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Dec 2013 · 400
A Star
Scot Powers Dec 2013
A Star
merely a person
painted against
a kalidascopic  societal view
upon whom the hopes
and aspirations of the masses
focus and ****

Driving ever forward
to some unknown end
as the masses want more
the star retreats
all at once
what he had craved
haunts him daily
life in a cage

a luxury that
no longer exists
the worlds eyes upon you
ripping your mental fabric

seek your name and presence
in order to maintain
the momentum
that their message
seems to intend
but often are drivin
not by the need for help
but for financial gain.

you trade your soul
for a star beside your name
just to bask
in an unreal "fame"
never again will you be
just a name upon the screen
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Paradise lost
Scot Powers Dec 2013
The professor was mad
it was clear to us all
fantastic ideas
right off the wall
seeing the world
through his crooked way
gave all of us students
laughter for days

We reported for class
on the 15th of May
I must now confess
a memorable day
his topic that day
was a paradise lost
deep in the jungles
he'd go at all cost's

An expedition he'd mount
would I like to go ?
adventure soon seemed
to grip my soul
I talked with my parents
I talked with my girl
they all encouraged
this voyage from home

We gathered supplies
that we thought we'd need
but not knowing for sure
a gamble indeed
we then secured passage
on a ***** steamer
destined for the island
where the valley lay hidden

The day soon arrived
when we bid goodbye
to friends and our family
my girl she cried
she begged me be safe
and stay far from harm
I turned to leave
and she grabbed my arm

The look in her eyes
I'll never forget
searching and longing
full of regret
I may never return
or if I can
I may not remain
the very same man

I gently reassured her
we will be safe
upon our arrival
we will celebrate
The professor will lecture
to very large crowds
we will get married
and then settle down

Two weeks at sea
torture to me
rolling and bobbing
like a cork in the sea
the professor would not
let this deter him
stolidly he put on
a very brave grin

Over the horizon
the island took form
soon we were being
rowed into shore
the coxswain advised
they'd be back at slack tide
we'd better be there
or they'd leave us behind

We gathered our goods
right there on the beach
took a read of our bearings
and set on our way
we climbed through the mist
that clung to the hills
marveling at all
the sights and the smells

Finally we reached
the valley we sought
the professor's composure
was completely lost
he laughed and he jumped
screaming "I was Right!"
I fell to my knees
after my very first sight

Paradise was before us
I could scarcely believe
we sat and drew sketches
and took photographs
wrote in our journals
observations we made
The professor was planning
a brilliant display

We descended into
the valley beneath
and then set up camp
to stay for the eve
we talked of our discovery
and of impending fame
the magic was broken
as if all at once
a terrifying roar
emerged from the brush

The Lizard it lunged
staring straight at me
the professor let out
an ear piercing shriek
another had grabbed
him from behind
he struck it with a stick
picked up from the ground

We ran for our lives
and left everything
scrambling back
out of the valley
lucky we were
lucky indeed
over the crest
we ran for the beach

We would be early
where could we hide
staying out there
would be suicide
the lizards were coming
out of the hills
tounges sniffing the air
searching for us
intent on the ****

We climbed up an out crop
just out of reach
and hoped that our perch
would really be safe
we stayed there for hours
until the next day
when a flare did signal
help on the way

Back on the steamer
we would then relate
our strange experience
narrowly escaped fate
we thanked the captain
for his returning
to that strange island
a little early

We arrived back at home
there was much hurrah
family and friends
and a very warm bed
my girl then asked me
just what we saw
I related the story
as she stared in awe

The professor retained
a place where to teach
to my girl I was married
we moved by the beach
often at night
we look out to sea
paradise lost
we'll never again seek
Dec 2013 · 580
Scot Powers Dec 2013
As the reel of past events
slowly does unwind
pictures and emotions
seem to drift like the tide

As the waves come rushing in
embrace the flowing light
take a trip upon the wind
like a leaf taking flight

Soaring ever higher
vision blooming like a flower
suspended in a tranquil mist
watching events transpire

Knowing you can't change events
a stunned witness you remain
muted as you shout inside
with regrets your soul is stained

Look into the future
with a heart that's burden free
don't take the past and wear it
just like Marley's chains

Make amends then move on
life is short you see
enjoy the days that you have
set your spirit free

Don't cry to me of hardships
we all have paid a price
everybody has a past
and another set of lies

The things I think that matters most
are the connections that are made
truly understanding
what the other has to say

When we meet eye to eye
on equal ground we stand
looking through the others eyes
examining ourselves

Smile a lot and say hello
to everyone you meet
together we can re form a bond
we once called society
Dec 2013 · 455
After the dawn
Scot Powers Dec 2013
Howling wind
and drifting snow
defies all bounds
that I know
a winter chill
does set in
to the bone
the cold creeps in

A clearing sky
few clouds remain
cold winds burn
bring you pain
as your flesh
freezes white
mind goes numb
frost starts to bite

As you gaze
up to the sky
you ask yourself
how and why
have you found
yourself out here
all that's left
is the fear

fear of what
will come to pass
a night out here
you will not last
a frozen corpse
in the morn
no worries left
after the dawn
Nov 2013 · 392
The Path
Scot Powers Nov 2013
I cast aside those
feelings of shame
focusing on
a burning flame
the one that lights
my path for me
the one that lights
for all to see

The path has been
a winding road
traveling hither
to and fro
always changing
through the years
but steadily on
despite my fears

the gift of a vision
so long ago
brought me this season
through which I flow
playing for love
playing for free
the song is my gift
that I give to thee

