was a keening wail
the fury of which
I still can hardly tell
the sound shook my bones
clear to my knees
it looked like it scared
even Gaston and Yves

I thought I saw
a fleeting mist
flowing through the trees
seeping, creeping
with a growl and a yell
the furies of hell
were unleashed around me
swirling about
a vortex of pain
I never seen
Gaston and Yves again

I searched for a sign
early next day
for what had become
of my friends you would say
all that I found
were bits of cloth
and some teeth
all that remained of
Gaston and Yves

Try as I might
the sight will not leave
my hair is now white
as you can plainly see
if you go to the north woods
you better beware
of the dangers and creatures
that do lurk there
Feb 2013 · 391
With you
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Shadows dancing
pale moonlight
close pressed bodies
nocturnal delight

Moving together
graceful harmony
climbing together
in synchronicity

Reaching the heights
we never knew were there
flowing right into
your soul is my care

Perched high on the cliff
bliss appears to lift
emotions they rise
to greater heights

With you I want
to spend my life
Feb 2013 · 379
The Difference
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Doesn't beauty
lie within
the boundaries
between love and sin?
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
Scot Powers Feb 2013
If I think back to the time
that I am fond of most
I think it would have to be
drifting in the boat
peacefulness was abundant
on that summer day
floating about aimlessly
playing funny games

Looking to the sky I seen
a hole right through th clouds
so I fantasized that it was
a time warp here and now
I wondered if I'd get ****** in
if I went below
but all that came through it was
a lovely rainbow

It came down to the surface
and from there it did grow
So I thought that maybe this mirage
wouldn't go
but it faded quickly
into the growing mist
there I saw a dragon
its tail slowly flicked
as it let a deep roar
from its parted lips

I daresay I was mezmerized
by this very sight
this is why to this day
I shudder with the fright
of seeing something so unique
it cannot be explained
I can only chalk it up
to the games the mind can play
Feb 2013 · 634
Now I see
Scot Powers Feb 2013
You know I find it funny
when I look back
yesterdays mistakes
always have a payback
you stand in  line
for your little taste of pleasure
do you really think
you've had your measure

Oh but  I can't,
can't waste my days
I got things to say
please don't walk away
now I see

You can whine and pine
feeling lonely
feeling sorry for yourself
accept the fact
that you are only human
better get your ***
back in the action

Oh but I can't
can't waste my days
I got things to say
but I can't look away
'cause  now I see
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Red Waves
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Wind torn sails
and old wives tales
both tell a certain truth
like sailors forlorn
'round the cape horn
drowned or frozen to death

The waves and the wind
punish for sins
that frequently go untold
dare to begin that voyage to win
bring in the most liquid gold

Whaling was the name
of this sailors game
learned from my pappy before
when the tall ships call
you'll answer for all
the misgivings that you ever did

Swabbing the decks
like a beer hall *****
sickly from waves and decay
this is the life
for months at a time
from New England
to the ports of Biscay

First sign of a blow
shouts to below
from where the watch sits above
The decks come alive
thar be the prize
the deadly game awaits

Set sails to the wind
and get that boat in
harpoons and crew await
haul on the ropes
or abandon all hopes
the behemoth  will get away

Hearts pound like the oars
sending us forth
Oh, how our quarry evades
better keep your eyes peeled
or your fate is sealed
if she comes up underneath

With a mighty hurrah
the striker lets fly
the harpoon sinks deep in the whale
it plunges below
taking us under tow
blood staining the deep blue waves

I cry for this sin
as we haul the whale in
and cut up all it had been
trade a shilling in the purse
for a life long curse
never to sleep again

When I shut my eyes
I can still hear the cry
up from it's blowhole it came
shivers my spine,every time
I bolt upright wide awake
Feb 2013 · 362
The Gift
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Time won't wait for me
it marches straight ahead
like the changing seasons
bringing storms again
visions twisting and turning
inside my head
this gift's a curse
don't be fooled my friend

of your future
just a touch is all I need
I see pictures forming
the voices pleading out to me
feels like rain is falling
tears are rolling down my cheeks
feels like heavens falling
the worlds weight upon me

Some of my words
you have failed to heed
it's hard to watch this unfolding tragedy
I feel the fear , the pain, the uncertainty
each vision shared
takes a piece of me

of your future
just a touch is all I need
I see pictures forming
the  voices calling out to me
feels like rain is falling
tears are rolling down my cheeks
feels like heavens falling
the worlds weight upon me

This was written back in 2003  Recent events in my life have made me revisit this one..
Feb 2013 · 354
I Won't Call This Home
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Recorded message
from an old friend
maybe a new one
hard to say
caught emotion
on the airwaves
reminds me of my
better days

Well I won't call this home
I won't call this home
I won't call this home
but I can't , can't stay away
buy I can't..

