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Jan 2013 · 518
Old Man Winter
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Old man winter
came to call
seems so bitter
worse than fall
howling winds
drifting snow
bites right through you
leaves you raw
only those who understand
what it's like in a frozen land
appreciate the spring time thaw
warm and cozy like a shawl
I can hardly wait till then
the warming days
and balmy wind
they give way
to rainy days
when flowers grow
and children play
summer comes and goes so fast
warm days slip into the past
from long days
nights grow cold
fall arrives almost untold
just in time to chill the bones
Old man winter rises soon
how the changes come too soon
Jan 2013 · 706
Scot Powers Jan 2013
stumbling blind
through the hallways of my years
wasting time,grinding my gears
got to suffer
seems it's the only way
to make the effort
seem worth the pain

Stand back
take a look at what you see
drives you crazy,your so naive
all your troubles
you can add them to my list
my plate is full ,but I'll get another dish

You know who speaks the truth
don't forsake your entire youth
stand up by yourself and you will find the way
as the shepherd
leads the fools away

Barren wastelands
are the landscape of your mind
no more goals
no mountains to climb
treading water in a sea of misery
keep your head out of the endless waves
Jan 2013 · 336
Out the door
Scot Powers Jan 2013
As I sit and shake my head
hurt and bruised by the words you said
I look about and wonder why
I have not already said goodbye
perhaps it is not the season
perhaps you don't see reason
all I know is that when I'm here
I pace the halls in constant fear
of what I may say or do
to draw your ire the way I do
I know my daughter needs a dad
but I think I will soon go mad
I know I can't take much more
before I am out the door
Jan 2013 · 923
Welcome to the party
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Welcome to the party
welcome to the show
this is for the tired beauties
promenading the watering hole
searching for another
stand in for the night
back in the darkest corners
where they lose their fight

And when the sun goes down
the feelings start to stir
another chance to redeem yourself
have you really found your cure
loneliness and desperation led you to this place
stuck in a world
where deceit is common place

Take a look in the mirror
tell me what do you see
are you proud of what looks back now
who you want it to be
wasted days and nights go by
soon turn to years
hopeful dreams and pleasantries
vanish into tears

Standing at the crossroads
of life uncertainly
past choices and decisions
stare back impassively
nothing comes easy in this life it seems
is all what appears to be
Jan 2013 · 959
Roll of the dice
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Last time I saw you
we were walking pleasantly
down by the stream
hunting for treasure
finding pleasure
your laughter stays with me
with each discovery
your smile it grew from cheek to cheek
those rusty railway spikes
and bottle caps are priceless now to me

One day at a time
It's an uphill climb
only a fool pays the price
with a roll of the dice

Ten years have come and gone
since your last heroic deed
you can't believe the gaping hole
it tore in the family
your mother cries at night
your brother and sisters silent agony
you've never gone , your always here
forever in me.

One day at a time
its an uphill climb                    x2
only a fool pays the price
with a roll of the dice
Jan 2013 · 401
Reflections (For Sam)
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Reflections of yesterday
ripple through my mind
glassy surface of a pond
knows no time
these days like turn like pages
in this novel we call life
standing alone in the shadows
biding time

ooh ooh ooh

Looking forward
never looking behind
a pillar of salt is all Lot got that night
build your tomorrows
with hopes and delights
stand outside of your circle
in the light

ooh ooh ooh

As I stand here
before you tonight
I can't tell you how it feels
to be in your spotlight
suffice to thank you
for all you've done for me
thank you for being you
and judgement free

ooh ooh ooh
Jan 2013 · 351
just one night
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Sitting by the railroad tracks,watching the trains
slowly, move away(its a game)
All the miles and all the whiles
I wonder just what we gained

Just one night I stayed, Just one night I played
Just one night I stayed, just one night I played

It's been a long time coming
This change come over me
It's been a long time coming
I guess it's up to me

Standing back,watching the veil fall away
revealing things you just could not say(its a game)
I remember the look on your face,when I walked away(its a shame)
there were tears for sure ,but were they real,its hard to say

Just one night I stayed,just one night I played
just one night I strayed ,Just one night  I played

Its been a long time coming
this change come over me
Its been a long time coming
I guess its up to me.
its been a long time coming,
Jan 2013 · 356
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Steely faces on the battle line
nervous looks as we wait for the sign
just pawns in a sick man's game
you want to leave,Ha .Too late