The feelings arise
at first in your gut
spreading so slowly
gripping your heart
the words seem alive
pulling you along
suddenly your singing
it seems from the heart

reliving your life
a lyric at a time
purging the feelings
held deep inside
feeling a bit lighter
after the release
a feeling that stays
sometimes for weeks

Your path it is paved
with music and with words
the people and places
the stories you've heard
situations created
sometimes without thought
bring forth a creation
making you who you are
Nov 2013 · 684
Topsy -Turvy
Scot Powers Nov 2013
Topsy - Turvy
watch the clowns
going up
or is it down

In this labrynth
made of lines
all sense is lost
of depth and time

Impossible angles
do veer off
magical visions
held aloft

A parchment square
upon the wall
reveals the path
careful, don't fall

A journey to
your minds eye
changing angles
smiles arise

is it in
or is it out
that's the question
there's no doubt

Topsy -Turvy
no one sees
the very same
thing as me
Nov 2013 · 469
Scot Powers Nov 2013
Blinded by wind
and billowing snow
frozen horizon
distant shore

Out on the ice pack
time is on loan
death's always stalking
which way will you go

Freeze in the night
or a treat for a bear
survivals the name
of the game out there

Maybe you'll drift
for many a day
slowly you'll starve
maybe your saved

Perhaps while your blinded
you'll step through a hole
drop through the ice
succumb to the cold

You cry for your mamma
how did you get here
traded a bit of adventure
and lost all that's dear

Farewell to Mamma
farewell to ye all
there's no hope for tomorrow
going for a stroll...........
Oct 2013 · 847
Scot Powers Oct 2013
The rain slashed down
the razor back ridge
misty wind spiraled
a cool autumn kiss

The moon casts a pall
that's rarely seen
casting wild shadows
a creepy feeling

gingerly approach
a darkened archway
seeking the shelter
get out of the rain

you reach for the knocker
a gnarled hand made of brass
grasping it firmly
holding your breath

Before you can strike
slowly the door
opens on hinges
squealing from the chore

A cold wind rushes out
and goes straight through you
raising the hairs
from your head to your shoes

from the dark entrance
a cadaver like form
beacons you forward
toward you it floats

You turn to run
but now it's too late
the door behind you
closes firmly in place

A lump in your throat
as your heart leaves your chest
sweat stars to pour
in rivers of dread

around and around
they swirl about you
tangents and visions
reaching for you

down the hall
you do take flight
laughter behind you
increases your fright

you look to the left
you look to the right
for an escape
from this deadly plight

a stairwell appears
your choice must be right
or you will not emerge
from this house tonight

if upwards you go
trapped you will be
if downwards you go
surely to the beast

A window to the left
through it you crash
falling though air
surely to death

you jolt open your eyes
as you strike the ground
only to find
sheets and pillows around

back in your house
safe from the dream
of that darkened old mansion
at the top of your street
Oct 2013 · 810
Jacobs Hollow
Scot Powers Oct 2013
Alone in the hollow
the mist settles in
hair begins arising
first pangs of fear

snap goes a twig
just to your left
keenly you listen
dare not a breath

you search for a reason
around and within
why your so startled
quaking within

you laugh off the feelings
putting them out of mind
and then you move forward
along a broken fence line

decrepit and abandoned
this lonely old road
through Jacobs hollow
slowly you go

a soft gurgling noise
penetrates the night
a sliver of moon
casts a grim light

never should have come
to yourself you do say
I should have waited
for the light of day

another twig snaps
this time to your right
looking all around
nothing in sight

you dart to the left
expecting the worse
when a fawn erupts
from the woods by the trail

you laugh to your self
what a fool you have been
shake yourself off
strike forth once again

the covered bridge lies
a short distance away
marking the point
half the distance
has been made

Oh just to be home
safe in your bed
but the legend of the hollow
just had to be dared

a cackling laugh
carried by the wind
opens your eyes
startles again

a light in the entrance
of the covered bridge
flickering slowly
making shadows dance

you catch a slight movement
out of the corner of your eye
there in the shadows
you can see the eye shine

the gurgling sound
again yet much nearer
settles in your mind
now blank with fear

the shadow it lunges
at you from its lair
backwards you scramble
screaming in fear

running away
as fast as you can
you should not have ventured
this night on the land

a feast for the beast
now you will become
if you can not make it
out of the hollow

a quarter mile to go
screaming you sprint
escaping the clutches
on this you are bent

at last you've arrived
not a second to soon
as the beast jumped
it was dissolved by the moon

You cry out a thanks
there on the ground
dust your self off
and settle on your way

home where it's safe
never again will you go
to Jacobs hollow
alone in the fall
Sep 2013 · 736
Scot Powers Sep 2013
Sending this out
across the sea
to one who shares
a passion with me
a friendship born upon the net
comparing notes and writers sweat

through dark times
and lighter too
advice is shared
the odd pic too
to sea how others
go about
their daily lives
with out a doubt

It is the greatest
gift of all
to share a vision
see the same  star
with some one from
a distant shore
thank you friend
the words
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
The Journey
Scot Powers Sep 2013
"At last!" he cried
"You have arrived!"
"I thought you'd never come"
his smile belied the turmoil inside
deeper than  can be described

The journey began
with a half drunken plan
boasted and rejoiced
the fact that they said
we were out of our head
gave credence that indeed we were right

We stayed up for days
studying adventurous ways
to bend the physics of time
a place to begin and a place to win
Oh! destinations divine