Standard postage on a letter
seems a price
that's fair to pay
smiling face
suits you better
tears leave
their winding trace

Well I won't call this home
I won't call this home
I won't call this home
but I can't ,can't stay away
but I can't....
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
I'll Wait For You
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Everything now turns to grey
sunshine disappears
to be replaced by your fears
I have listened to what you say
drifting lines divide
prejudice from pride

I'll wait for you
won't you come and join me
I'll wait for you
you'll be fine someday
I'll wait for you
till your dreams come true

Darkness now turns to day
light streaming through your eyes
shadows  start to die
now you must watch just what you say
words create your reality
open opportunity

I'll wait for you
won't you come and join me
I'll wait for you
you'll be fine someday
I'll wait for you
till your dreams come true

Now we've seen another way
time to get in your head
time to move ahead
watching you sit there everyday
wallow in your ****
die a little bit.

I'll wait for you
won't you come and join me
I'll wait for you
you'll be fine someday
I'll wait for you...

I  can't wait another day
standing tall
a fortress in my mind
ties that cannot bind
I can't wait to see today
what situation will arise
tears from your eyes

I'll wait for you
won't you come and join me
I'll wait for you
you'll be fine someday
I'll wait for you
till your dreams come true.
Feb 2013 · 492
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Liberty, Oh Liberty
How I do seek thee
free from all fear of man
free to live in a peaceful land
having what you own be yours
not a slave to foreign shores

Liberty, Oh Liberty
are you just a dream
everyone has equal say
everyone has their day
walk with out need
of a helping hand
walk with a smile
gracing the land

Liberty,Oh Liberty
Hast thou forsaken me
littered lives are everywhere
without so much
as a backwards glare
abandoned homes
and broken stuff
too much dependence
on the good 'ol Gov.

Liberty ,Oh Liberty
oh how I still seek thee
to stand beside our fellow man
preserve the freedoms
bought on the sands
from the aggressors
where they stand
free to reach the stars above
free to reach the heights of love

Liberty,Oh Liberty
how I do seek thee
Feb 2013 · 329
Have you?
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Today I awoke
with a feeling
I really must relate
it has to do with people
and the games we play

We move in and out
of others lives
strangely unaware
of how our presence
affects that very life
while we are there

A wink, a nod
a touch , a look
all say many things
to the sender
maybe hopes and dreams
to the receiver
the validation that we seek

at the end of it all
we must ask ourselves
can we look in the mirror
and atone for all
that we do and what we say
and all the trails we have laid

Have you done to others
as you want done to you?
Feb 2013 · 908
Scot Powers Feb 2013
My memories have been hijacked
by a persons jealousy
insecure people  just cannot see
they judge you by their morals
pressed down upon you
I must suppress my anger now
for cooler heads prevail

I thought I understood
just a little bit
but clearly as I see things
I am a little hurt
biting on my lip
pacing in my house
like an animal in a cage

It really is no wonder
my mind is in this shape
the gift of stone you gave me
gives me clarity
just one more moment
is all I really need
to tell you just how I feel
and what you've meant to me

You've drawn me out of my shell
again for all to see
my armour has been dented
but my heart is still clean
I will always think of you
in friendship I'm still keen
I've had the same discussions
about this very thing

but the conclusion that I came to
in turn set me free
free from reprisal
and all it's ***** deeds
for friendship with you
is the most important thing.
Feb 2013 · 320
Life Replied
Scot Powers Feb 2013
I am not always fair
nor should I be
that is the only way
sometimes for you to see
Feb 2013 · 775
Scot Powers Feb 2013
When I was a young boy
there was a frightening dream
in the dead of night it came
like a vision unfolding

the scene was as I can best describe
a giant sludge machine
turning ,twisting , mixing
all that once had been
a dark grey pasty ooze it was
then the scene did change
to a flat green moving belt
with daisy's  a popping
maybe this is what awaits
after our final day
a little glimpse to prepare
for your souls next phase