A cold wind blows across the field
in the air you can smell the fear
ask yourself why must we die
to appease some twisted pride
our faces change every day
in bags we are taken away
Jan 2013 · 359
Out of there
Scot Powers Jan 2013
A timeless void
dark and vast
crushing weight of the past
slowly rises to the fore
gliding past my bedroom door
all it wants is my soul
for darker reasons left untold
I curse aloud
and quake with fear
rancid breath,very near
blood red eyes meet my gaze
taste the fear in this place
now and then when I cry
I often think of that time
all alone with my thoughts
a broken window,then pulled out
heavy footsteps on the stair
I have finally made it out of there.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Faded away
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Standing on the street corner
I watch the world go by
and I start to wonder
everybody's busy
no time to take a rest
it's no wonder
I still see you riding on that pony
looking for all the world
like your in your glory

now you've faded away
like a gin soaked rodeo clown
faded away
like a painting on the ground
your the only one,
I'll never miss

I still see you riding high
in the back of my old chevy
learned a lot about life in that car
man it was heavy
I still see your blonde hair shining in the moonlight
blonde has turned to grey
as though your in your twilight

now you've faded away
like a gin soaked rodeo clown
faded away
like a painting on the ground
your the only one
I'll never miss

Time has gone by
and now i sit on the porch
with my daughter
talk about life and what it means to each other
I still see you riding that **** pony
time has gone by and I realize your so phoney

now your faded away
like a gin soaked rodeo clown
faded away like a painting on the ground
your the only one
I'll never miss
Jan 2013 · 417
Take a walk with me
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Took a walk down a lonely beat
nowhere town ,nowhere street
walked in silence listening
to the wind blowing through
the trees

Hoping fortune would smile on me
tortured days turn to tortured dreams
endless lies bear bitter fruit
endless lies conceal the truth

You cant fly on broken wings
You cant fly on midnight dreams
take a look and what do you see
come on baby ,take a walk with me

An empty page in a dusty book
been ten years since I looked
at the pictures of another me
come on baby take a walk with me

You can't fly on broken wings
You can't fly on midnight dreams
take a look and what do you see
come on baby, take a walk with me

Woke up to a smiling face
memory lane was an empty place
distant pictures of another time
another place to conceal your lies

You can't fly on broken wings
You can't fly on midnight dreams
take a look and what do you see
come on baby, take a walk with me
Jan 2013 · 528
Silent Warnings
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Silent warnings
dimly perceived
shadows falling
like dead leaves

Just another story
like you and me
dissedent reason
can't ever please

Standing alone
in a crowd
waiting for emotions
to cloud

Cant stand inside the ring
cant even perceive a thing
always striving
for the truth

Making a martyr of
my youth
now it seems
long in the tooth

Keeping young
is just a game
being young  
your voice to gain
Jan 2013 · 299
For all to see
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Every morning
same old rush
gather my things
catch the bus

Off to toil
for my bread
while you lie in your bed

But that is not  
the life for me
I must look after
your endless needs

To what end
I ask myself
for all i do
my will must bend

I hang my head
when I have heard
your scathing words
that seem absurd

I bite my tounge
and curse inward
far to often on the verge

To leave you here
for all to see
I've done my time
my mind is free
Jan 2013 · 298
Two hearts
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Two hearts
mirrored in time
one looking forward
one looking behind
together as one
as only could be
face the world
a solid team
working together
learning forever
becoming one
Jan 2013 · 347
Thank You
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Say your wicked
Say your mean
I only know you by the way you treated me
took the time to listen
took the time to wander by
opened up your heart
and stood the test of time

and I say thanks
and I say thanks
Thank you for doing what you didn't have to do
and I said hey brother Thank you

Sitting with you
on the bus that day
neither of us knew
we would end up this way
started to look to the other one
whos on the hook for a little fun

and I said Thanks
and I said Thanks
And I said thank you for doing what you did'nt have to do
and I said Hey sister Thank you

just one life is all we have
seems like a shame to waste it
complications often rule your day
but you can escape the day

Say your wicked
say your mean
I only know you by the way you treated me
Jan 2013 · 344
I want to wake
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Dancing clowns in the market square today
birds are singing,wind brushes my face
people laughing,people clapping , having a good time
sadly feels like I awoke in a different time

As I look around I slowly see
everything is as real as I want it to be
a lesson learned from a book I read long ago
seems to be the only thing is to let go

as the day fades away
and the moonlight glows
staring at the midnight sky
the mood seems to flow

I want to wake to this again
I want to take you by the hand
I want to wake to this again
I want to live like this again
Jan 2013 · 410
So Lucky
Scot Powers Jan 2013
Heading out, in the driving rain
the endless road ,of my journey
Often I think, I think of better days
wanting only to celebrate.

Life's  twisting pathways
leave you spinning,lost as in a daze
When you wake up you will see
it was only just a dream

Time rolls on,years melt away
Years become just another day
time has come to turn the page
Before another takes you slave

Some will not be so lucky
Some will not get to play

Life's become a cheezy charade
We live on ,in memories
Live beyond our mortal days
stand strong , always pave the way
Jan 2013 · 248
hello world
Scot Powers Jan 2013
hello world
are you there?
do you really care?
will you take a dare?

— The End —