We studied old tomes  
divined lizard bones
yet certainty did evade
we  struck out on our own
a cold dusty road
a bleak foreboding feeling

We were walking along
when the object crashed down
a short distance away
we scrambled to see
what could possibly be
lying there in the field

A machine of strange purpose
it turned out to be
but what we just could not say
the occupant  was tossed
and his life was lost
out on that cold barren plain

We looked in the hatch
of this very strange catch
surveying a very strange scene
and there on the wall
strangest of all
was a panel displaying this date

With a whoop and a roar
we toasted each other
it was just what we needed to find
a machine that could bend
space and time on their end
Yes, I was going to ride

I strapped myself in  
and started twisting the dials
not knowing what I was doing
it started to hum
I looked at my chum
my grin I was unable to hide

I reached for the dial
and gave it a swift turn
not caring the destined date
the vibration did rise
blurring my eye's
shaking my very senses

A flash and a bang
and at once it all came
to a lurching  halting stop
the vision out side
brought fear to my pride
quickly I switched back the date

Vibrations and dizzyness
I sensed once again
as through the veil I passed
to land me back here
white haired from the fear
of a future so distant  from here

I leapt from it
that infernal machine
and bade no one go near
it must be destroyed
oh how I cried
smashing it with my bare hands

You asked what I seen
in that futuristic  scene
that could blanch the life from my eyes
the horror revealed
would make a man squeal
a tear rolled down my cheek

A desolate plain
was all that remained
of a civilization that we had attained
but greed and deceit
routed us in defeat
destroying our very souls

I'll take a step back
and try a new tack
from this day going forth
to lead by example
and not be trampled
standing for what is right.
Aug 2013 · 471
Rising Above
Scot Powers Aug 2013
held in the tight embrace
weighted down by  a presence
a parasite consuming  your soul
deeper than black
lives in that place
unwilling to look upon the hope of dawn
the chance to grow,  renewed
a fresh petal to the wind
puts forth thy face
for all to see
the battle  t'was  joined
is almost complete
suffered the losses
tasted defeat
a look to the past
reveals the lie
twists and distorts
the real reason why
the pain that is felt
can be all too real
facing it all alone
a lonely cold meal
starts to take hold
a light in the tunnel
shelter from the cold
to knowingly arise
from this fetal state
rising above bitterness and hate
becoming the change
that you want to see
is the only way
to set yourself free
Aug 2013 · 848
The Festival
Scot Powers Aug 2013
The day was fast approaching
I could hardly wait
three days of sun and fun
were what was on my plate

They came from other countries
as well as from my own
gathering for what would be
an amazing show

Hero's from the 60's on their last hurrah
giants from the 70's were surely going to rock
then there was the newbies
thrown in like fresh meat
going to do their best to serve
a heavy musical treat

We packed the van and headed south
gathering friends along the way
hoping that the sun would shine
and stay that way for days

As we got closer to the entry gate
a thrill it went right through us
I remember  to this day
the excitement built incredibly
it seemed to come in waves
passing a spliff between us
peering through the haze

We entered the event site
and quickly set up camp
close to the gate
so we would not be missed

The late arrivals came at last
and then we did all toast
to our great fortunes
who would drink the most

The air was electric,
energy pouring from the crowd
the first band came to take the stage
a roar was let out

The crowd it  did move
as if it were one
giant breathing mass of flesh
in the blazing sun

We danced and sang till it was dark
the first night had begun
the music pounding out it's love
to the sinking sun

The heat it was oppressive
early the next morn
running behind the water truck
soaking away the sun

The next three days were a blur
but oh what a blast
The time made me appreciate
the love of the past

This happened back in '97
but to this very day
I wonder have I spent a better weekend
in  all my waking days.
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Bye Bye Crocodile
Scot Powers Jul 2013
I've read the words
left unwritten
between the lines
bye bye crocodile

You touched so many
with your words
and your smile
bye bye crocodile

You've seen so much more
than many in this life
bye bye crocodile

Born of two minds
balance is the key
reading your thoughts
but never feeling your pain

Felt the emotions
as days turned to nights
victories no matter the size
still extract a price

Wish I'd had the chance
to spend a little time
sometimes there's more in life
than meets the eye

I hope you've found the peace
you needed in your life
I'll be missing your words
while writing this I cry

bye bye crocodile
In memory of Julia Teasdale A.k.a Masakani Crocodile, you are and will be is a link to a live performance..
Jul 2013 · 559
I'll Go Down Swinging
Scot Powers Jul 2013
Rolling fields remind me
of the distance I feel
staring out at the darkness
trying to be real
left cold shoulders behind me
round and round go the wheels
putting miles between us
seems so unreal

but I'll go down swinging
for my friends
make my mark and stand
but I'll go down swinging
believe me
you don't want
to know where I've been

As I look around me
am I a lucky man
friends stand beside me
always seem to understand
as the headlights search out
shadows to the right , to the left
strait white lines deceive you
lines and horizon start to blend

But I'll go down swinging
for my friends
make my mark and stand
I'll go down swinging
believe me
you don't  want
to be where I've been

Seems I've come full circle
beat myself once again
stronger when we're together
than alone against the wind
how we let something divide us
robs me of my words
standing now beside you
I feel whole again