Or maybe reincarnation
works a little this way
blending experience and flesh
to make a better clay
from which to mold
a new life form
free of the past
moving off into the world
on a different path
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Alberta Mornings
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Crisp and clear Alberta Mornings
The beauty brings me to my knees
sun rising over prairies
dew glistens on the wheat

Blue sky mixed with morning starlight
it's a sight that can't be beat
for all 40 years I've been here
there is no other place for me

The mountains maintain my direction
prairies stretch out to the east
northern lights are alway dancing
on clear central eve's

Winding rivers divide prairies
rolling hills and forest too
fresh scents pervade my senses
that's when I think of you
Feb 2013 · 581
I Remain
Scot Powers Feb 2013
there you stand before me
looking pretty full of grace
memories restore me
to that special place
where I remain

Oh I remain
I remain.. your friend

Wasting time looking backwards
always leaves a bitter taste
memories out of sequence
to me they're all the same
where I remain

Oh I remain
I remain your friend

Circumstance and superstition
they both had a part to play
never waste another moment
gotta keep moving forward

'Cause I remain, I remain
your friend
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
Scot Powers Feb 2013
I awoke with the feeling
I wasn't alone in there
from across the room
I could feel the icy stare
a black amorphous cloud
hovered in the air
I could feel the anger
as it moved around my bed

As black as black
could possibly be
a cold wind overcame
the summer nights heat
I asked it what it wanted
and whom it had been
it just stared right through me
bitter, cold and clean

"You will never get her back"
"She now belongs to me"
said the dark black cloud
looking right at me
as I comprehended
what it said to me
it waited for my eyes to grow
then it lunged at me

it pushed me in the bed so far
and cut off all my breath
it seemed to me for hours
I was paralyzed by dread
then it moved off me
and vanished in the night
I will never, ever forget
waking up that night.
Feb 2013 · 385
Scot Powers Feb 2013
I seen you crying
waiting for the train
raindrops matched the tears
rolling down your face
where has your journey taken you
to make you feel this way
staring off into
the unrelenting grey

I turned to see
if I could help
but clearly I could not
the train had come and gone by then
leaving me at the stop
oh, the perfect vision
of a past left behind
weighs heavy on my heart
heavy on my mind
Feb 2013 · 270
Hello again
Scot Powers Feb 2013
The day I have awaited
now is drawing near
I am filled with happiness
and a little bit of fear
have the winds of change blown high
and cast me adrift
or will we look in each others eyes
remembering why we missed...
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
One Last Time
Scot Powers Feb 2013
One last time
for old times sake
seems to me to be
the most common
and costly mistake
there has ever been
like one more for the road
it has slipped into the past
a common misconception
I hope it's not your last.

Do you ever wonder
just why we have these sayings?
a decent dose of common sense
will get you through the days
don't rely on witchcraft
or a mystic's read on leaves
just depend upon yourself
and your self preserving ways
for if you listen
to your gut
because it never lies
an unknown intuition
lies just behind your eyes

Just like a hog in mud
or black birds on the line
our very purpose here
really is divine
so throw your hands
up to the sky
and thank the universe
for all the blessing's in your life
it really could be worse
Feb 2013 · 469
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Are those voices
I perceive
or pigeons cooing
on the eaves
distant whispers
tickle my ear
filling me with
joy and fear

Joy of seeing
someone new
fear of what
they might do
if they discovered
the secret that I have
held for many years

The trees hold silent vigil
forever they're on guard
the mountains slowly echo
the rivers wandering song
the air so fresh it tingles
your every sense alive
a secret worth protecting
until the day I die

Mother nature rules here
never have a doubt
she draws you in
with her beauty
then it's a
life or death bout
fools often perish
Mother nature smiles
another pesky human
has tried and failed tonight

No it is not voices
that I hear at all
it is just the remnants
energy , that's all
try to imagine
all who came before
staring at you silently
awaiting some distant call.