But I'll go down swinging
for you friend
take you by the hand
I'll go down swinging
believe me
you don't want
to be where I've been
Jul 2013 · 909
If I Could Be So Bold
Scot Powers Jul 2013
If I could be so bold
the times I've spent with you
have brought me joy beyond compare
opened up my heart to you
we laugh and sigh, share good times
and sorrows like good friends
yet still when I look in your eyes
I can see heavens gift
your aura glows and reaches out
to comfort other souls
I was drawn to your light
like a wandering soul

If I could be so bold
the things I'd say to you
looking deep in your eyes
wrapping my arms around you
to take you gently by the hand
and lead you to my bed
then we'd be together
gently moving, locked in bliss
releasing waves of pleasure
we never knew could exist
showering you with kisses
the sweet taste of your lips
ecstatic emotions blossoming
fireworks behind our eyes
the room begins to spin about
while we're quivering inside

If I could be so bold
the things I would tell you
how special you have made me feel
when I am with you
it's easy for me to see now
some things aren't meant to be
so I cherish all the moments spent
as fleeting as they may be
time was spent in many places
learning to be free
of all the problems life presents
and challenges we perceive

If I could be so bold
one thing that I'd tell you
slowly day by day it seems
I've fallen in love with you
Jul 2013 · 896
To come and go
Scot Powers Jul 2013
Lofty expectations
often do give rise
to disappointed feelings
when things go awry

Friendships seem
to come and go
like the seasons
natural flow

Painfully aware
am I this day
of many things
I'd like to say

But I choose
to shower you
with blessings for
this open door

to come and go
without so much
as a note
or a thought

of whom we've
touched, and sought out
lessons learned
lessons taught

I see the world
in this new light
moving on
starting tonight

I'll be back
someday you'll see
it's never to late
to be set free
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
A Penny for your thoughts
Scot Powers Jul 2013
"A penny for your thoughts"
she said, with a sultry smile
looking at me sideways
as we passed away the miles

The journey that had brought us here
was really quite a ride
ups and downs and storms endured
but promised so much life

I must confess my mind was blank
but stuttered out a reply
I can't remember what I said
but she smiled and stroked my thigh

We continued on our present path
moving through the night
the morning sun looked down on us
as darkness turned to light

the mountain air was bracing
refreshing feeling so divine
descending through the mountain pass
we searched each others eyes

"A penny for your thoughts" you asked
well this is what I say
I can't believe the luck I've had
since our wedding day.
Jun 2013 · 661
Scot Powers Jun 2013
In my forty-sixth year
I have learned to stay clear
of the pitfalls which once
befell me

Lessons I've learned
as the years burned
have turned out
to warn me

the voice in my head
quells urges to tread
where once  it seemed
I ran blindly

perspectives  have changed
like  land after the rains
have rushed by and scoured
it dry

feelings have changed
as I watch with dismay
society falling around me

the lines of the past
no longer last
blurring to a grey
hazy outline

it is claimed to be
kinder and gentler to thee
but a savageness
does underlie

all that remains
of the kindness that's claimed
cheap fascia, wrecked by the rain

gentleness does apply
to those who ask why
ignorant of their surrounds

a kick in the rear
still it appears
is truly a step forward

as I have related
these feelings belated
again the changes occur

to all I must say
thank you this day
for reading the
words from my soul
just a Sunday morning adventure with the Muses and some coffee.
Jun 2013 · 848
The Job
Scot Powers Jun 2013
He cast's a long shadow
in the cool morning sun
striding with purpose
the job must be done

Out by the woodshed
quietly does he
make his presence known
by whistling softly

For many years now
he loved what he seen
the good and the bad
and all in between

Over the years
the joy's drained away
making this job seem
harder each day

***** long hours
spent oh silently
crouched in the shadow
of the old growth  trees

Waiting for a sign
surely there will be
another visitation
patience is the key

He prepares himself
so stolidly does he
for the visitors
he must receive

Scare them away
any way that he can
keep the homes safe
from raiders of the land

Invaders without conscience
intent on the feed
no malice intended
but will not concede

The problem arose
because of what we
thought was a kind thing
was not to be

Disrupting the law
that nature provides
giving courage to those
by feeding their kind

Soon there becomes
no other way
to deal with the problem
the beast must be slain

So wearily the man
slowly does raise
rifle to shoulder
then he does pray

Pray that his aim's true
quick it will be
no pain for the critter
whatever it may be

Woe be to him
now he sit's silently
crying so softly
alone in the trees
Jun 2013 · 891
Happy Fathers Day
Scot Powers Jun 2013
Sitting here this morning
enjoying the suns rays
reflecting upon life again
what a great journey

through tragedy and victory
and all that's lain between
times and personalities
I've met along the way

there is a fraternity
to which many do belong
some are there willfully
but some just don't belong

every day we pay our dues
though the members seldom meet
taking on the challenge
seven days a week

through good times
and sad times too
the challenges we meet
always moving forward
never do we retreat

we give advice
and push the swings
listen to the cries
joyus moments we do live
in our children's eyes

we are there when life begins
though rarely do we sing
praises for the job we do
or the joy it brings

we pass on the knowledge
of how the world works
so the next generation
will not be off worse

we bring strength
we bring wisdom
at least we often try
to teach our children
how to play
and even how to ride

I would be remiss
if I didn't mention too
the mothers role in all of this
to them I  say Thank You

There are some Mothers
who are in this club as well
doing the job  that is ours
and doing it **** well

So my wish today is simple
for it is our day
reflect upon the job you've done
Happy Fathers Day.
For all my fellow members Who know the joys and trials of Fatherhood
you know who you are..
and what you mean..
Jun 2013 · 593
Making the most
Scot Powers Jun 2013
As the ink
dries on the page
a listless feeling
does engage

Melancholy thoughts
long summer days
innocence lost
merciful haze

Thinking back
to those days
sends a quiver
through my veins

Horror revealed
in your eyes
as I relate
this sickly tale

Taken from
the school playground
broken trust
the color light brown

I wish I knew
a name to match
the blurry vision
baseball cap

I cried for help
you came to me
broke the window
set me free

If not for you
I might not be
able to write
this sad story

I thank you now
like everyday
by making the most
of the life you saved

I can still hear
footsteps ringing out
coming up the stairs
to finish me off

Breaking glass
the sound does thrill me
it is the sound
of being set free
Jun 2013 · 768
Wild hair McGee
Scot Powers Jun 2013
This is the tale
of wild hair McGee
affectionatly known
to some as Scotty

Zipping around
the airport with glee
in his big yellow forklift
writing poetry

Many have wondered
how his name came to be
it was hung on his back
by his boss Jeffery

Dumping the bins
in his faithful steed
a machine that is known
as ol' smokey

If you want to judge
the course of the day
just take off his helmet
his hair would then say

A little to the left
no patience left
a little to the right
stayed up late last night

If standing up Straight
you might have to wait
all to the back
your the bottom of the stack

Don't take it personal
it;s not meant to be
all in a days work
for wild hair McGee
For Star Toucher 64..  A friend if ever there has been!
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
The Bond
Scot Powers Jun 2013
The bandy legged monkey
doth delight in all that he
experiences and witnesses
in this life's journey

He and his best friend
the ***** grinding man
dressed up in their finery
traveling about the land

Dancing with hat in hand
for a modest fee
the children always come around
smiling with glee

As the music crescendo's
at a rising pace
he swings around the market square
smile frozen on his face

Whirling, twirling, swinging
yet keeping out of reach
stretching, holding out his hat
collecting his *****

When at last the crowd thins out
it's time to take a break
move off to another square
fresh for the take

Living off each other
in this symbiotic chase
works well for each other
food is served each day

The bond that has formed
over the years it seems
has transformed to friendship
neither is lonely

The Bandy legged monkey
and the ***** grinder man
partners on a journey
into the promised land.
Jun 2013 · 2.8k
Scot Powers Jun 2013
Blueberry you sit
heavy on my mind
met you at a party
of a friend of mine

So free a soul
I've scarcely met
with your multi- colored dreadlocks
and presence so fresh

Colorful outfit
like I've never seen
flowing so graceful
as you wander near me

Rainbow scarf
of fabric so fine
green khaki jacket
and a gleam in your eye

You struck me at once
unlike many before
as someone who knows
the trips gift for the soul

The freedom you showed
was clear to see
the joy in your eyes
as you prodded playfully

My soul it did sing
with joy this day
at seeing you Blueberry
lighting the way
May 2013 · 1.1k
The Piper
Scot Powers May 2013
Today I have to wonder
about people once again
some live to cause trouble
while others live to win

why is what your neighbor does
any business of your own
unless it interferes
with property that you own

I find life is hard enough
without the extra strife
of having people accusing you
wasting a lot of time

vindictive little weasels
surely you will pay
for all the trouble that you cause
Karma works that way.

we've been at the bottom
of  that barrel
of which you speak
only to rise above
expectations we exceed

then all the thanks
the world gives to you
can easily be summed up
but really seeing the picture
is hard when your hung up

bent on the destruction
of characters that you don't know
just to feed some jealous need
like a hog stuck at the trough

those whom you hold close
will soon turn on you
it's just the nature of the game
the piper calls the tune

So even in my anger
I still feel sorry for you
for having to be such a ****
afraid of  name being known
May 2013 · 668
Ton of bricks
Scot Powers May 2013
well I see now
things are still the same
empty words
your lying brings you no shame
still got secrets
you keep from me
better look for
someone else to play

I should have seen it coming
but it hit me like a ton of bricks
you would think by now
I'd know all your *****  tricks
sitting all alone
wondering why it's got to be this way
sitting there all alone
looking at the telephone
wondering if it's really all inside my head

well the rug's
been pulled out from me
fool me twice
the shame is on me
took me for a fool again
patience now
is creek ice thin

I should have seen it coming
but it hit me like a ton of bricks
you'd think by now
I'd know all your ***** tricks
sitting all alone
wondering why it has to be this way
sitting there all alone
looking at the telephone
wondering if it's really all inside my head

I can see by the look in your eye
body language gives you away
if you could just see your self             bridge
you would shrink into a shell

Should have seen it coming
but it hit me like a ton of bricks
you'd think by now
I'd know all your ***** tricks
sitting all alone
wondering why it has to be this way
sitting there all alone
looking at the  telephone
wondering if it's really all inside my head
May 2013 · 1.1k
The Race
Scot Powers May 2013
Whilst I was riding
early last eve
a peculiar thing happened
you'll scarcely believe
just to the left
out of the corner of my eye
I caught some motion
it was a surprise

the squirrel was fast
along the fence top did he
run along at breakneck speed
I chuckled to myself
but it did keep pace
it was clear to me
it wanted a race

A race it would be
man versus beast
defeat by the squirrel
was not to be
I could sense the challenge
in it's beady eyes
down the boulevard
we did fly