The secret that I hold so dear
it's really nothing  new
just look around inside your self
the key will then find you
until the day you do this
you will stumble in the dark
never take for granted
permission you have not
if there is a lesson
in this life to hear
maybe you will
heed me, draw me near
and I will set you free.
Feb 2013 · 952
Your Desire
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Crescent moon
over Gothic spire
tell me what
does this inspire?
dark creatures
lurking there
or romantic walks
in the cool night air

Illusion often
takes control
of our hearts
of our soul
leaves you gasping
full of fright
or softly kissing
sweet goodnight

the choice is yours
if you chose to stay
all your dreams
will fade away
if you challenge
your status quo
you will receive
your just reward

For standing still
takes away
your soul's desire
to light the way
crescent moon
over Gothic spires
tell me what
is your desire?
Feb 2013 · 375
The Sin
Scot Powers Feb 2013
alone in the dark
wondering what
has made me start
was it the wind
or was it the sin
which has etched
my sunken heart

to have you near
silent whispers
to my dear
but that cannot be
you have gone
joyful memories
our favourite song

to meet again
seemed so foolish
to me then
now I see
your no longer
next to me

to travel back in time
to take back
all the crying
rip from you
that fiendish beast
that ate you completely
piece by piece

you slowly fade
will stay with me
till my last day
maybe that's why I start
that's the sin
that etches my heart
Feb 2013 · 414
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Lost my direction
along the way
facing rejection
I search for solace
in strangers eyes
go away
like a lonely sentry on the plain

I see myself this way
but reality
crushes me down
just the same
wanted to lash out
and spread the blame
I was lost
but now I've
found my way

facing an addiction
is a strain
like being locked out
in the rain

I see my life this way
I'm much stronger now
than I was yesterday
wanted to lash out
and spread the blame
I was lost
now I've found my way
i've found my way
Feb 2013 · 566
Scot Powers Feb 2013
coming at you sideways
out of the sun
or from beneath
you'll ******* guns
finger four we fly in
death from above
just a flash then I'm gone

you won;t hear me
you won't see me
you won't feel it
you're spinning down in flames

dots on horizon
another flock
sheep or men I can tell not
another red star
goes spinning down
happy is my hunting ground

you won't see me
you won't hear me
you won't feel it
you're spinning down in flames

I am the blonde knight
Hartmann's my name
I bring down at what I aim
alone at the top now
never be beat
ignoble cause
amazing feat

you won't see me
you won't hear me
you won't feel it
you're spinning down in flames
Feb 2013 · 365
At Last
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Waking in the
midnight hour
got to extinguish
a burning fire
the one that pounds
inside your head
it's siren song
could raise the dead
you know the one
for which I speak
your heart ,it cries
when you are weak
gives you strength
for the task
another page
has come at last
Feb 2013 · 636
I Am Fine
Scot Powers Feb 2013
Fortune teller gave me the score
what you're doing,told me some more
can't go back to what we knew
it's all right honey
I'll get over you

Standing alone,like the night before
you can't buy love at the liquor store
always searching,never complete
since we parted on that winters eve

I am fine ,how are you
that new style sure suits you
are you sure your happy this way
did you think of us today

Time has passed and you know for sure
bad idea's closing the door
feeling foolish like you know you should
sheepish looks in the neighborhood

I am fine, how are you
I am happy, I feel great
watching you fall flat on your face.
Feb 2013 · 356
The Prize
Scot Powers Feb 2013
I often wonder
what happened to
all the people
I once knew
do you find
this vexes you?
as the figures
drift through your life
some bring joy
some bring strife
some stay with you
through the years
some simply disappear
lessons learned
in time it seems,
conjure up many themes
darkness, laughter,bitter tears
all just symptoms
of your fears
but in the end
it seems your peers
help you out
through the years
sometimes we are
slow to realize
friendship is
the real prize
Jan 2013 · 432
Missing you
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Aching, waiting
for my friend to arrive
whom I have missed
for so many nights
off to visit a foreign land
off to visit her loving man

I'm not sure what
I miss most
her smiling face
her button nose
her cheerful humor
her cutting prose
but there is one thing
I know for sure
the time has been long
with out her here
Jan 2013 · 531
Blood red sky
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Blood red sky
in the morn
there's a flag
faded and torn
whipping fast
in the wind
rippling softly
like sweet sin
staring off
into the sky
pondering the reasons
for and why
stands a man
with wet brow
searching horizon
from the prow
ever looking
for the land
for which he left
it seems unplanned
from the sea
arose the shore
but is that what
he's looking for?
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