A man did approach
I veered to the left
he looked astonished
the squirrel just leapt
over the branch
that suddenly appeared
I took the advantage
and increased my speed

half a block to go
then the fence it would end
me and the squirrel
were neck and neck
racing for pride
who would be beat
we increased the pace
hearts setting the beat

then it happened,
a scrabble and a squeek
the squirrel had crashed
into a tree
the poor little guy
didn't see the branch
that had snaked across
his narrowing path

the end of the race
it happened to be
but defeat for the squirrel
brought no pride for me
I laughed to myself
and shook my head
and then I thanked God
for all he had sent.
May 2013 · 982
In from the cold
Scot Powers May 2013
Journeyed  from
a far off land
through the forest
across the sand
like a restless beast
never at peace
wandered for years
laughter and tears

A family of wanderers
have traveled the path
acrobats and see'ers
jugglers and rats
all move together
for it would seem
safety in numbers
they're often seen

Raven haired beauties
with large almond eyes
pry coins from the menfolk
tell them sweet lies
they stay for awhile
then they move on
when their welcome
is truly gone

for hundreds of years
the travelers have wandered
despite all our fears
the gypsies have lived
like we wish we all could
living and laughing
loving as they should

don't be so hard
on those you don't know
could be a friend
let you in from the cold.
May 2013 · 457
In the light
Scot Powers May 2013
Faded blue dress and cigarettes
she waits for me
vacant eyes still reflect
some burning need
all the things that she's been through
have left her weak
wish she could shake it all off
and spread her wings

She can wake to a brand new light
playing all your songs tonight
remember your happy times
rejoice in the light

Facing yet another day
it seems surreal
how life between four walls
can make you feel
faded pictures and faded dreams
strike back every day
reflecting on a life never lived
to pass the day

She can wake to a brand new light
playing all your songs tonight
remember your happy times
rejoice in the light

watching the decline day by day
makes one feel
if I could just make it right
the joy she'd feel
but there's nothing I can do
to make her sing
so I'll be here all along
waiting in the wings

she can wake to a brand new light
singing all your songs tonight
remember your happy times
rejoice in the light
rejoice in the light
May 2013 · 2.8k
Scot Powers May 2013
I can't stay here tonight
gotta keep runnin'
but there's nowhere to hide
keep gettin' dragged under
urges build deep inside
control is the problem

Wasted all my yesterdays
fortunes lost never regained
took a while for me to see
Sobriety, brought victory

I can't stay here tonight
temptations weaken me
when we unite
the demons take over
lose track of time
nothing else matters

Wasted all my yesterdays
fortunes lost never regained
took awhile for me to see
sobriety brought victory

Well I stayed here tonight
took on all comers
stood tall for the fight
attacked from all corners
beat back the night
standing tall on my own now

Wasted all my yesterdays
fortunes lost never regained
took awhile for me to see
sobriety brought victory
I wrote this a few years back while reflecting upon the lost years to my addiction and recovery from crack *******. that is the sobriety, I speak of..
May 2013 · 463
Till night is day
Scot Powers May 2013
Standing, staring
watching helplessly
as you turn away
you're leaving me

Joyful times,
soul full tides
happy memories
slowly  drift away
like leaves in the stream

Silent nights
wordless fights
it all seems to me
pain filled feelings
start to weaken me

I think of where
we have been
and what cannot be
there's no more to be said
our time is at an end

maybe we
can finally see
just what it means
slowly sinking in the mire
misreading your desire

Fooling my self
like only I can
almost believing
I could be your man
that you would want
the same thing too
clearly again
I had been duped

If you're
wearing your heart
upon your sleeve
there are those who
will deceive
tear down your walls
take from you
everything you thought
you knew

so move along
don't look back
the road ahead is
long and black
finding light along the way
holding on till night is day.
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
Long Goodbyes
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Standing, on the other side of lonely
looking in
waiting,like a becalmed sailor
for the wind
looking , for a reason not to shed
another tear
feeling like a paper doll tossed
by the wind

But those long goodbyes
are taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
strain our two lives
desperately , clutching the years

Talking,to help myself remember
who I am
Journeys a thousand miles out and back
I've been
discovering, what a loss and what a fool
I've been
hoping, for redemption and another
invite in

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears               x2
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately, clutching the years        

Seeing, you standing in my doorway
once again
knowing, that this is exactly where
you should have been
touching, softly kissing the one that
I've missed
loving,for forever it's always
where we've been

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately clutching the years      X2
a new one for the upcoming album.
Apr 2013 · 464
Your Heart
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Again you attack
bludgeon with words
explosive expletives
I do not deserve

When will you see
this is not the way
to live in a ring
defending each day

The things that I do
to sate your needs
come with a price
only for me

Look in the mirror
maybe you'll see
the reason that
your so angry with me

You cannot deny
the things I provide
instead you attack
crushing my pride

It makes me sad
especially to see
that the attacks
aren't only on me

Crushing ones spirit
is not a game
in the long run
you'll surely pay

For all the actions
and words that spew forth
from that bitter place
known as your heart
Apr 2013 · 567
Hey Sweet Lady
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Hey Sweet lady
how far can we go
your dance takes me higher
than I have been before
to much confusion
every way that we turn
suns blinding my vision
every twist and turn

every time I get feeling fine
there's always someone
to confuse the situation
like a punch to the nose

Sun starts to rise up
we gather our clothes
what the hell happened
where did they go
ladies were dancin
to much to smoke
wine flowing freely
while embers still glow

every time I get feeling fine
there's always some one
to confuse the situation
like a punch to the nose

Hey sweet lady
how far can we go
your dance takes me higher
than I have been before
too much beauty
missed out on so much
wine flowing freely
too much to smoke

Every time I get feeling fine
there's always some one
to confuse the situation
like a punch to the nose..
yet another song from the some days your the dog some days the hydrant. album 2003
Apr 2013 · 971
The Champ
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Soundly trounced
the beaten man
warily offered
his shaking hand
to the victor of the bout
from the start
there was no doubt

That he would fall
this day it seemed
a shame for all
who'd come to see
the champ reclaim
his title belt
one more time
we all felt

The Champ had won
so many times
you had to know
there'd be a time
when along would come
a newer face
knock him down
take his place

His fans belief, unwavering
his character,  unsavory
but that's what it takes
if your to be
the champion of
your childhood dreams

He taught the kids
and played the roll
took their papers
and signed them all
a champ and a star
he felt like a king
he reigned supreme
in the squared ring

But when he was
alone at home
all he sought
was to drown
all the sorrows
he'd been through
kicked and teased
like a fool

If the kids
could see him now
curled and lonely
in his shell
would they then
ask him why?
could he answer
and not cry?

Then came the day
of the title match
he knew within
it was his last
he'd make a show
for his fans
he'd even do their
favorite stance
the time had come
to pass on
the title of champ
his time was done

After the show
sitting all alone
thinking of all
that he had done
in walked a kid
and before him he stood
and  said
you are still The Champ
in my book
Apr 2013 · 571
Always the same
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Sun rises over that lonely valley
corn fields they roll on row by row
wide open spaces stretch for miles
except for this ribbon I live on

It's always the same
no matter the games that you play
it's always the same
until you turn it around

In this lonely old mining town in the springtime
you can here a nickle drop on the floor
crows gathered on the fence post they're yakkin
with the scarecrow in the fall

It's always the same
no mater the games that we play
it's always the same
until you turn it around
this is one from our second album recorded in 2005
Apr 2013 · 748
The Circle
Scot Powers Apr 2013
darkened room  quartet's playing
the crowd, hungry for more
down here air is getting hazy
your ashen faced ,headed for the door
came again for the painted lady
her eyes you can't ignore
black dress, silk stockings
memories of long ago

sometimes I feel I'm going nowhere
sometimes I feel it's my time to win

Dawn is breaking, streets are empty
you look around from your hole
some people say that your crazy
but man that's not it at all
in the alley there's an entrance
a vision slot on the door
secret knock gains you entry
inside elixirs steal your soul

some times I feel I'm going nowhere
sometimes I feel it's my time to win

darkened room quartet's playing
you stumble back through the door
came again for that painted lady
her eyes you can't ignore
ruby lips, long finger tips
they rock you to the core
secret knock gains you entry
'round the circle here we go

some times I feel I'm going nowhere
sometimes I feel it's my time to win
'round and round this circle never ends
carry on boy quitting's no way to end.
another oldie from the some days album..2004.
Apr 2013 · 503
Scot Powers Apr 2013
I have waited
with breath baited
far too long for you
to tell me a lie
emotional high
oh, my soul it will soothe
to feel just for once
that I was the one
feel like the hand
that fits in the glove
to be the one
that lights up your night
being the sun
burn away your night

yet again I can see
this will not be
just a lonely old codger
not a gull on the sea
chasing a dream
can never attain
a dance with an angel
to feel young again
a walk through the valley
never hurt any one
can only become stronger
when this day is done.
Mar 2013 · 342
I Wish
Scot Powers Mar 2013
I could see
Mar 2013 · 763
No Sympathy
Scot Powers Mar 2013
The more that goes down your throat
barriers start to crumble
find yourself doing things
you could not imagine
nights still young
so you think
nothings going to happen
the next thing you know
your whole life is shattered
don't cry to me

'Cause you won't get my sympathy
don't want to hear it anymore
well I can't make no gaurantees
I've seen this all before

the choices that you make
really make me wonder
where your head is at
your spinning out of control
all that's important now
is another meeting in the alley
load the pipe and lock the door

well you won't get my sympathy
don't want to hear it anymore
well I can't make no gauantees
I've heard the lies before

Can't you see what your doing to yourself
got to make the choice
life or a sad end
when you look in her eyes
can't you feel the pain
when your both older now
you'll still feel the pain

well you won't get my sympathy
don't want to hear it anymore
I can't make no gaurantees
now I 'm walking right out the door.
This is another song thaat was written way back in 2003 and was part of the
"some days your the dog, someday's the hydrant ! "album
Mar 2013 · 580
The fiction
Scot Powers Mar 2013
startled by the swiftness
of actions gone awry
standing feeling helpless
as the world goes by
say the wrong thing
at the right time
and you will not have to have
a reason to decline

there comes a time
when truth comes out
but t'was plain for all to see
the fiction that did exist
was between you and me
we played the part of partners
lovers and best friends
acting out of loyalty
more than a feeling

Although many years have passed
and change of attitude
nothing has ever felt the same
since walking in summers dew
when I first caught you with him
my heart it did feel crushed
but it turned out that you'd been
once or twice around the block

As I sit here wondering
am I going insane?
holding court and handling
all the in between's
still I wear a smile
and laugh at life's gift's
looking for direction
not caring where I've been
Mar 2013 · 601
The Night
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Waking from a frightening dream
quaking in the night
who has heard my wordless scream
echo through the night
did I wake someone else
from a pleasant dream
or am I facing all alone
this wordless, pain filled scene

The morning sun,warms my soul
makes me feel alright
the demons can not chase me here
they're only out at night
so I'll make my way
through the day as best as I can
with pleasant thoughts filling me
of good deeds done by man

I can feel the terrors stalking me
as the sun goes down
planning their next attack
when my guard is down
encircle my bed with a charm
I heard once long ago
hair rising on my neck
as the wind begins to blow

Again she comes and stands silent
at the bottom of my bed
holding out her hand to me
beckoning me to my end
so sweet she looks, as she waits
so patiently for me
her lips curl up to reveal
a nightmarish scene
eye teeth longer than the rest
the fear comes rushing in
then she's looking in my eyes
caressing my exposed neck

She sinks her head lower
I can feel her fetid breath
the coldness runs down my spine
I begin to sweat
I struggle in my sheets
trying to get away
silently screaming to myself
then I am awake
I am sure this is just a dream
but I must ask myself
why is my neck so sore
and why have I bled
Mar 2013 · 410
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Standing outside
ignites desire
      fit in
Mar 2013 · 610
Along the way
Scot Powers Mar 2013
When I first met you
a teardrop in my eye
crying gently
as you squeezed my finger tight
we introduced you
to the world the next day
you wrinkled your nose up
and we headed on our way

We'll make mistakes along the way
there's not much more to say
we'll make mistakes along the way
but it's true
we'll always love you

Staring through
the looking glass of time
I can still see you
riding your first bike
the scrapes and bruises
you earned yourself that day
proved to serve you well
on your life's journey

We'll make mistakes along the way
there not much more to say
we'll make mistakes along the way
but it's true
we'll always love you

Looking at you
14 and so alive
seeing you grow up
right before my eyes
the years have come and gone
oh so quickly
it's hard to believe
you'll soon be 18

We'll make mistakes along the way
there's not much more to say
we'll make mistakes along the way
but it's true
we'll always love you
For my daughter.. your a beautiful soul
Mar 2013 · 461
Scot Powers Mar 2013
When I look
in your eyes
I can sense
your desire

a fleeting glimpse
of pleasure sought
no longer afraid
of getting caught

so hold me close
when I am near
whispering what
you want to hear

the language you speak
isn't in words
being with you
its own reward

as we travel
this road together
learning and laughing
round every curve

when we reach
the final stop
look in my eyes
I'll give you my heart
Mar 2013 · 550
The Olden Gods
Scot Powers Mar 2013
They came from above
on chariots of fire
intent on delivering
knowledge inspired

The spaceports were built
seen only from above
scratched from the soil
carved from the rock

We welcomed them openly
praised their light
built statues of tribute
studied the night

They gave us a goal
and then shut us down
seems we were smarter
than they bargained for

When we reached out
and touched the sky
they confused our tounges
so we couldn't fly

They were afraid
of losing their place
aloft in the heavens
Gods out of place

Then they descended
and took for mates
merging within us
create a new race

Mutants were born
then tried to disgrace
the very Gods
who ruled this place

The revolt came swiftly
and from it came
they abandoned the planet
went back whence they came

Ever since that day
we still deny grace
defending the knowledge
keeping them away
Mar 2013 · 709
For Life
Scot Powers Mar 2013
As I was driving
down the country road
the moon seemed to chase me
swiftly I drove

It came without warning
it came with haste
a blinding white spotlight
blazed in my face

Next thing I knew
it couldn't be
I was not where
I was supposed to be

a long way from home
alone in the trees
my car sitting idle
I feel ill at ease

How did I get here
where could I be
confusion and pain
coursing through me

Bruises and cuts
as if I were dragged
all over my body
feeling so drained

who will believe
what happened to me
they will all laugh

I alone know
the reality
another experiment
performed upon me

They have been coming
since I was thirteen
little doctors choosing
to steal from me

All that I am
and what makes up me
keeping for themselves
for their own need

I wonder if they
will be here for life
taking what they want
escape in the night

I know I am not
the only one
to suffer in silence
beaten and robbed

There have been others
and there will be
even more victims
long after me

Maybe some day
they will agree
we're all the same
our species....
Mar 2013 · 589
The Contract
Scot Powers Mar 2013
A contract is a contract
a deed is a deed
for what I am paid
I must complete
that is the way
of life for me
I'll take care of your problem
for a fee

My parents are gone
can bring them no shame
won't leave a mark
on my family name
the family I serve
knows the life well
there is no turning back
the toll of the bell

Innocent victims
do bother me
at least for a while
till the drugs settle me
but it is false
this delaying of pain
at night I can see them
silently asking
"why have you taken
my life from me?"
"in order to feed
your unholy need"

I have no answer
to give to thee
it is just business
at least to me
stalking by moonlight
silently creeping
keep out of sight
my quarry can't see
slip out of the shadows
deliver the blow
disappear in the night
collect my dough

I chose this life
it seemed so cool
but after years
the toll, let me tell
going to hell
a certainty
enjoy myself now
counting money

A wig and some make up
so it can't be seen
who is doing
these dastardly deeds
maybe a pistol
or a knife in the neck
or maybe a bomb
placed in a pack
no matter the way
when I have been paid
there will be no stopping
your life I will take
Mar 2013 · 848
Scot Powers Mar 2013
Waking morning
clear my head
make me some bacon
brain must be fed

Here's to the hog
who gave me his all
a sacrifice for sure
a gift to us all

the aroma that wafts
through the air
hits all my senses
like a drug if I dare

Hog flesh and chicken embryos
a breakfast delight
just have to
start the day right
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